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Having a hard time telling if this is a viable company and will continue to be viable in the future. If anyone sees this and can direct me to anybody that knows Genopro, please send a message to pdecathe@gmail. com I want to create a wall size chart with a regular inkjet office letter size printer. I have 1600 dna relatives and 10 generations of every branch. I use Wikitree and family search, 23andme and gedcom, geni. I want to show all siblings and descendants pf each generation so I can see a visual to help me decide what and where to research next. For example, i see a new dna relative. How does that fourth cousin living in Norway fit into my family tree, I wonder. The 23andme chart was very useful but is limited to 250 people so that won't work. I could start from scratch with openoffice draw as one option. I can cut, paste, and scotch tape mini trees to my office wall. So, my question is: Is Genopro the way to go or there any other alternatives I should also look at?? Thanks!! Pete in Minnesota 952.201.3513
Edited: Monday, July 25, 2022 by
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GenoPro has been around for some 20 years and so in that sense it is a viable company. How long it will around for in the future is anybody's guess but the author is developing a new version, albeit very very slowly , called GenoProX which shows commitment.
GenoPro's 'Print Layout' option should make it easy to arrange the page tiles of your wall chart to your requirements. Suggest you import your data froma Gedcom export. You have to manually arrange the tree diagram but its Partial Auto-arrange can be used to good effect.
When ready choose your printer with File / Printer Setup.. option and then go to the File / Print Layout... view and choose how many horizontal and vertical pages you would like. You can select branches of your tree and move them around for the best fit onto your letter size page tiles.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Can you post a screenshot of the chart from 23andMe with the 250- person limit? I've used FTDNA and MyHeritage, but not 23andMe so far. The Kinship Calculator and Descendent Reports in GenoPro are very helpful, but if you have 10 generations of ancestors and want to produce wall charts for each set of GGx Grandparents it's going to be a lot of work to create and maintain in the current state of things, and you'll need to use some work arounds to duplicate families on each genomap they need to appear on.
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I have very successful in printing large format (eg: Arch E-size 36-inch by 48-inch), multi-page sheets. This is very useful for review and markup during family gatherings. Suitable for hanging on a wall.
For my example: Begin by installing an appropriate PDF Printer. I have used CutePDF Writer and PDFCreator. Genopro, select File / Page Layout. Landscape. Paper dimension 36 x 48 (that is inches). Printable area 46 x 36. Scale% 47. Horizontal pages 5. Vertical pages 1. Genopro, select File / Printer Setup. Select the PDF printer, such as CutePDF Writer. Size Arch E. Landscape. In Genopro, as appropriate, select View / Display Page Layout. This adds visual indications in the Genopro window to show where the page-breaks will occur. To reinforce the page-breaks, I added a faint faint gray dotted line object into the genogram to help me know where the page-breaks will eventually be. Re-arrange your family tree to best fit within the eventual page-breaks. Never, never, never use Genopro / Tools / Auto Arrange! Keep it all manually positioned. Genopro, select File / Print Preview. Make sure things will visually look as expected. Genopro, select File / Print. Make sure the printer remains selected to your PDF Printer such as CutePDF Writer. Print! The result will be a PDF file of the family tree. A typical filesize of my family tree is 15MB, large due to embedded images of many people. Copy the PDF file to a thumb drive. Take it to your local office store such as Office Depot, Office Max, or many others. At the print store, make sure to review on-screen with the agent that the PDF size and page-breaks will result in something that you expect. Arrange to get a E-size print. I have done both color and also black-white. For a quick check-print, make sure to tell the person to use light-weight or standard paper. For a final print, or to hang on a wall, it might be better to request slightly heavier paper. For example, my 5-page tree, in color, E-size 36x48 cost $40 at the local office store. A quick print, or a smaller size print is much less. I hope I did not leave out a critical step above! I have been happy with this result.
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Along with other printing options like paper Size, Orientation, or Margins, you should also find a section called Scaling. To print your large image on multiple pages, have Paint scale your image to “Fit to” as many pages as you want.