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Gregorian month appears between Hebrew day and Hebrew year (instead of Hebrew month)
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By Alfi - Tuesday, June 20, 2006
When passing from "Hebrew" to "Hebrew (English)" the Hebrew written month MUST be only transcripted into Latin, but not translated to Gregorian month ! 

30 כסלו MUST BECOME 30 Kislew AND NOT 30 Sep !

A (new) GNO file is also attached !

By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Can you please post a screenshot?  I have taken a look at the .gno attachment and see nothing unsual.  You should always post a screenshot when talking about a visual/display bug.  I use Windows XP English, and it is possible I don't see the same thing in my computer than yours.
By Alfi - Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Look into the WORD attached file !
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I have taken a look at the Word file and see nothing unusual.  Also, I would much prefer you include your screenshot (in the .PNG format) directly in your post.
By Alfi - Tuesday, June 20, 2006
If you do NOT see anything unusual, maybe don't I understand the meaning of passing from "Hebrew" to "Hebrew(English)" ? my opinion, such a date like "31 Dec 2005" should become - under the Hebrew(English) option - "30 Kislew 5766", and NOT "30 Sep 5766". 

GenoProSupport (6/20/2006)
I would much prefer you include your screenshot (in the .PNG format) directly in your post.

How do I do this ???

By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I see what you mean.  I have fixed it, however it will appear in the next update (in a few says, along with Ron's changes).

To post a screenshot, use Ms Paint or