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Putting djvu image into a report

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Author How to link an image to personal data
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Post #17152
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appleshaw (3/29/2007)
I found that the easiest way to get the report generator to find the image was to place it in the top level of the Customised skin that you use. GenoPro itself does not recognise it, so presumably it is not picked up when the report is generated. You can place it in an images directory but this then confused the link from the image in the report

I'm not sure what you mean by "place it in the top level of the Customised skin that you use" as this his would perhaps indicate that it can only be put in the home.htm ?

Could you help with a few more details on how to do this as I only managed to put a link to the image on my hard drive.

I hardly dare ask "Ron the Guru" to have a look at this idea as he has already produced so many amazing improvements to the report generator. Blush

Edited: Thursday, March 29, 2007 by IainTait

Posted Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Post #17153
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Sorry I was not more explicit. It needs to be put with the GenoPro2007 files, so that GenoPro can find it when generating the the report. So in my case it is in

c:\Program Files\GenoPro2007\Skins\Customized English Narrative Report.

By saying root I mean do not put it in the sub-directories such as images, or the djvu link will not work.
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Post #17155
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maru-san Just to show that the djvu image can be shown the same way a SVG chart, a google map or a timeline can be seen in the popup frame:

Fabulous idea but I can't figure out how to get the image in the lower frame as you show.

All I have managed so far is to put a link in the comments but even with the image in the skin folder I can't get the report generator to copy it and I had to copy it myself after generation. (This opens in the individual page.)

I would really appreciate some help here as I am a complete duffer at programming and only capable of copying and pasting bits of code from elsewhere but not of knowing how to write it.

Edited: Thursday, March 29, 2007 by IainTait

Posted Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Post #17156
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IainTait (3/29/2007)
I hardly dare ask "Ron the Guru" to have a look at this idea as he has already produced so many amazing improvements to the report generator. Blush

Have asked Ron already about this a few weeks ago and here is what he came up with:

I have put something together that I believe satisfies your requirement. I
have taken an existing generated file gmap_place.htm and changed it to
provide a skeleton file for your name.htm files. The file multimedia.htm
attached is an example with an embedded flash move, the GenoPro promo. The
2nd file 'multimedia1.htm' simply has a jpg taken from your familytrees
site. This is to illustrate the resize feature that I have 'borrowed' from
the Google Maps page, hence the reference to class 'googlemap' and
id='GoogleMap'. These names must be used to make the resize work. Other
media objects may possibly resize in this way (i.e. set their width & height
to 100%). I could change the 'GoogleMap' reference to 'MultiMedia' in the
skin if your think this feature would be popular. I have tested these htm
files using a Source 'URL' field in a report and they work fine.
Just replace the <object>...</object> with your own multimedia object. Also
set the title and remove text 'Embed media file object here'. The background
for the htm is taken from 'style.css' as you are aware.

Above is about 2 months old. Preciously I just had the DJVU file accessed directly from Source `URL` field, which can also work.

The link to the individuals should be set to "Same Window", however will investigate further here.

This htm file (please rename) is accessed again from the Source `URL` field.

If you want to use a link, then both the htm file and the DJVU file need to be in the root directory of your skin. If not link is used the DJVU file can be placed into another folder, but the path in the htm file must be set properly.

Edited: Thursday, March 29, 2007 by GenoProSupport

Posted Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Post #17157
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maru-san (3/29/2007)
This htm file (please rename) is accessed again from the Source `URL` field.

If you want to use a link, then both the htm file and the DJVU file need to be in the root directory of your skin. If not link is used the DJVU file can be placed into another folder, but the path in the htm file must be set properly.

Wow, that was quick !Tongue:

Thanks a lot, I will try and get my head around it all tomorrow as it is getting late.

This generator thing just never stops to amaze me.Hehe

Edited: Thursday, March 29, 2007 by GenoProSupport

Posted Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Post #17159
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Please note that this set up can also be used to publish images, flash files and video clips.

The width of the djvu file was set to 100%, whereas the height was set to 320 (pixels, not percentage) in my set up.

Edited: Thursday, March 29, 2007 by maru-san
Posted Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Post #17161
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2nd file 'multimedia1.htm' simply has a jpg taken from your familytrees
site. This is to illustrate the resize feature that I have 'borrowed' from
the Google Maps page

I tried the multimedia set up but can't get my image to show up in the new window as all I get is the title and below that thename of the image.

Please could you post the part of the code in the above htm that deals with the image as I am obviously missing something.

Posted Friday, March 30, 2007 - Post #17162
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Following is the code from the sample Ron prepared:

"h3 id='subtitle'>Put your Title Here/h3

"div style='text-align: center;'
div class='googlemap' id='GoogleMap'>
img src='yourpicture.JPG' width='100%' height='100%'/

Please replace the name `yourpicture` with the picture you want to show.
You have to put the < and > into proper places.

Edited: Friday, March 30, 2007 by maru-san
Posted Friday, March 30, 2007 - Post #17164
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maru-san (3/30/2007)
Following is the code from the sample Ron prepared:


"h3 id='subtitle'>Put your Title Here/h3

"div style='text-align: center;'
div class='googlemap' id='GoogleMap'>
img src='yourpicture.JPG' width='100%' height='100%'/

Thanks for the code, unfortunately I can't get it to work, but I found the code below on appleshaw's web page at his link at the top of this page, which does work :-

<object classid="clsid:0e8d0700-75df-11d3-8b4a-0008c7450c4a" width=100% height=100%>
<param name="imageURL" value="sinclair-tait-family.djvu" >
<embed SRC="sinclair-tait-family.djvu" type="image/x.djvu" width="100%" height="100%" zoom="100%">

I would now like to know how to  link the djvu to the people in the tree as I am no expert on link language and if possible make the image open in the bottom frame like the svgs.

Though I don't have many group photos, I am trying to think of other possible uses of this djvu system which seems to have a lot of potential.

Edited: Friday, March 30, 2007 by IainTait

Posted Friday, March 30, 2007 - Post #17175
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maru-san (3/29/2007)
[quote][b]Just to show that the djvu image can be shown the same way a SVG chart, a google map or a timeline can be seen in the popup frame:

Fabulous, but please could you help me by explaining how you did this.Blush

I have managed to create the djvu image with links and text boxes but can't figure out how to get this image to show up like you have here.

Edited: Friday, March 30, 2007 by IainTait

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