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Posted Wednesday, June 4, 2008 - Post #21820
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I'm just curious as to when will the old suggestion of adding Multiple Sources be implemented?
It would be better and more reliable if two or more sources are to support a fact.
Posted Thursday, June 5, 2008 - Post #21823
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You can attach unlimited sources for an individual, family or picture. For instance, double-click on an individual and click on the Sources tab.

GenoPro also has dedicated source fields, such as the birth source, to help classifying the sources which can be useful in the Table Layout or when generating a report. If you have additional sources to document the birth, then go in the Source tab.

Edited: Friday, June 6, 2008 by GenoProSupport

Posted Thursday, June 5, 2008 - Post #21826
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Also GenoPro sources can be hierarchic, so if you really want two or more sources for say birth data, then first create a parent source as a placeholder (right click on birth source field and choose New Source / Citation) and then create two or more 'child' sources of that parent source to hold actual source information you have (again right click on birth source field and choose New Source / Citation to create each of these, selecting the parent source in the Parent Source drop down list of the New Source / Citation dialog). Finally set the birth source back to the original parent source. Refer the reader to the child sources in the description of the parent source. e.g. 'see references for list of sources for this data'. 

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Thursday, June 5, 2008 by Ron
Posted Saturday, June 29, 2019 - Post #39954
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I come back to the question of Multiple Sources (initial Post #21820). I fully support that there is a need for multiple sources as they can either confirm some facts, or explicit why some doubts exist when two sources differ. It is frequent to have different documents giving ages or DOB for the same person with sometimes large differences. How can you record these to or more sources for one single fact.

A solution was proposed at the time. It is complicated as the steps to arrange multiple sources have to be carefully sequenced, but it works.

Unfortunately it does not really answer the (my) problem. I have use the hierarchival facility to trace the source back to the original document. For instance:

Henri Guillot, born 5 April 1773 Mantry
Source: Registre Paroissial Mantry 1773-04-06 - Subtitle: page 208
Parent: Archives du Jura BMS Mantry 1750-1778 (5E287/73)
Grand Parent: Archives Départementales du Jura

And this precludes using the "parent" functionality as was proposed. A source would need to have multiple parents. This would probably be even more complicated and I doubt very much it could work.

Any chance to have it sorted in a future version of Genopro.


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