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Picture of a person
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By Yuri Ilyin - Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I would like to show pictures of the people for whom I have pictures on the tree. How to do this?


By Yehudad - Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Yuri Ilyin (11/16/2006)

I would like to show pictures of the people for whom I have pictures on the tree. How to do this?


You can add pictures to people from the "Pictures" tab in a person properties dialog box. Just click the "New" button and add the picture properties and location.

If you want the picture to show on your GenoMap (outside the person properties dialog), it is currently a feature that GenoPro lacks. It was requested on this forum, but it will not be for version 2.

By genome - Thursday, November 16, 2006
You can show pictures on the SVG graphic in the Report see