By genome - Monday, May 7, 2007
Attachment now removed as GenoPro has been released. Better handling to 'to be ' & 'to have' verbs in Dictionary in relation to translation to other languages. Now has singular & plural forms and provision for Spanish 'ser' & estar' translations of 'to be'. - Meta Description & Keyword phases now in Dictionary.xml. Also FramesetSafeguard and 'WriteNarrativeMFU' phrases.
- 'TimelineWrapEvents' option to allow one event per track on timeline. Set to 'N' in Config.xml or Document Custom Tag.
- Fix for IE7 'Overview of Geocoded places' bug.
- Clicking a child name on a family page now causes 'Children' subsection to open and page to scroll to child details.
- SVG pictures on relative path
- Validation of Custom Tags to provide improved error reporting.
There may be more that I have forgotten about! To use unpack the attached zip file into a new 'Custom Skin' folder below your nominated GenoPro Report 'skins' folder. Update 8 May 2007: RC2 has facility to change the Individual tags used to obtain names for the report via Dictionary.xml entries TagNameFull, TagNameFormal, TagNameKnownAs and TagNameShort. Example: change TagNameShort from "Name.Short" to say "Name.FirstAndLast" or just "Name" to use the full name throughout the Report. You can also specify a Custom tag to be used for a name. Update 9 May 2007: Apologies for this rash of release candidates but in a rare moment of inspiration I hit upon a reasonably painless way to allow masculine and feminine forms of phrasing without hopefully causing to much disruption to other translations. The attached skin has this feature. Essentially to 'to be' and 'to have' verb Dictionary Entries and also phrases where the subject is either masculine of feminine can have optional additional copies by appending _F or _M (or even _P) to the default entry name. The attached Dictionary.xml has some extra notes and has ToBe_Past_M and PhBirth_F to serve as examples. Please let me know if I have missed some phrases. These phrases are accesssed via the StrDicMF function in Lang.vbs. May be this will allow someone to produce a French version of the skin for example. Update No2 9 May 2007: Added another little fix to deal with the problem raised by jcguasp back in December regarding place prepositions in French. I have used pattern matching 'regular expressions' in the Dictionary to convert à Le ... to au ... and à Les ... to aux ... e.g. 'à Le Mans to 'au Mans' and 'à Les Lilas' to 'aux Lilas'. This is similar to the way Possessive Proper Noun's are handled. Warning to existing translators: I have changed the delimiters used in the PossessiveProperNoun Dictionary entry. See Dictionary entry PlacePrepositionExceptions (to be renamed LocativeProperNoun) and the notes above it for more details.
By haep - Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Excellent work Ron!, It's working perfect. I couldn't find any error. Thanks a lot! Hugo
By haep - Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Ron (5/7/2007) Update 9 May 2007: Apologies for this rash of release candidates but in a rare moment of inspiration I hit upon a reasonably painless way to allow masculine and feminine forms of phrasing without hopefully causing to much disruption to other translations. The attached skin has this feature. Essentially to 'to be' and 'to have' verb Dictionary Entries and also phrases where the subject is either masculine of feminine can have optional additional copies by appending _F or _M (or even _P) to the default entry name. The attached Dictionary.xml has some extra notes and has ToBe_Past_M and PhBirth_F to serve as examples. Please let me know if I have missed some phrases. These phrases are accesssed via the StrDicMF function in Lang.vbs. May be this will allow someone to produce a French version of the skin for example. Hi Ron, Wow! excellent!, : that means no more changes to the lang.vbs!  In spanish the phrases are: PhBirth  PhNameFriendly PhOnlyChild PhTL_Birth PhChildRank, but here is an additional problem, becuse the gender is reflected too as suffix of the Ordinal phrase, "a" for female (first=primera, second=segunda, etc.) and "o" for male (first=primero, second=segundo, etc.), but not when use Oldest(mayor) or Youngest (menor), there should be some way to know when the oldest and youngest are used to skip the suffix. example: <PhChildRank T="{  }{\U}{0} {1} el/la [{2}][ {3}]o(a) de {4}[ {5}] {6}." /> <PhChildRank_F T="{  }{\U}{0} {1} la [{2}][ {3}]a de {4}[ {5}] {6}." /> <PhChildRank_M T="{  }{\U}{0} {1} el [{2}][ {3}]o de {4}[ {5}] {6}." /><_Ordinal_2 T="segund"/> <!--without suffix --> <_Cardinal_2 T="dos"/> <Child T="hijo" P="hijos" C1="un hijo"/> <Oldest T="mayor" P="mayores" C2="mayor"/> <OldestOrdinal T="{0} {1}"/> <Youngest T="menor" P="menores" C2="menor"/> Using male and female: Ella es la segunda de tres hijos El es el segundo de tres hijos But when a female (or male) is the older or youngest the result is: Ella es la mayora de dos hijos Ella es la menora de dos hijos El es el mayoro de dos hijos El es el menoro de dos hijos Should be: Ella es la mayor de dos hijos Ella es la menor de dos hijos El es el mayor de dos hijos El es el menor de dos hijos |
Thanks Ron, Hugo.
By genome - Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Thanks for the feedback Hugo. I am a little puzzled by your PhChildRank results. If parameter 2 is an ordinal value rather than older, oldest, younger or youngest then parameter 3 should be set to 'oldest' e.g. John is the third oldest of the four children. Are you using the default lang.vbs? If parameter 3 is set the usual way then you could have <PhChildRank T="{  }{\U}{0} {1} el/la [{2}]o(a) de {4}[ {5}] {6}." /> <PhChildRank_F T="{  }{\U}{0} {1} la [{2}][{?3}a] de {4}[ {5}] {6}." /> <PhChildRank_M T="{  }{\U}{0} {1} el [{2}][{?3}o] de {4}[ {5}] {6}." /> |
By haep - Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Ron (5/9/2007)
If parameter 3 is set the usual way then you could have <PhChildRank T="{  }{\U}{0} {1} el/la [{2}]o(a) de {4}[ {5}] {6}." /> <PhChildRank_F T="{  }{\U}{0} {1} la [{2}][{?3}a] de {4}[ {5}] {6}." /> <PhChildRank_M T="{  }{\U}{0} {1} el [{2}][{?3}o] de {4}[ {5}] {6}." /> |
Hi, You are totally rigth Ron, I don't know where my mind was, Sorry for inconvenience and thanks for quick response 
Sincerelly, Hugo
By V.L.o - Friday, May 11, 2007
HY, I don't know if its a typo or a difference in a way of comprehension... Someone was baptized, but His/Hers godparents ARE (not WERE) unless he/her or godparent is deceased. So the sentence should say, He/Her was baptized... his/hers godfather IS... his/hers godmother IS... (unless deceased).
By genome - Friday, May 11, 2007
V.L.o (5/11/2007)
HY, I don't know if its a typo or a difference in a way of comprehension... Someone was baptised, but His/Hers godparents ARE (not WERE) unless he/her or godparent is deceased. So the sentence should say, He/Her was baptised... his/hers godfather IS... his/hers godmother IS... (unless deceased). 'Was' is correct if 'at the time of the baptism event' is implied. But I agree it is open to misinterpretation. Unfortunately the tags Birth.Baptism.Godfather/mother are simple text entries and have no IsDead property, and so the script cannot determine whether they are dead or alive. If this is important to you, you could use the 'godparent of' Social Relationship' instead, which does take acount of the IsDead settings. Also I will change the phrase to say 'was/is' if the Godchild is still alive to reflect this uncertainty.
By V.L.o - Friday, May 11, 2007
Thanks for swift response, it might be language related issue as well as in Croatian its pre-assumed that if you refer about someone in past tense he/she is dead!
By haep - Friday, May 11, 2007
Hi Ron, Feedback: In RC4 there's still missing the gender phrase capability for PhNameFriendly and PhTL_Birth. By the way, do you have any notice from Dan about the issue with the partner translation. (the solution that you give me is working parfect, but I still need to making changes to lang.vbs and family.htm in each new version of the skin)
Thanks Hugo
By genome - Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hi Hugo, I'll add those changes to the version for, including code to handle the partner issue. This should be available early next week.
By jcguasp - Sunday, May 13, 2007
To Ron and Dan, I had a quick look on Ron's latest skin and, as you mentioned, here are a few comments in order to properly manage a French tranlation without any need for modifying Lang.vbs. These are only a few basic comments as I am far from having tested all of the Dic PhPhrases. Thanks for having started to provide some "_F" PhPhrases. It helps.1)PossessiveProperNoun, e.g. Robert's father This function is not at all suited for French translation. Probably Dan is working on this particular problem. Anyway, in FR we say: Le père de Robert. When the ProperName starts with a vowel or an H, i.e. "AEIOUYH", the preposition "de" changes into "d'" as in "Le père d'Yvonne" or "Le père d'Hector". As now, it is impossible to, for example, translate PhParents without modifying Lang.vbs. 2)"his" and "her" as in "His father" In French we're using the possessive adjectives "son" and "sa" which are in agreement with the nouns gender but not in agreement with the Ind gender. For example, "His or Her father" will always be "Son père" because "son", generally speaking, is used with a masculine noun and "sa" for feminine noun, as in "Sa mère" (His/Her mother). Same for "son grand-père", "sa grand-mère", "son parrain" (his/her godfather), "sa marraine" (his/her godmother). Please note that "son" is also used with a feminin noun starting with a vowel, as in "Son occupation est ...". "Ses" is always used for plurial as in "Ses parents" or "Ses grand-parents paternels/maternels". 3)<PhCollectionMFU> For info: theoretically the word "named" should be translatable in agreement with the siblings qty and genders/genders scenarios, i.e. "prénommé" (masc singular), "prénommés" (all masc plurial or a mixture of masc and fem as the masc takes precedence over the fem), "prénommée" (fem singular) or "prénommées" (all fem plurial). At the moment, it's not possible to translate "named". I however managed a correct phrase substituting "named" by an invariable French expression: "se prénommant", but I believe it's not the solution. 4)<PhChildRank> As now, StrChildRank and StrChildRank1 are not at all suitable. A few FR translation examples: - An Ind_M first in line out of 4 children: Il est l'ainé des 4 enfants. - An Ind_F first in line: Elle est l'ainée des 4 .... - An Ind_M last in line: Il est le dernier des ... - An Ind_F last in line: Elle est la dernière des ... - An Ind_M 2nd in line: Il est le deuxième des ... - An Ind_F 2nd in line: Elle est la deuxième des ... The problem is to fit in "ainé/ainée", "le dernier/la dernière" and the articles "le" or "la" associated with the intermediate places. Dan to possibly find another solution/translation if required. 5)PlacePrefix Thank you Ron for the added "au Mans" routine but my post 15331 was only to pinpoint a minor particularity for some Places Towns Names. The PlacePrefix problem is far from over because in French, we're using many prepositions, all depending on the places. There's may be a grammar rule for this but I don't know it. Anyway, the French language is notorious for always having "exceptions to the rule"!. The prepositions I can think of are: - à : used mainly for towns and cities: à Paris, à Montreal, à La Rochelle, à Bombay. Also à Bornéo, ... - à la: used for a few places: à la Martinique, à la Guadeloupe - en: Used mainly for all continents, some countries and provinces/counties: en Europe, en Afrique, en France, en Angleterre, en Auvergne, en Virginie - au: used for countries, some towns and provinces/counties: au canada, au paraguay, au Mans, au Massachussetts - aux: used for a few places: aux Seychelles, aux Açores, aux Etats-Unis - + other prep mainly for sub-places but also for a few places: dans le (Nebraska)/la/les (Antilles)/un/une (ferme)/des ..., sur le/la (lune)/les/un/une/des ... It's endless really! So how do you intend to deal with this simple subject? 6) Month short format I noticed in French, 2 months begin with the same 3 digits: Juin and Juillet (June & July). Could be a bit ambiguous in a short format: Jui 2007! Perhaps Juin could be shorten to Jun? 7) Partner The word "Partner" cannot be translated in the main title of a Fam. It says for one of my couple: "Jean-Claude Guasp & Partner" despite the translation of the Dic string <Partner T="partenaire"/>. 8) PhThey This is just an observation: despite the translation of the <They T="Ils"/> string, "They" still appears in the Report. "They" has to be translated again (twice) in the <PhThey> template phrase to get the right report phrase with "Ils ...". 9) PhSR & PhER As we have 2 genders in FR, i.e. masc and fem, I noticed that some nouns within these PhSR and PhER string lists would need to be segregated for translation: e.g. "Neighbour" is, in FR, "un voisin" (for a masc Ind) and "une voisine" for a fem one. "jealous", for example, needs to be translated to "jaloux" (masc) and "jalouse" (fem) based on the {0h} gender. Going a bit further in, depending on the genders of both Inds {0h} & {2h}, there's may even be a need for: a masc singular, a masc plurial, a fem singular and a fem plurial (same as 3 above). Dan to check this. 10) Minor required changes in Dic: - a <BornAbbr T="b."/> string should be added (similar to <DiedAbbr> . This will entail an extra parameter for <FmtBirth>, <FmtDatesIndividual> and <PedigreeChartDetails>. - a <NoName_F> string should be added because "Unknown" in FR is "Inconnu" (masc) & "Inconnue" (fem). There may also be a need for a similar <Known_F> string but I didn't see/test it yet in a report. In French, it will cater for "connu" and "connue" - in <PhFR_Widowed>, I don't think the text "married" is correct. - in <PhFR_CohabitationAndDecease>, I don't think the text "together together" is correct. - in <PlaceCategory><Landscape>, Dessert to be changed to Desert. - in Genopro, I set up a "Know each other" social relation between 2 Inds. During the Rep Gene, I got an error message saying: "Cannot find PhSR_Know" string in Dic.xml. Perhaps it should point to the "acquaintance" string? 11) Untranslatable data I'm sure you know about this problem. Lets say I've got an Ind born in London with an occupation of mechanic (input in EN). That's fine for the EN report. I then want to generate an FR report. At the moment, there's no facility for translating the PlacePrefix "in" and the words "London" and "mechanic". At the moment, the result is: - Jean-Claude est né à London. This should be: Jean-Claude est né à Londres. - Sa profession est mechanic. This should be: Sa profession est mécanicien. Of course, the same problem will apply from an FR input into an EN report. Keep the good work and Bonne continuation. JC
By genome - Sunday, May 13, 2007
Thanks very much for the feedback Jean-Claude. Until I know the problems, I can't write the solution! Here is my intial response: 1)PossessiveProperNoun, e.g. Robert's father use the rule <PossessiveProperNoun T="(^[aeiouyh].*$)=d'$1:(.*$)=de $1:" /> Note: don't copy and paste this as it includes extra formating to prevent :( being displayed as !(Maybe masculine and feminine rules are required for some languages.) Then use the phrase <PhParents T="{  }[Le père {!0} {!1} {2h}][[{?2} et sa][{?!2}La] mère[{!2}{!0}] {!4} {5h}]." />
2) Possessive pronouns "his" and "her" as in "His father" In most case 'sa' or 'son' can be preset in the Dictionary phrase (e.g. PhParents as above) and the possessive pronoun passed as a parameter can be ignored.(Maybe a need to extend the Dictionary PnP phrases to include the object gender as well e.g. PnP_F_M )
3)<PhCollectionMFU> I will need to pass two additional boolean parameters indicating feminine{4} & plural{5} so we then have something like <PhCollectionMFU T="{0}[[{?0} et ]{1}][[{?0|1}, et aussi ]{2}][[{?0^1},] prénommé[{?4}e][?5}s] {3h}]" / >
4)<PhChildRank> The problem is to fit in "ainé/ainée", "le dernier/la dernière" and the articles "le" or "la" associated with the intermediate places. I will provide for optional f. forms of "Oldest', "Youngest" & "Ordinal_n" Dictionary entries and use StrDicMFU("Ordinal_" & nChildRank, strGender) in Lang.vbs instead of Dic.Ordinal(nChildRank)
5)PlacePrefix So how do you intend to deal with this simple subject? Not a simple solution! But You have a choice of prepositions in the Place Property Dialogue and these are translated via PlacePrefix in the Dictionary. I intend to extend PlacePrefixDefault in the Dictionary so that it is based on Category as per Places and Locations - Narrative Prefix I am working on an extension to the NameDictionary to allow specification of exceptions to Noun cases such as possessive and 'locative' forms, the latter also dealing with prepositions. This can also provide for 'base' or 'root' forms of surnames so that different spellings can be grouped and counted together in an index.
6) Month short format I noticed in French, 2 months begin with the same 3 digits: Juin and Juillet (June & July). Could be a bit ambiguous in a short format: Jui 2007! Perhaps Juin could be shorten to Jun? The short forms are specified in the Dictionary
7) Partner The word "Partner" cannot be translated in the main title of a Fam. It says for one of my couple: "Jean-Claude Guasp & Partner" despite the translation of the Dic string <Partner T="partenaire"/>. 'Partner' is hardcoded into GenoPro but I have a work-around for
8) PhThey This is just an observation: despite the translation of the <They T="Ils"/> string, "They" still appears in the Report. "They" has to be translated again (twice) in the <PhThey> template phrase to get the right report phrase with "Ils ...". I will change use use of "PhThey" to use Dic("They")
9) PhSR & PhER .... Going a bit further in, depending on the genders of both Inds {0h} & {2h}, there's may even be a need for: a masc singular, a masc plurial, a fem singular and a fem plurial (same as 3 above). Dan to check this. I can fix as in 3. i.e. 3 extra boolean params: subject is feminine?, object is feminine? & subject gender = object gender? (i.e. possible plural reqd.)
10) Minor required changes in Dic: I'll correct these. 11) Untranslatable data Translation of a Report skin is one thing, translatation of a Family Tree Report is quite another!The extended NameDictionary will could deal with simple Place names (but not their addresses) but could be extended to Occupation Titles. Free text such as Comments require the compiler to create multiple versions of the text, one for each Language required. I could cater for this as part of the 'Custom Markup' prossessing if the built-in facility is some way off.
By maru-san - Sunday, May 13, 2007
GenoPro is working on the translation of the application itself, and this includes also the translation of the report. I'm sure they will be a couple changes to match non-English language.
GenoPro will probably support English, French, German and Russian while the other languages will supported and maintain by the community.
From this I do understand that Genopro is working on the translation for the mentioned languages. What it does not say whether there will be another report different from what Ron has done so far. From previous postings I also do understand that Genopro is aware of the feminine/masculine problems in other languages than French (like German or Spanish), as per item 2) and 5) from Jean-Claude`s posting. I think we have to wait for a while until such new(?) report is available.
By jcguasp - Sunday, May 13, 2007
Ron, thank you for your reply. I found another problem: order of words. This time is to avoid modif of Util.vbs. I translated in FR, the <Individual T=...> (the one not within <SourceMediaType> and <HeaderAdditionalInformation T=...> strings in Dic. I got this: 
The words translation is fine but the order of words is not. The subtitle should say something like: "Information additionnelle sur individuel". I managed to trace the code in Util.vbs: Report.WriteFormattedLn "<a name='Additional Information'></a><h3 class='xT-i inline'>{&t} {&t}</h3><ul class='xT-h'>", Dic(obj.Class), Dic("HeaderAdditionalInformation") Switching both "Dic(...)" parameters, will give: "Information additionnelle Individuel".
Still not quite correct because: 1) we're missing the preposition "sur" and 2) To avoid further phrases corrections, please also note this typical FR rule: only the 1st common noun (Information in our case) should be capitalized but not all of the words as in EN. Thank you Ron. JC
By Alex - Monday, May 14, 2007
To Ron.
Narrative_2.0.0.5RC4 (and all previous). Message log: Generating report to 'D:\Geno\' Cloning document HarryPotter... Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\Narrative_2.0.0.5RC4\* (English Narrative Report)'... Validating picture cache... Loading dictionary.xml... [0.00] Processing template 'init.htm'... Error at line 168 (init.htm) : Несоответствие типа: '[string: "5.6"]' Ошибка выполнения Microsoft VBScript 800A000D
Without line 168 in 'init.htm' - no error. English Narrative Report and Customized English Narrative Report (English Narrative Report) - no error. ??? (Windows XP SP2 , GenoPro v.
By jcmorin - Monday, May 14, 2007
maru-san (5/14/2007) From this I do understand that Genopro is working on the translation for the mentioned languages. What it does not say whether there will be another report different from what Ron has done so far. From previous postings I also do understand that Genopro is aware of the feminine/masculine problems in other languages than French (like German or Spanish), as per item 2) and 5) from Jean-Claude`s posting. I think we have to wait for a while until such new(?) report is available.GenoPro will translate the application itself, the report skin is maintain almost 100% by Ron, translation of the "popular" skin will probably be maintained by some user such as Jean-Claude. (More will show up each language). If the translation is well done and complete, they translation will be included inside GenoPro, other great skin could be include too. If the number of skin/translation get too big, they will be available as a separate download. The report generator engine is not likely to change, all the work that is currently done to translate the report in French, Spanish... will be keep and probably be included "as is".
By genome - Monday, May 14, 2007
managed to trace the code in Util.vbs: Report.WriteFormattedLn "<a name='Additional Information'></a><h3 class='xT-i inline'>{&t} {&t}</h3><ul class='xT-h'>", Dic(obj.Class), Dic("HeaderAdditionalInformation")
Looks like the '{&t} {&t}' needs to be a Format String in the Dictionary to allow translation. i.e. Report.WriteFormattedLn "<a name='Additional Information'></a><h3 class='xT-i inline'>{&t}</h3><ul class='xT-h'>", Util.FirstCharUpperCase(Util.FormatString("FmtAdditionalInformation", LCase(Dic(obj.Class)))) and in Dictionary.xml: <FmtAdditionalInformation T="{0} Additional Information" /> or <FmtAdditionalInformation T="Information additionelle sur {0}" />
110067 Error at line 168 (init.htm) : Несоответствие типа: '[string: "5.6"]' Ошибка выполнения Microsoft VBScript 800A000D
Can't do the translation but could be a problem when decimal point is comma. I'll check it out.
By jcguasp - Monday, May 14, 2007
Ron, I tried the correction shown in your reply 17724 but I got an error when generating the rep. I changed the syntax from: ..., Util.FirstCharUpperCase(Util.FormatString("FmtAdditionalInformation", LCase(Dic(obj.Class)))) to: ..., Util.StrFirstCharUCase(Dic.FormatString("FmtAdditionalInformation", LCase(Dic(obj.Class)))) and it looks OK. I'm sorry if I'm pinpointing things bit by bit but I noticed something else: The need for a <PhTL_Birth_F> and a <PhTL_Died_F> in Dic. Thank you Ron, JC
By genome - Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Thanks again JC. I wrote that 'off the cuff' without testing so thanks for saving me a bit of timeI'm sorry if I'm pinpointing things bit by bit but I noticed something else: The need for a <PhTL_Birth_F> and a <PhTL_Died_F> in Dic. No need for 'sorry', this is exactly the feedback I need to iron out translation issues.
By jcguasp - Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Ron, here are some more requests for FR translations: 1) <PhEducation> Presently, the param {7} cannot be translated. Even in EN, the phrase seems strange when "passed" & "graduated" have been selected in genopro: 
Looking at the Ind panel Edu tab, I wonder if the "Achievement" field couldn't be deleted because the "passed" option is actually already supported within the "Graduated (passed ..." option in the "Termination" field. If yes, it would then be a matter of adding the option "Failed (Didn't pass the examinations)" in the said "Termination" field and the said "Termination" field may be renamed something like "Termination/Achievement". Worth to look at. 2) <FmtDateRange> I noticed In FR, the preposition changes depending on the date type, i.e. d M Y, M Y or Y (for clarity, I only shown d, M & Y as 1 digit): - <FmtSince> "à partir de {0}" when {0} is in the form of M Y or Y e.g. à partir de mai 1968/1968 - <FmtSince> "à partir du {0}" when d is within {0} e.g. à partir du 12 mai 1968 - <FmtUntil> "jusqu'en {1}" when {1} is in the form of M Y or Y e.g. jusqu'en mai 1968/1968 - <FmtUntil> "jusqu'au {1}" when d is within {1} e.g. jusqu'au 12 mai 1968 - <FmtFromTo> "de {0} à {1}" when {0} & {1} are M Y or Y e.g. de mai 1968/1968 à juin 1975/1975 - <FmtFromTo> "du {0} à {1}" when d is within {0} and {1} is M Y or Y e.g. du 12 mai 1968 à juin 1975/1975 - <FmtFromTo> "du {0} au {1}" when d is within {0} & {1} e.g. du 12 mai 1968 au 15 juin 1975 - <FmtFromTo> "de {0} au {1}" when {0} is M Y or Y and d is within {1} e.g. de mai 1968/1968 au 15 juin 1975 Please note that in some other language(s), a proper segregation may be required for M Y and Y. 3) <PhFamilyWith> With the Config param fHideFamilyDetails="N" and the Dic <Ordinal_1 T="premier">, I got this: 
Not correct. I then changed <Ordinal_1> from "premier" to "première" (because famille is a Fem noun) and added {\U} at start of <PhFamilyWith>. I then got: 
Correct. But the question is: Don't we need, within another subtitle or bit of phrase, something starting with "premier"? Not for translation purposes, but I noticed these small details: 4) on the Timeline, a space should be provided after the occupancies titles (Residence, Address, Work Place, ... ). 5) double space in front of dates as shown: 
I checked the various <Fmt...> templates in Dic but I cannot see any double space in them! I wonder if an Ltrim(...) may be required on some fields? Thank you Ron JC
By genome - Thursday, May 17, 2007
There are some tricky issues here. 1. PhEducation. During the Beta program, the Education Achievement property changed from one with a fixed list of options that could be enumerated/translated via the Dictionary to a free text entry, i.e. you do not have to select from the list as you can type in your own value. I believe the drop down list is now a list of all the values previously used in that .gno file. On a new .gno file the initial options supplied by GenoPro are 'passed' or 'failed'. If you entered Achievement before the GenoPro change then some values are not directly useable. I seem to remember that I did and search & replace on my data to correct this. I will provide Dictionary entries for the special cases 'passed' and 'failed' to provide more suitable text but I suggest they are removed from the default list. I would not like to see 'Achievement' removed as it is often used to give grades. In your example you might want to say 'He passed examinations in 1974 and achieved a 1st Class Honours Degree.'
So I think Achievement should be blanked when the Termination provides the achievement. But in line with your thinking I would like to see 'Unqualified' added to the Termination list and perhaps "Failed" as well.. We could then say 'He left without gaining any qualifications in 1974.' or 'He left, after failing the exams, in 1974. 'He left in 1974 without gaining any qualifications.' seems better but this order does not fit with the other Termination reasons. 2. FmtDateRange The phrase generation here is built into GenoPro. Perhaps what is needed is extra optional formatting options: <FmtSince> à partir du {0}</FmtSince> <!-- used as default when no other match --> <FmtSinceYM> à partir de {0}</FmtSinceYM> <FmtSinceY> à partir de {0}</FmtSinceY> <FmtUntil> jusqu'au {1}</FmtUntil> <!-- used as default when no other match --> <FmtUntilYM> jusqu'en {1}</FmtUntil> <FmtUntilY> jusqu'en {1}</FmtUntil> "<FmtFromTo>" should be split into <FmtFrom> and <FmtTo> to avoid to many variations and then <FmtFromTo> used to join the two. i.e. <FmtFrom>du {0}</FmtFrom> <!-- used as default when no other match --> <FmtFromYM>de {0}</FmtFrom> <FmtFromY>de {0}</FmtFrom> <FmtTo>au {0}</FmtTo> <!-- used as default when no other match --> <FmtToYM>à {0}</FmtToYM> <FmtToY>à {0}</FmtToY><FmtFromTo> {0} {1}<FmtFromTo> |
This is a GenoPro Report Generator code change. It would be possible to add a VBScript skin solution by using another regular expression substitution from the Dictionary e.g. <ConvertDateSpan T="de (\d* \w*) à ([a-z]*|(\d*$))=du $1 à $2:de (\d* \w*)=du $1:"en (\d* \w*)=au $1:" />
This example deals with the first of your from-to examples and the 'since' and 'until' formats
3) <PhFamilyWith> Difficult one this. We need a way of optionally indicating the required gender of particular parameters being passed to the phrase. The phrase in question is: <PhFamilyWith T="{3}{0} [{1} ]family with {2}" />
If we could have say <PhFamilyWith T="{\U}[{1} ]family {0} avec {2}" G1="F"/>
and a way of reading the attribute G1 we would have a solution. For this we need Dic.Lookup or the default Dic, to have an optional 2nd parameter giving the attribute to be obtained. This would allow other attributes to be easily added to Dictionary entries in future As an interim work-around, if Dan cannot implement this in a short timeframe, we could use the existing Cn attributes that are normally used to denote cardinal forms. Therefore we can write instead <!-- 0=Name's, 1=first|second|third|..., 2=spouse name 3=prefix --> <PhFamilyWith T="{\U}[{1} ]family {0} avec {2}" C1="F"/>
I can then add code to read C1 and supply the cardinal number parameter {1} in the required gender. C1 would be optional so as not to affect other translations if not required. This technique might well be useful in translations to other languages. So if any translators out there can see where they can use this, please get in touch. 4. I'll check & correct this. 5. I too have noticed the double spacing. On investigation I noticed <FmtYMD>[|about |before| after] MMMM D, yyyy</FmtYMD>
should be <FmtYMD>[|about |before|after ]MMMM D, yyyy</FmtYMD>
Maybe this is the problem.
By genome - Friday, May 18, 2007
Supplementary response to my earlier post: 1. PhEducation. I should have looked at my code more closely!. I had forgotten that the old Achievement enumeration values where moved to PhEA_ prefixed phrases in the Dictionary. I believe all I need to do is add PhEA_passed and PhEA_failed to these. 2. FmtDateRange. To provide a complete a solution for this I need to know how you are handling approximate dates i.e. what are your translated Dictionary entries for <FmtDateRange> <FmtYMD>[|about |before |after ]MMMM D, yyyy</FmtYMD> <FmtYM>[|about |before |after ]MMMM yyyy</FmtYM> <FmtY>[|about |before |after ]yyyy</FmtY> <FmtMD>[|about |before |after ]MMMM D</FmtMD>
By genome - Saturday, May 19, 2007
More on French date ranges. Having looked more closely at this issue I am abandoning a regular expression substitution solution. It looks even more complex than I thought at first. Maybe I need further guidance on French grammar from any of our French speakers (Jean-Claude (x2) or Dan?) Playing with Google Translate I get the following examples: from Jul 1960 to 21 Oct 1970 => de jui. 1960 au 21 oct. 1970 from Oct 1960 until Apr 1970 => à partir d'oct. 1960 jusqu'à à avr. 1970 from Oct 1960 to Apr 1970 => d'oct. 1960 à avr. 1970 from Jul 1960 to about 21 Oct 1970 => à partir de jui. 1960 environ au 21 oct. 1970 from 21 Oct 1960 until 13 Apr 1970 => à partir du 21 oct. 1960 jusqu'au 13 avr. 1970 from before 21 Oct 1960 until after 13 Apr 1970 => de avant le 21 oct. 1960 jusqu'à l'après le 13 avr. 1970
A possible solution is to change the date span formatting phrases to have the date format each in form: <FmtDateRange> <FmtSinceYMD> [à partir du |environ du |de avant le |de l'après le ]d MMM yyyy</FmtSince> <FmtSinceYM> [à partir de |environ du |de l'avant |de l'après ]MMM yyyy</FmtSinceYM> <FmtSinceY> [à partir de |environ de |de avant |de après ]yyyy</FmtSinceY> <FmtUntilYMD> [jusqu'au |jusqu'à environ le |jusqu'à l'avant le |jusqu'à l'après le ]d MMM yyyy</FmtUntil> <FmtUntilYM> [jusqu'à à |jusqu'à environ le |jusqu'environ à |jusqu'à l'avant |jusqu'à l'après ]MMM yyyy</FmtUntil> <FmtUntilY> [jusqu'en |jusqu'environ à |jusqu'à avant|jusqu'à après]yyyy</FmtUntil> <FmtFromYMD>[du |environ du |de l'avant le |de l'après le ]d MMM yyyy</FmtFrom> <FmtFromYM>[de |environ du |de l'avant |de l'après ]MMM yyyy</FmtFrom> <FmtFromY>[de |environ de |de avant |de après ]yyyy</FmtFrom> <FmtToYMD>[au |environ au |à l'avant le |à l'après le ]d MMM yyyy</FmtTo> <FmtToYM>[à |environ au |à l'avant |à l'après ]MMM yyyy</FmtToYM> <FmtToY>[à |environ à |à avant |à après ]yyyy</FmtToY> <FmtFromTo> {0} {1}<FmtFromTo> |
Some post formatting conversion is still required to change say de avril 1970 environ au août 1971 to d'avril 1970 environ à l'août 1971 Fortunately these regular expression substitutions are simpler 'de ([aeiou])'=d'$1', 'du ([aeiou])=d l'$1' and 'au ([aeiou])=à l'$1' I only have schoolboy French from over forty years ago and so there must be some schoolboy errors in the above!
By jcguasp - Saturday, May 19, 2007
Ron, thank you for your reply. I'll study your answers in detail and will come back to you if required. In the meantime, some more FR translation issues. 1) For info, I added, in Dic, the supported _F phrases for <PhPL_adopted> and <PhPL_foster>. 2) <TheyAlso> The way this phrase is offered for translation is not really suitable for the FR language. The translation T="Aussi ils" (literally "Also they") is not a smart one. A better grammar construction would be T="Ils {?} aussi" where {?} should replace "ont" (have), "avaient" (had), "sont" (are) or "étaient" (were) depending on the phrases. Up to Dan to possibly choose an other word for "aussi" in order to possibly avoid the addition/insertion of the {?} param, e.g.: "Additionnellement, ils" or "En addition, ils". 3) <Twins> Depending on the Inds gender, the translated FR words are: - For 2 Masc Inds or 1 Masc and 1 Fem, T="jumeaux" (masc plurial noun (Masc takes precedence on Fem)) - for 2 Fem Inds, T="jumelles" (fem plurial noun) As I've not a clue how to technically translate the associated "fraternal" and "identical" adjectives, I foresee that we'll need some agreement/accords such as: jumeaux fraternels jumelles fraternelles 4) <FmtDateRange> I already posted the subject but I forgot to mention some slight variations when some FR months start with a vowel: avril (april), août (august) and octobre (october). In this case the basic syntaxes, already mentioned, should change from: - <FmtSince> "à partir de {0}" when {0} is in the form of M Y or Y e.g. à partir de mai 1968/1968 - <FmtFromTo> "de {0} à {1}" when {0} & {1} are M Y or Y e.g. de mai 1968/1968 à juin 1975/1975 - <FmtFromTo> "de {0} au {1}" when {0} is M Y or Y and d is within {1} e.g. de mai 1968/1968 au 15 juin 1975 to: - <FmtSince> "à partir d'{0}" when {0} is in the form of M or M Y e.g. à partir d'octobre 1968 - <FmtFromTo> "d'{0} à {1}" when {0} is M or M Y e.g. d'avril 1968 à août 1975 - <FmtFromTo> "d'{0} au {1}" when {0} is M Y or Y and d is within {1} e.g. d'août 1968 au 15 octobre 1975 In short, "de " must be replaced with "d'" when in front of avril, août and octobre months. Ron, this is similar/identical to the more general rule you created; <PossessiveProperNoun T="(^[aeiouyh].*$)=d'$1 .*$)=de $1:" /> The FR translations you're asking for are: <FmtYMD>[le|environ le|avant le|après le] d MMMM yyyy</FmtYMD> <FmtYM>[en |approx. en|avant|après] MMMM yyyy</FmtYM> <FmtY>[en|approx. en|avant|après] yyyy</FmtY> <FmtMD>[le|approx. le|avant le|après le] D MMMM</FmtMD> No problem with these ones because no need for prepositions, therefore no change. "approx." may not be the smartest translation but it suits my humble person fine . Up to Dan's critism or approval. Addition: 5) Double space in front of dates (topic 17769 point 5) Ron, I generated a rep with the EN embedded skin of I then edited one of my created Ind.htm file and discovered, in some places in the file, some additional " " as in this extract: Claude lived in <a href='place-place00020.htm' onclick='showPopUpFrame("");' target='popup'>Noisy-le-Sec</a> for seven years and two months from July 10th, 1957 to September 1964.</div><br /> May be the problem is from within Genopro? or I may have a virus? JC Thank you, JC
By genome - Sunday, May 20, 2007
Thanks again fo the feedback, hopefully we are getting close to a French skin now! 2) <TheyAlso> I now wonder why I have "They" & "Also" as Dictionary entries but also there is "TheyAlso". The latter seems superfluous. I will change the the phrases currently using "TheyAlso" to have these as separate terms allowing you to place "aussi" after the verb. 3) <Twins> I need to allow for a feminine/masculine version of the the Dictionary "Twins" entry. We will also need entries for Fraternal_F, Identical_F, and maybe Fraternal_M, Identical_M for other languages. These will be in the ReportGenerator section of the Dictionary, not the Enumerations section. 4) <FmtDateRange> d' is covered in my earlier post. Thanks to the other details. 5) Double space in front of dates (topic 17769 point 5) is the HTML 'non-breaking space' entity and certainly not a virus. I believe The GenoPro Report Generator replaces all occurences of multiple spaces with one or more entities followed by a space. This is to prevent the browser treating multiple spaces as a single space as it might otherwise do if the had not been substituted. I almost have a new skin ready that handles all the points you have raised. It may not be ready for but if not I will post it here.
By Nand - Monday, May 21, 2007
Just looked at JC's example above and realised it should be "à Paris, à Toulon, à Glasgow, ..." for cities, "au Congo, au Vénézuela, au Portugal, ..." for countries, but "en France, en Espagne, en Italie" and I don't recall what the rule is. Doesn't make it any easier I guess.
By GenoProSupport - Monday, May 21, 2007
Translation of narrative phrases is the most difficult thing.
By Nand - Tuesday, May 22, 2007
(Strange, I don't see my previous reply any longer. Was it moved?)
I think I got the rule. Its gender and quantity based.
For "la" France it is "en" France. For "le" Portugal it is "au" Portugal. For "les" Pays-Bas it is "aux" Pays-Bas. (thanks to Delsu, speed is never good)
By Delsu - Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Nand (5/23/2007)[hrFor "les" Pays-Bas it is also "au" Pays-Bas. "les" -> "aux".  Hi everybody, This program seems to be wonderfull !!! Where can I download the French translated files to use it in my native language ?