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Adding external link to home page
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By appleshaw - Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I would like to be able to add an URL on the home page of a Report to direct the viewer to background information. I have tried to do this by adding the address on the Document tab of the Report Generator. Running the Report creates a working link in the file heading.htm but the address appears in plain type in the Output and does not create the link.
Any thoughts/hacks?
By jcmorin - Tuesday, February 28, 2006
My understanding is that you would like to customized the report home page to include HTML formatting with the text.

Here's a work around.

In the document property type the html code you want. Make sure you type <br> instead of "enter" to change line.

In the report it should look like this:

Now edit the skin and change the file home.htm at line 29


</p><p>@[ Report.WriteText doc.Description ]@</p>


</p><p>@[ Report.Write doc.Description ]@</p>

This will write the description directly to the report.

By appleshaw - Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Did the first part and got the modified URL as shown.
Using 15h, where are the skin files? Do I need to use 15g. which still has the home.htm?
By jcmorin - Tuesday, February 28, 2006
In beta 15h the base skins are package inside GenoPro.exe to prevent users from deleting and/or modifying them accidentally.

You can create a new skin based from a built-in skin using the [Edit Skin...] button.

This will create a copy of the skin in a folder. Your custom skins will always be listed first starting with the backslash (\) character.

By appleshaw - Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Thanks for all that. It now works - I just have to create the correct file at the end of the link, instead of the test URL
I should have guessed it would need a bit of html formatting but would never have worked out the rest of it