By Yehudad - Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Is there any way that the messages orientation will be RTL? Translating to Hebrew has several limitations which I hope that can be resolved. 1. I just translated the opening message (a few tips to start with GenoPro). It would be nice if it can be aligned to the right (as other messages), if it is possible. 2. It is impossible to use non-Hebrew term in the sentance, because it messes the sentance structure. This is why I have to write GenoPro in Hebrew letters (ג'נופרו) instead of using it in the sentance I'm translating. I think that the RTL definitions will help in this case, too.
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I am glad you are writing about this, because I was expecting someone to mention this issue. Since I don't understand Hebrew, I don't know what to do. Can you tell me what you would like GenoPro to do regarding text direction? I can fix GenoPro to display text in the right direction. I can also send you a private build so you can test if it is correct for you.
By Yehudad - Wednesday, August 1, 2007
GenoProSupport (8/1/2007)
I am glad you are writing about this, because I was expecting someone to mention this issue. Since I don't understand Hebrew, I don't know what to do. Can you tell me what you would like GenoPro to do regarding text direction? I can fix GenoPro to display text in the right direction. I can also send you a private build so you can test if it is correct for you. It is hard to tell : : I don't know if a simple alignment to the right of the text will do... 
This is how the opening screen looks like. First, The text is being read from right to left, but the alignment is to the left, so there should be an alignment to the right. You also can see that the period at the end of the sentance is displayed at the begining of the sentance (the period should be the first character on the left. Not the first on the right. While the "-" sign should be the opposite - the first character on the right side. Another problem that you can see (but probably not understand : is in the sentances with the hotkey characters. The non-Hebrew character 'F' is breaking the sentance. The words which are to the right of the 'F' are actually at the end of the sentance and should be after the last word ("האות") on the left. I'm a programmer, and in my development tool, I have an option to put an indication of a RTL field. I am not sure what is happening "behind the scene" to affect the text to show correctly - whether it is simply an alignment thing or rebuilding the text with special logic. Do you have such an option? Do you happen to know what happens in html with the directive: "direction=rtl"? It displays the Hebrew OK in HTML pages. I'm sure that together we will find the solution...
By beraha - Wednesday, August 1, 2007
The same problem exists when I type an Hebrew paragraph on the "Comments" fields inside Genopro. Maybe it's possible, to put a checkbox above each "comments field" to choose between RTL and LTR.
By Yehudad - Wednesday, August 1, 2007
beraha (8/1/2007)
The same problem exists when I type an Hebrew paragraph on the "Comments" fields inside Genopro. Maybe it's possible, to put a checkbox above each "comments field" to choose between RTL and LTR. I think that the problem is not just a check box. I guess that all the "Hebrew" software have a special mechanism inside which deals with the RTL issue. When you have the logic, then it is not a problem how you give the user the ability to implement it. I hope that Dan will be able to find the way to display the Hebrew text properly. Then it can be implemented in any way you want.
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Would that be better? I mean, is GenoPro displaying the text OK now? I am sure the menu and the scrollbar are not correct, but step-by-step, I will do my best fo tweak GenoPro to display Hebrew text.
By fbukolyi - Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Dan there is an article here, which may give some hint (especially if you have time to read this book 
UPDATE: IBM has a quite short and quick summary of bi-directional support:
By Yehudad - Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I'm speechless  It looks great! What did you do? and how can I make my fonts be that big?
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 2, 2007
This is great. I made a private build at This build should display the text properly, including the names in the family tree. I am sure there are still other issues such as the menus, dialogs, table layout and scroll bars, however this is a first. Write me what is missing and I will do my best to fully support RTL. Yehudad (8/2/2007) how can I make my fonts be that big?By spinning the mouse wheel! :
By Yehudad - Thursday, August 2, 2007
OK. As far as I can see the messages are displayed correctly. Now for the menus : : 
This is the export (File > Export) menu. As you can see, items 1 and 3 are incorrect. XML and GEDCOM should be on the left and not on the right. Do your magic... : : :
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 2, 2007
I think I partly fixed the menus. If you download & install you should get the improvement. At the moment, I do not have control where the sub-menu will show up, so I will leave the right arrow as is. In the future, 2008 or 2009, I will re-write my own code for the menus, and will be capable to create nicer menus.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 2, 2007
I am working on different settings. I just changed a few lines of code and got the following. Notice the icons are all screwed up, and the text "GenoPro 2007" is flipped backward. Other options give stranger results, including missing icons in the toolbars and very strange drawing.
By Yehudad - Thursday, August 2, 2007
The first example is just fine. It looks real good. Whenever you will have the time to improve it it will be great. It is very good, in my opinion, for now. Can you do the same thing in the status bar? Thanks!
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 2, 2007
Yehudad (8/2/2007) Can you do the same thing in the status bar?Sure. I made a new update at for the status bar. What about the Table Layout?
By Yehudad - Thursday, August 2, 2007
The Table layout is more complecated. 
As you can see there are Hebrew and English in the table layout. Do you have control on each column or at the whole table layout?
By GenoProSupport - Friday, August 3, 2007
I agree the Table Layout is more complicated. My question is "What is the right thing to do?" Would flipping everything the best, say like the screenshot below (of course, I would have to adjust the text, however I am asking as a "generic layout").
By Yehudad - Friday, August 3, 2007
My opinion - don't touch it now. Leave it for later versions. In the other cases there was one language, now there are two which are opposite to the other. In the current settings the Hebrew is displayed OK, only it is aligned to the left. In the screen capture that you posted it is being displayed the wrong way.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, August 3, 2007
Yehudad (8/3/2007) In the screen capture that you posted it is being displayed the wrong way.I agree. What about this one? Assuming Hebrew text is being displayed in the columns.
By Yehudad - Friday, August 3, 2007
It looks great. Again - when it comes to one displayed language there is no problem. But if there is more than one language (I'm writing the names in my tree in English) at least for one of the languages the display will be wrong.
By Yehudad - Saturday, August 4, 2007
What about the dialog boxes? Can it be done there, too?
By Yehudad - Thursday, August 9, 2007
I just noticed a problem with the RTL version. 
Notice how in the date is wrong. The date is on the right insted of left (Feb 2002 10 and not 10 Feb 2002). You can also see on the labels that the period (.) is on the left and not on the right.
By Yehudad - Sunday, August 12, 2007
Any comment from GenoPro Support about this bug? : :
By GenoProSupport - Monday, August 13, 2007
I made several improvements to support Right-to-Left text. Can you try downloading & installing again?
By Yehudad - Monday, August 13, 2007
Downloaded and instaled. I saw that the menu's are from right to left. The bug is still there, though. I think that the GenoMap should be RTL only when it is a new document - because of the Hebrew message, but when there is an active file it can be LTR again. It will solve the dates problem.
By GenoProSupport - Monday, August 13, 2007
Yehudad (8/13/2007) I saw that the menu's are from right to left. The bug is still there, though.Please send me a sample file. I will show you what I get on my computers. Something is very strange: on one machine, I get a different layout from the other machine. Both are running Windows XP. I think that the GenoMap should be RTL only when it is a new document - because of the Hebrew message, but when there is an active file it can be LTR again. It will solve the dates problem. Thanks for the suggestion. I will try to fix it. Question: What about the scrolling of the Table Layout. I think I need to invert the left and right arrows. Correct?
By Yehudad - Monday, August 13, 2007
GenoProSupport (8/13/2007) Please send me a sample file. I will show you what I get on my computers. Something is very strange: on one machine, I get a different layout from the other machine. Both are running Windows XP.I just sent a sample file by email. Maybe the problem is in the PC regional settings. Question: What about the scrolling of the Table Layout. I think I need to invert the left and right arrows. Correct? The scrolling is OK. It's working - don't touch : :
By GenoProSupport - Monday, August 13, 2007
Here are two screenshots of your .gno file using the same I have two machines running XP, the first having installed extra language packs (which produces incorrect results). The second screenshot was taken from Windows XP having almost not installed anything. When I run GenoPro on Windows 2003 Server, I get the correct result (same as the second screenshot). 
By Yehudad - Monday, August 13, 2007
This is exactly the problem! In the first screenshot the Hebrew is correct but the dates are wrong. In the second screenshot the dates are displayed OK, but the Hebrew is backwards!
By GenoProSupport - Friday, August 24, 2007
Just to let you know I have not forgotten about this issue. I had to release the newsletter and version in a hurry (before the end of the month) and I am going away for the weekend. I will resume the RTL text issues on Monday.
By Yehudad - Saturday, August 25, 2007
Enjoy your weekend. I'm not worried. I know that every problem I had you solved... : :
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Yehudad (8/13/2007) In the first screenshot the Hebrew is correct but the dates are wrong. In the second screenshot the dates are displayed OK, but the Hebrew is backwards!I am having difficulties having the text of the second screenshot correct. Regardless what I do, the Hebrew text is always backwards. Do you have a specific version of GenoPro, perhaps a beta, where the text was displayed correctly? I have two computers, both running Windows XP Pro, and they display the text differently. I tried many things and I am not able to get anything right on the second machine. I wonder if GenoPro is displaying Hebrew text fine for you. Posting screenshots will help.
By GenoProSupport - Wednesday, August 29, 2007
I have been pulling my hair to find out what is going wrong... and I stopped because I don't want to go bald. I made an update which has several improvements to display Hebrew text: 1) The graphical tree should display the dates properly, whatever the date is expressed in English or Hebrew. 2) The input field to type the date has also been improved to display the date as it should be. 3) I made a few changes how the text is displayed, however I am not sure if this will work on your machine. I have two computers, and it is working on one computer but not the other. Please give me feedback on this. If you download & install version at, you will get the modifications.
By Yehudad - Saturday, September 1, 2007
It seems that the problem was solved. The Hebrew is displayed correctly and the dates are OK, too. I will test it some more to see if I find problems.
By beraha - Saturday, September 1, 2007
Here is a samll problem on ver The "Day" should be before the "Month" (On the right). Not after it.
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, September 2, 2007
Thanks for pointing this out. To display the date in proper order, GenoPro would have to use the Hebrew digits/numbers. Mixing Hebrew text with Latin text gives strange results. Are there anything else missing?
By beraha - Sunday, September 2, 2007
GenoProSupport (9/2/2007) Are there anything else missing?Well, It is not so common in hebrew to display the "Hebrew year" in "digits". (e.g - 5767 for the gregorian year 2007 jan-sep) In fact, it's very funny, and if you'll ask most people in Israel what is the current "hebrew year" in "digits", They will not know the answer. I suggest to add a built-in "translator" to convert those digits to "Letters", and display the "letters" format instead. for example: 5767 = תשס"ז 5766= תשס"ו 5765= תשס"ה You can find a sample of an hebrew calendar to see the way a "Year" is displyed at: