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I use a Chromebook. I created the family tree with a PC. That PC is long dead. I wish to reference the backed-up copy that can be shown at the website.
When I click on the URL, the GenoPro screen comes up but never opens. It simply flashes. I can even click on a surname and a new window opens, but it only goes to the same URL, and it begins flashing. Since I no longer have a PC, it there anyway that support at GenoPro can find my tree and send me a link to a stable URL?
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Can you please send me the URL you are having problems?
Customers GenoPro version:
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I apologize for not replying to you earlier. I did not get a notification that you responded. It seems email replies now require an additional step.
This is the URL you requested:
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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This is what I see when I click on the link:
Customers GenoPro version:
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This looks like something I did when I first started with GenoPro. It is a line list of all the photos I added. I have deleted those photos quite a while back.
I no longer even update the data because my PC died, and I cannot use my Chromebook to keep it active. I can only view the file on the on your website/ Now I know I have been diligent with saving and backing up all my data when using the PC, so, somewhere, someplace, my tree it is alive, and I just need to displayed on the Web Site you provided. As I wrote originally, when I go to the site, all my stuff is just flashes, it does not allow me the opportunity to open. Not sure what to do, because if what you can display is old and has not been used for a very long tme, it is pretty useless to me. Somewhere in GenoPro there is the most recent Raphael Carrozza Family Tree.
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Your link references a Narrative Report generated last year
 Also on that web folder is a copy of the .gno file corresponding to that report. I have attached this as FamilyTree.gno
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Further to my last post, I also suggest you install an alternative browser other than Chrome on your ChromeBook, e.g. FireFox, and see if that allows viewing of your web page without flickering.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Friday, December 3, 2021
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Thanks for the prompt reply.
Your solution to download Firefox did not work. Since I am on Chromebook and not particularly tech-versed, I selected Linux. Both the 32 and 64 versions went TILT. This is what I get:  Now I must point out that Chrome is not some unknown O.S. and cannot understand why GenoPro cannot work within that O.S. parameters. I understand you probably do not wish to take the time and energy to allow Chrome OS to be used in building the dataset within Chrome, but I am mystified why Chrome is no longer adequate to open a file in GenoPro's web interface.
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I must point out that it is not GenoPro that is not working with the Chrome browser on Chrome OS, but that Chrome is unable to properly display certain HTML web content, including some derived from a GenoPro dataset. Chrome does not exhibit this fault on other platforms such as Windows, and so I would guess that it is Google's implementation of Chrome on Chrome OS that is at fault. Flickering seems to be a common issue on some Chromebooks. I 'googled' 'chrome chromebook flickering' and there are some results indicating flickering on certain websites. And so I looked to see if other browsers could be used.
The Mozilla organisation who release the FireFox browser state that it can be installed on Chromebook see https://www.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/browsers/chromebook/ , hence my suggestion. I do not have access to a Chromebook to validate this. Please also note that the Narrative Report Skin Template used to produce these web reports is not actually part of GenoPro, but is written and maintained by myself, a GenoPro user, and released with GenoPro and on this forum for the benefit of all GenoPro users. GenoPro has the Report Generator facility that enables Skin templates to be executed under GenoPro to produce the various reports. I am still happy to spend time and energy trying to resolve any issues with my Report Skin Templates and indeed any other GenoPro related problem to which I can be of assistance.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"