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Updated tree not showing at GenoPro website

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Author Recently added several new members of the tree. Same URL shows different result.
Posted Monday, October 28, 2019 - Post #40145
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Saved, backed-up, then generated report. It provided a browser link and when I opened the link the data was correct.
When I opened the link using a different machine, but the same browser and the same link, the data was old and did not include the new information.

I went back to the original computer (Win7) did the report again. This time when it was finished, I copied the link and pasted it into my Gmail server.

When I opened the other computer (Chromebook) and went to Gmail, I found the link and clicked on it. The GenoReport on the Web opened but it was the wrong data again.

Interestingly enough, both machines show the link to be bookmarked in Chrome. The URL's in both are exactly the same.  However, one displays the correct data, the other not so much.

How can I get this to work?
Posted Tuesday, October 29, 2019 - Post #40149
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It is highly likely that your Chromebook has a cached copy of the pages, you need clear the browser cache and try again.

When I last looked the home page of your report on familytrees shows it was produced on 28th October 2019, indicating it has been updated.

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