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Picture Maps
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By El Matao - Sunday, June 10, 2007
Translating Dictionary.xml to Spanish, I've found "PictureMapHint". Looking for it, I've found there exist code in util.vbs to add a link between a picture and a map (I think in order to hyperlink between diferent people in a picture and it's own page, by example)

But I haven't found any further reference in how to create those maps, and how to link them to an specific picture.

Is this a future feature?

thanks in advance.


By maru-san - Sunday, June 10, 2007
You may have to read following thread:
and try your hand on it, its easy.
By El Matao - Monday, June 11, 2007
Thank you very much maru-san, I've created the _AreaMap custom tag for the Picture element and created a sample map, with and without hrefs and it worked great.

Obviously it needs a bit of work with complex pictures, as classmates photographs, but it ... (how I can say in English "merece la pena")
