By 71535 - Friday, June 9, 2006
Who does the translations for You ? I could make the translation into German, if it has not been done yet. How is the procedure ? I will need a report in Italian for my summer holidays, where i want to show and complete "un albero geneaologico" of my Italian relatives in August. How is the status for these reports in multiple languages ? What about the newsletter, did i receive any ? Greetings, Silvia from Germany
By maru-san - Friday, June 9, 2006
71535 (6/9/2006) Who does the translations for You ?
I could make the translation into German, if it has not been done yet.
Silvia from Germany
Have done a translation for the report generator, however due to some grammar issues, needs to be revised once the final report template has been released.
By 157163 - Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Have done a translation for the report generator, however due to some grammar issues, needs to be revised once the final report template has been released. when will that be? but the procedure is still not clear to me. is there anywhere i can find out about that? and i am talking about finding out without understanding programming. ... yours kai
By maru-san - Thursday, July 6, 2006
157163 (7/5/2006)
Have done a translation for the report generator, however due to some grammar issues, needs to be revised once the final report template has been released. when will that be? yours kai
Can not answer this question, since with each new Beta new issues are coming up. Hope to have some proof reading by a friend who is coming over to Japan next week and who is in the publishing business.
By 33601 - Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I nearly finished the translation of the Dictionary.xml, what is the main file, I think. I have to look over it, because the syntax is very MSed : Please tell me, if You are interested in testing it. I would send it to You and afterwards open it to the community, to give back a bit for this great software.
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, July 10, 2007
33601 (7/10/2007)
I nearly finished the translation of the Dictionary.xml, what is the main file, I think. I have to look over it, because the syntax is very MSed  : Please tell me, if You are interested in testing it. I would send it to You and afterwards open it to the community, to give back a bit for this great software. That would be great! We plan to include multiple language dictionaries per report skin. In the meantime, we will include those Dictionary.xml on a page on our website, and perhaps inside the "Narrative Report". For instance, GenoPro can have a file name DictionaryDE.xml. All the user would have is rename DictionaryDE.xml to Dictionary.xml. By the way, I have upgraded the phrase generator today. The new phrase generator is more powerful and simpler to use. With one argument, it is possible to replace many "if...else" combinations. I also plan to write a tool to test the phrase generator. This tool will be extremely useful when translating the narrative report.
By maru-san - Tuesday, July 10, 2007
33601 (7/10/2007)
I nearly finished the translation of the Dictionary.xml, what is the main file, I think. I have to look over it, because the syntax is very MSed  : Please tell me, if You are interested in testing it. I would send it to You and afterwards open it to the community, to give back a bit for this great software. Following page is using a German dictionary.xml
By Erhardt Stiefel - Monday, September 3, 2007
Hello, I did a lot of translation at my German version of the Dictionary.xml before searching this forum. Now I found this Post and the reply from the forummaster. I also looked at the following page using a German dictionary.xml which looks great!
Since I'm not finished yet with my translation I'm very interested in the announced DictionaryDE.xml. Where can I get it? I'd like to test it with my tree and maybe we can merge both of them if there is still missing something ... I haven't published my familytree with GENOPRO2.0 yet but the old version is available at Thanks, Erhardt
By maru-san - Monday, September 3, 2007
Have mailed the dictionary file. To make it work best, it is recommendable to set the gender of places by creating a custom tag (M,F).
By 325077 - Saturday, September 15, 2007
I started looking at GenoPro after some time again and the new version gives the possibility to have the menus in German but I did not find a way to get a German report. Looking it this thread it seems that this has not yet been built in? Or is there any place where I could download the DE dictionary yet... problem is that I have no problems working with an englisch program but to show the html pages to my family might give some problems if they are in English. Would be nice if you could confirm if there is already a place to download this file. Many thanks!
By maru-san - Saturday, September 15, 2007
Try the attached file. It works fine with the latest version.
By jcmorin - Thursday, September 20, 2007
I've try your German version and found and error while generating the report for the sample file Harry Potter. Error in WritePhrase - Not enough arguments for template '{0} [{?6}[{?1}{3}{1}[{?2=Geburtstag}r][{?2=Jubiläum}s]{4} {2}][{?!1}{5}]][{?!6}[{?2=Geburtstag}r][{?2=Jubiläum}s]{2}]'. Argument index {6} is out of range.
By maru-san - Thursday, September 20, 2007
Have used this version on several gno files and never had a problem with this phrase. Can you please send the Harry Potter file by e-mail.
By jcmorin - Thursday, September 20, 2007
Menu Help - Sample File - HarryPotter.gno
By maru-san - Thursday, September 20, 2007
Just tried the Harry Potter file with my German skin and have no problems. Have not modified any other files except for config.xml and style.css If interested will send you the whole skin as a zip file.
By Findus - Sunday, September 23, 2007
Hi, i'm just searching for a german template for my html-report an now i've found this thread 
But i cannot download this dictionary.xml. : : When i click on it, it's only a link to this thread.
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, September 23, 2007
Findus (9/23/2007)
But i cannot download this dictionary.xml. :  : When i click on it, it's only a link to this thread. Have you tried downloading the file Dictionary.xml from
By maru-san - Sunday, September 23, 2007
JcMorin (9/20/2007) I've tried your German version and found an error while generating the report for the sample file Harry Potter.
I wonder whether you could manage to make the report with the zipped skin I sent.
Have made some minor adjustments to the dictionary file:
By Erhardt Stiefel - Monday, October 29, 2007
maru-san (9/3/2007) Have mailed the dictionary file. To make it work best, it is recommendable to set the gender of places by creating a custom tag (M,F).I understand the remark about "gender of places" but I'm not used in creating custom tags. Where can I find an example of the mentioned creation?
By jcmorin - Monday, October 29, 2007
Erhardt Stiefel (10/29/2007) I understand the remark about "gender of places" but I'm not used in creating custom tags. Where can I find an example of the mentioned creation?We have a page to describe the user-defined tags: also: Video Creating Custom Tags
By maru-san - Monday, October 29, 2007
After you have seen the video and help file the custom tag for gender looks like this: 
The shown _Narrative is not required for this.
By Erhardt Stiefel - Sunday, November 4, 2007
This information was very helpful. Ich created my custom Tags already. Thank you!