By maru-san - Monday, January 23, 2006
 Have downloaded your latest version (gnoxml2ged.vbs) from and wanted to convert my xml file, but received message such as
Line: 1161 Char: 17 Error: Object required "tag.firstchild" Code: 800A01A8 |
Anything wrong on my file or on your script? What needs to be done?
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Some of the tags have changed during the last beta. I am not sure if this is the source of the problem.
By genome - Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I am currently in the process of making changes to gnoxml2ged.vbs to cater for changes in the XML structure, such as multiple marriages, and also to add new features such as optional export of GenoPro positioning data for validation by re-import of .ged file. I am nearly there but some more testing to do. Hopefully I'll be able post the new version by this weekend for you to try out.
By genome - Friday, January 27, 2006
Ok I now have a revised version of gnoxml2ged.vbs providing an alternative to GenoPro's own gedcom export. This attempts to convert as much as possible to standard Gedcom tags. It also has facilities to hide or omit living individuals and to export just a subset of the GenoMaps. I have used it to import my tree to GenesReunited web site. The optional export of GenoPro position data is purely to allow checking of output. Not all GenoPro data is preserved so don't use it to rebuild your GenoPro files. Use GenoPro export for that purpose as it retains all GenoPro info. There are no guarantees that this will work for you but I will investigate all errors reported. Being a VBScript program you are free to change it anyway you wish.
By IainTait - Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I am preparing to update my tree on the web and need to produce a Ged file to upload to Genes Reunited. I tried with the GenoPro ged export facility but the ged file produced once uploaded to them could not be used. I then downloaded Ron's file and tried again after having exported from GenoPro to xml but got this error. The same thing happened when I expoeted the Data.xml  I managed to import my ged into Legacy last time at Easter and then re-exported to a ged which was accepted by G.R.  This time I get error messages and no marriage details in Legacy. P.A.F didn't import more than a small part of disconnected names with no links at all. I really need to upload to Genes Reunited as it is where most of my new contacts come from. I hope there is a solution somewhere. 
By genome - Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Please see and related posts as I am no longer maintaining the VBScript stand-alone version. If you have problems with this new skin version when it is available I will investigate.
By IainTait - Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thanks Ron, I will wait for the next Beta update and hope for the best.