By genome - Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Attached is an updated Descendants Report (Beta) skin for use with GenoPro Simply unpacked the attached zip file into a folder below your GenoPro Skins folder and select it when generating a report. Main changes are to the templates. They now only use user-defined styles and, hopefully, this will overcome the issue with non-English versions of MS Word, but I have not been able to test this. Other changes are: - default font is now the same as that used for GenoMaps but can be changed via config params.
- routine to handle multi-lingual fields (eg. {?EN:good day}{?FR:bonjour}) added but not sure that it is applied to all required fields.
- routine to strip html bits from 'Custom Markup' fields (e.g. <?html?> etc.).
- Tweaks to layout.
- Dictionary aligned with Narrative Report version.
I still need to check through the previously reported errors but feel free to prompt me again with any I have missed! Update 2007/12/16 Further improvements, mainly on translation features, multi-lingual fields and custom markup removal Update 2008/1/5 see later posting on this thread for updated skin
By gorbav - Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Works in swedish if you select Word (autoselect doesn't work) and if you only generate the report for one person. If you select two (or more persons) you get this error: Generating report to 'D:\Documents and Settings\Göran\GenoPro Reports\Baveryd200\' Cloning document Baveryd200... Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\NewVersion\* (Descendants Report (Beta))'... Loading Dictionary.xml... [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Generating report on descendants of Anders Johan Båveryd Error at line 143, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js): Den begärda medlemmen i en av samlingarna finns inte. Microsoft Word 800A1735
By maru-san - Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Ron (12/4/2007)
Other changes are: - routine to strip html bits from 'Custom Markup' fields (e.g. <?html?> etc.).
I still need to check through the previously reported errors but feel free to prompt me again with any I have missed!
Still have some ?htm? code in my report (company/employer field).
By jcguasp - Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Hi Ron: I modified my main FR Dic, adding whatever differences from your 'Descendant report' Dic, and used it to generate FR Descendants reports. I didn't fully tested it but, so far, noticed the following problems: 1) the F gender doesn't seem to be working despite, for exemple, my <PhBirthTxt_F .../> and <PhDiedTxt_F .../> nar phrases. 2) the substitution in NameDic for one of my places doesn't work (<N P.EN="Barcelona" P.FR="Barcelone" /> . For info, I copied the NameDic in the 'Descendant Report' Dir. 3) the <LocativeProperNoun T="^ à \[Le = au [:^ à \[Les = aux [:" />, for my town Les Lilas, doesn't work. Still says: à Les Lilas. 4) the <PossessiveProperNoun T="(^[aeiouyh].*$)=d'$1 .+$)=de $1:" /> doesn't work. It still says: '... de André ...' instead of '... d'André ...'. 5) a place with a custom tag 'Name.Gender = F' says correctly , in my main web report, 'en Italy' or 'en Auvergne' but says 'à Italy' or 'à Auvergne' in the Descendant Report. 6) my main tree has no sources at all and the report says 'Appendix B ' for the Places. It should say 'Appendix A'. 7) I've got a Trial tree with 2 places but the Places 'Appendix' doesn't come up. 8) In this tree the preposition associated with occupancy places doesn't come up: 'Daniel a vécu Beauvais' instead of 'Daniel a vécu à Beauvais' (Daniel lived in Beauvais). 9) a dual field Source Title/Name ({?EN:birth source}{?FR:source de naissance}) doesn't work. 10) 1 death source didn't show up in the list. 11) the gender of the word 'generation' in FR is Feminin. Actually I get, for exemple, premier (M) instead of 'première' génération. Support for an F gender should be provided. For info, I've got already '<_Ordinal_1_F T="première"/>' in my Dic. These are first glance observations. Thank you Ron, JC
By Alex - Wednesday, December 5, 2007
In Russian: - Descendants Report Beta 3 and OpenOffice – no errors. - Descendants Report Beta 3 and MS Word – no errors for one person, for two person - Error at line 143, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js): Несоответствие типа Ошибка выполнения Microsoft JScript 800A000D Несоответствие типа Ошибка выполнения - Type of the discrepancy Error of the execution
By genome - Tuesday, December 11, 2007
gorbav (12/4/2007) Works in swedish if you select Word (autoselect doesn't work) I would like to know what error is displayed when 'auto select' fails to detect Word.
By gorbav - Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I think Autoselect works. At least I can't get it not to work anymore. I get a note that says I don't have OpenOffice and Word is started instead. Perfect.
To generate for more than one individual still doesn't work.
By genome - Sunday, December 16, 2007
jcguasp (12/5/2007) I modified my main FR Dic, adding whatever differences from your 'Descendant report' Dic, and used it to generate FR Descendants reports. I didn't fully tested it but, so far ..................etc. Many of these points relate to language translation features, which I had not yet ported to JScript from the VBScript of the Narrative Report. I have done some more work on this and have uploaded a revised beta (3.2) to the first post in this thread. I haven't tested it against all the points you have raised but many of them should now be OK. l will do some further testing as time permits but any feedback in the mean time is always welcome. maru-san (4/5/2007)
Still have some ?htm? code in my report ( company/employer field). I have improved the code in this area so it may work now  I would also be interested to know if this version allows reporting of more than one individual/family with non-English versions of Word.
By genome - Sunday, December 16, 2007
Descendants Report Beta 3.2 is included in GenoPro update
By haep - Monday, December 17, 2007
Ron (12/16/2007) I would also be interested to know if this version allows reporting of more than one individual/family with non-English versions of Word.Hi Ron, Feedback: With a spanish version of word, the page header is always the last individual, p.e. if there are 2 individual selected, A & B, the page header is always "Descendants of B"... (I did't test it with other language version of word) in Open Office it works fine "Descendats of A" ... "Descendats of B" Also with the translation, when I try to use the ordinal (femenine) <!-- 0=Ordinal position, 1=Ordinal Position (Feminine) Test={0}=First, {1}=Première --> <HeadingGenerations T="{1} Generación" /> |
I got the following error message: [4.01] Error en WritePhrase - Argumentos insuficientes para la plantilla '{1} Generación'. El índice de argumentos {1} está fuera de rango. Generadas y escritas 5 páginas en 11.093 segundos desempeño promedio de 0.45 páginas por segundo 1 error encontrado mientras se generaba el reporte! Regards, Hugo
By genome - Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Yes sorry Hugo, forgot to test this one. Line 83 of descendants needs changing from from oWriter.insertLine(Util.StrFirstCharUCase(Util.FormatPhrase(Dic('HeadingGenerations'), Dic.Ordinal(level))),null, 'gnoHeading2'); to oWriter.insertLine(Util.StrFirstCharUCase(Util.FormatPhrase(Dic('HeadingGenerations'), Dic.Ordinal(level), DicMFU('_Ordinal_' + level, 'F'))),null, 'gnoHeading2');
I have tested it this time! I'll look into the Word header problem.
By Alex - Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Descendants Report (Beta) EN
1. AutoSelect. For one individual: [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Note: Auto Select - OpenOffice API not found (1001: URL seems to be an unsupported one.) - Checking for MS Word Generating report on descendants of Black Generated and written 5 pages in 35.218 seconds average performance of 0.14 pages per second
For two individuals - ERROR: [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Note: Auto Select - OpenOffice API not found (1001: URL seems to be an unsupported one.) - Checking for MS Word Generating report on descendants of Black Error at line 152, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js)
2. Select - Open Office. For one Individual and for two individuals - ERROR: [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... [9.14] Error: Neither OpenOffice nor MS Word ActiveX control found (1001: URL seems to be an unsupported one.)
3. Select - MS Word. For one individual – NO ERRORS. For two individuals - ERROR: [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Generating report on descendants of Black Error at line 152, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js):
Customized Descendants Report (Beta) EN
1. AutoSelect (Autoselect – Open Office). For one Individual and for two individuals - NO ERRORS. 2. Select - Open Office. For one individual and for two individuals - NO ERRORS. 3. Select - MS Word. For one individual - NO ERRORS. For two individuals - ERROR: [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Generating report on descendants of Black Error at line 152, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js):
By genome - Thursday, December 20, 2007
Alex (12/19/2007) Descendants Report (Beta) EN
Generating report on descendants of Black Error at line 152, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js)
This error is because the script is trying to change headings of a non-existent section in the Word document. This did not occur in my testing with Word. However I have changed the code a second time to try and prevent this error and other problems with page headings. Thank you for your patience Alex and apologies for not fixing this the first time around. Also to Hugo, hopefully this version fixes your issues as well.
By haep - Thursday, December 20, 2007
Ron (12/20/2007)Also to Hugo, hopefully this version fixes your issues as well. Hi Ron, the problem is fixed... Thanks! :, but I found a little new one: :, it's litle complex to explain, please see the attached file and generate a report on one of the parents, the problem is in second generation title  Also could you please add gender option to PhNameFriendlyTxt ... Thanks Regards, Hugo
By Alex - Friday, December 21, 2007
Hi Ron With Descendants Beta 3.3 no problem (OO and MS Word). Thank you.
By genome - Friday, December 28, 2007
haep (12/20/2007)
... I found a little new one:  :, it's litle complex to explain, please see the attached file and generate a report on one of the parents, the problem is in second generation title  Also could you please add gender option to PhNameFriendlyTxt ... I believe these issues are fixed in the lastest revision (see later posting on this thread), and hopefully no new bugs have crawled in
By jcguasp - Tuesday, January 1, 2008
To Ron: Bravo. The Descendant report's getting good. I suppose you're still working on it for NameDic lookups and other translation issues not ported yet, as previously mentioned in your posting No. 20114. The Descendant Rep I generated is with OO. I Didn't try with Word. 1) I was about to request an '_F' option for <PhBirthAndDeathTxt> when I saw, in Descendants.js file, that the Ind Gender is passed as param {0} thus making, in Dic, this '<..._F>' Ph not required. Question: In order to reduce (slightly I suppose) the size of the Dic, why don't you provide every relevant Phrases with the Ind Gender param (when applicable), thus avoiding all these 'doubling/duplicate' _F phrases templates? In FR for exemple, the only differences in between M & F are, for the 'F' gender, an additional 'e' at the end of adjectives: né->née; divorcé->divorcée; séparé->séparée; marié->mariée; ... This would entail this little code: [{?0=F}e] for example. But maybe proper separate '_F' Ph options are required for other languages! and for easier translation? Comment equally valid for the Main Web Rep. If the Ind Gender could be passed as a param, I could get rid of my FR '_F' Ph: PhBirth_F, PhBirthTxt_F, PhChildRank_F, PhDied_F, PhDiedTxt_F, PhOnlyChild_F, PhFRTxt_Marriage_F, PhFRTxt_Separation_F, PhFRTxt_SeparationLegal_F, PhFRTxt_Divorce_F, PhJT_Promotion_F, PhJT_Fired_F, PhJT_Retirement_F, PhJT_Death_F, PhJTTxt_Promotion_F, PhJTTxt_Fired_F, PhJTTxt_Retirement_F, PhJTTxt_Death_F, PhPL_adopted_F, PhPL_foster_F, PhPL_adopted2_F, PhPL_foster2_F, PhTL_Birth_F and PhTL_Died_F. A saving of 24 lines. Also please correct line 306 of Descendants.js file from: 'i.Gender.ID' to 'c.Gender.ID'. 2) Requirement for an '_F' Gender option (DicMFU or Gender param?) for the Dic <PhFRTxt_...> Phrases. 3) A space (or a line feed) is required, sometimes (the red Ul), before 'The children of this family are:-' Ph:
4) There is something wrong with the associated routine code. In my main report, it says: 
and in the Descendant Rep, it says: 
The correct one being 'are'. See also my point 8 below. Also if you could correct in removing one of the ending dots, shown with red arrows. It only happens on some Ph. 5) The appendix A, sometimes, doesn't start on a new page: 
Now these few obs are regarding the Main Web Rep: 6) The most popular places list, on the main opening RP, is not properly sorted anymore: 
7) Still playing around, I added an URL to the source of one of my places (actually the official web site of that place. I hope I'm not infringing any copyright? Please advise.) and noticed the URL takes up the whole RP or Popup Pane, depending where I clicked the URL link from. Any way to keep available the 'close' and 'maximize' icons in these panes? 
It may also be a good idea to have these 'URL' fields dual-lang compatible. In my 'Place' example, I noticed that some web sites provide an FR and EN versions, which will auto-handily be selected depending on the Rep Gene Lang. Also why, in a Place case, do we have to go through a source to add up a URL? Can't this be achieved, directly on the Place Prop Panel: 
8) This comment is regarding the function strVerb() associated with a separation. In EN, the past tense is used: e.g. They were separated. In FR, we use the present tense when both Inds are alive, e.g. Ils sont séparés. When 1 Ind or both are dead: Ils étaient séparés. In order not to modify too much the code in Util/Lang.vbs, I could get round the problem if: a.) an 'Is dead?' param is passed. b.) both present and past tenses are passed. e.g.: <!-- 0=nom et partenaire|ils 1=sont|étaient 2=nommés? 3=is dead? 4=sont 5=étaient --> <PhFR_Separation T="{0h} [{?3}{5}][{?!3}{4}] séparés."/> In this case, the param {1} will not be used. Ron may have some other idea! 9) Unicode problem?: 

The letter in question is 'é'. Thank you, JC
By maru-san - Tuesday, January 1, 2008
item 3) and 4)
3) I used the code for line break and it works just fine 4) remove the dot at the end of the phrase for PhBaptismTxt T= and it will not show 2 dots.
By Alex - Thursday, January 3, 2008
I created the new file for A, B, C, D, E. If I write d.o.b. for E, I get this bug in Descendants report (MS Word and OO):
By genome - Saturday, January 5, 2008
jcguasp (1/1/2008)
1) I was about to request an '_F' option for <PhBirthAndDeathTxt> when I saw, in Descendants.js file, that the Ind Gender is passed as param {0} thus making, in Dic, this '<..._F>' Ph not required. Question: In order to reduce (slightly I suppose) the size of the Dic, why don't you provide every relevant Phrases with the Ind Gender param (when applicable), thus avoiding all these 'doubling/duplicate' _F phrases templates 2) Requirement for an '_F' Gender option (DicMFU or Gender param?) for the Dic <PhFRTxt_...> Phrases. 8) This comment is regarding the function strVerb() associated with a separation. In EN, the past tense is used: e.g. They were separated. In FR, we use the present tense when both Inds are alive, e.g. Ils sont séparés. When 1 Ind or both are dead: Ils étaient séparés.3) A space (or a line feed) is required, sometimes (the red Ul), before 'The children of this family are:-' I have added gender parameters to the Ph...Txt phrases mentioned. I have also changed the routines for PhFRTxt_ so that tenses of 'to be' are no longer passed. Instead two boolean parameters, 'all partners still alive?' and 'currently partners?' are passed as {1} & {2}, so we can have <!-- 0=name, 1=both alive? 2=still together? 3=spouse, 4=First/Next, 5=gender.ID, 6=spouse gender.ID --> <PhFRTxt_Engagement T="[{4} ]{0} and {3} [{?1^2}are][{!}were] engaged to be married."/> Note that I will deal with the issues on the Narrative Report in a new thread, here,keeping this one for Descendants Report. Also please correct line 306 of Descendants.js file from: 'i.Gender.ID' to 'c.Gender.ID'. Done4) There is something wrong with the associated routine code. In my main report, it says 'are living toghether' and in the Descendant Rep, it says 'were living together' The correct one being 'are'. Also if you could correct in removing one of the ending dots, shown with red arrows. It only happens on some Ph 5) The appendix A, sometimes, doesn't start on a new page:. DoneAlex (1/3/2008) I created the new file for A, B, C, D, E. If I write d.o.b. for E, I get this bug in Descendants report (MS Word and OO):..... Also fixedSee attached zip file for revised skin with above corrections
By Barry Graham - Saturday, January 5, 2008
Hi Ron,
Thanks for your work on the Descendants Report. One question from an old and slow learner:- Where do I install the files in the updated zip?
By GenoProSupport - Saturday, January 5, 2008
Barry Graham (1/5/2008) Where do I install the files in the updated zip?You create a sub-folder named "Skins" which will typically be "C:\Program Files\GenoPro\Skins\My Custom Report". The other option is to visit page and watch the video tutorial. Then, download the .zip file and overwrite the customized report GenoPro created when you clicked on the New Skin button.
By jcguasp - Saturday, January 5, 2008
To Ron: Thank you for this 3.5 update. It's near perfect, but the following: 1) I got a Gene error regarding an undefined 'sToBe' associated with 'PhUnionDetailTxt'. I looked in Descendants.js file and effectively noticed a missing 'var sToBe = ...' code line in the new file, line 241 just before 'var sPrefix = ...' line. I re-added it and it looks ok. 2) I added a source for 2 of my places (these are trial dual/triple Url refs) and the Appendix B:Sources didn't come up. Is it normal? 3) small details in Dic: a. for the <PhFRTxt_ T="...> Ph, shouldn't it be 'the type of relationship' or 'the relationship type'? b. you added '2=gneder.ID' on line 1671. Shouldn't it be on line 1685 for the 'PhJTTxt' Ph? Maybe on both lines after the Main Rep modif? I only generated with OO. JC
By Alex - Sunday, January 6, 2008
Hi Ron.
Descendants Beta 3.5
Select for A and B any Union Type and…
[0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Generating report on descendants of A Error at line 254, position 4 (Code/Descendants.js): "sToBe" - определение отсутствует (determination is absent) Ошибка выполнения (Error of the execution) Microsoft JScript 800A1391
By jcguasp - Sunday, January 6, 2008
Alex, This is the same error as my point 1) above. If you're in a hurry, copy/insert the following bold line into Descendants.js or wait for the next Ron's release. You can open Descendants.js with Notepad. this.WriteFamily = function(i, oSpouse, f, bSpouseSummary, sOrder, bLast) { oGno.SetSessionProperties(oSpouse); oSpouse.Session('spouseref') = i.Session('ref') var sToBe = 'ToBe'.conjugate(i.Families.Item(j).AreTogether, false, '2', ''); var sPrefix = i.Session("NameShort"); if (f.Unions.Count > 0) { JC
By jcguasp - Sunday, January 6, 2008
I noticed this small bug: In my 1st screenshot, the word 'séparés' is OK. Male Plural.
In my 2nd, I can only get Fem Plural but it should be as above. 
the print '=M=F=' and '=F=M=' are for debug only. It seems the routine in Descendants.js doesn't properly interpret the code [{?5^6=F}e] in: <PhFRTxt_NonSentimentalCohabitationAndSeparation T="[{4} ]{0} et {3} étaient en cohabitation non-sentimentale, puis se sont séparé[{?5^6=F}e]s."/> I tried with all the other cohab & separation options and it's the same problem. Note on my above post 20301: the missing line is in fact OK. It's rather 'sToBe' which should be removed from the param list and from the var statement, in Descendants.js. JC
By genome - Sunday, January 6, 2008
So two steps forward one step back as usual. No wonder I retired early from a career it IT! Hopefully the attached skin fixes your earlier bugs. As regards your last post, JC, perhaps [{?5=F}[{?6=F}e]] or even [{?5=F^?6=F}e] will work, but I have not tried either.
By maru-san - Monday, January 7, 2008
 Above screen shot speaks for itself, some places are out of line!
By genome - Thursday, January 10, 2008
Yet another version of the Descendants Report is attached with bug fixes and improved phrasing matching new Narrative Report feature announced elsewhere.
By Howard53 - Friday, January 11, 2008
Ron, congratulations on the Descendent Report - it is developing into a most useful tool which can be used to simply send information to family members for updating who may not have GenoPro installed, or even a computer. I am using the latest version (beta 4.0) and have produced a report in OpenOffice by selecting a union line. The following error was reported: 
Also, a few points which would tidy up the presentation: 
Red arrow: If the header extends over more than one line the second line is cut off. This is easily corrected before saving, but perhaps the header could be extended automatically? Green arrow: The first numbering should be bold and italic to match the subsequent ones. Blue arrow: The first child appears on the same line as the marriage instead of on the next line.
By genome - Friday, January 11, 2008
The error whilst generating should not occur and I have been unable to reproduce it. If you have unzipped 4.0 into an existing folder did you also replace the contents of the 'Code' folder? It looks to me if you are using a the Dictionary.xml from 4.0 but descendants.js from an earlier version. This would account for the 'not enough arguments' error and the errors indicated by the blue arrows are also a result of this error. Try unzipping 4.0 into an empty folder below your skins folder. Regarding the red arrowed header problem, I don't know how to extend the header automatically at present. Perhaps dropping the font size would help. The green arrowed issue only occurs when a couple is selected and I have found the cause. Correction is in the attached.
By Howard53 - Saturday, January 12, 2008
You are right Ron - completely erasing the old skin and installing v4.2 results in a perfect result. Thanks.
By jcguasp - Monday, January 21, 2008
To Ron: Just a couple of remarks, following Genopro 1) the process of <PhBurialTxt> doesn't exist in Descendants.js 2) What about adding a <PhFuneralTxt> and a <PhGodparentsTxt> phrases? Also perhaps a <PhCTTxt_...>? 3) 'sGender' could also be added at the end of the param list for: - <PhNameFriendlyTxt> (but irrelevant for the FR lang) 4) For <PhBirthAndDeathTxt>, the Dic comment param {5} should be removed, as the gender's already provided in param {0}. 5) The 1st space in the <PhOccupationTxt> template should be removed as strFirstCharUCase() doesn't work/show. From [{?!0} for {1} ] to [{?!0}for {1} ] 6) Finally, I found a new requirement for a DicMFU (and provision of i.Gender within the param list) for the Education Terminations. This may/will involve the provision of new 'PhET_...' phrases within the <ReportGenerator> tag as presently only provided within the <Enumerations> tag. This comment is also applicable for the Main Report. By the way, the Achievement 'Passed' and 'Failed' options are still not translatable despite my reported post 17769, item 1? Thank you, JC
By genome - Wednesday, January 23, 2008
OK JC. I've got a bit of time now so hopefully can get something ready over this weekend. There is quite a bit yet to do on the Descendants report to get the level of detail up to the Narrative report standard.
By EDilena - Wednesday, January 30, 2008
It is possible to put images in this report?
By genome - Sunday, February 3, 2008
To JC: I has taken a little longer than expected to release this next version but it has been delayed whilst amending the Narrative Report. Hopefully the attached version includes all that you have asked for. i.e. funeral, burial, godparent and custom tag reporting, as well as social & emotional relationships. Also added is any text from the _Narrative custom tag for any extra narrative required. To facilitate this there is also a <?plain?> custom markup tag for text that is only to appear on non-html content e.g. the descendants report and not the web narrative report. Let me know if you feel there are other omissions. Feel free to point out any issues with translation too. I feel it has reached the point where, fingers crossed, I can drop the beta tag. To EDilena. This feature is not in the current report. It was my original intention to provide this at some point. It is not something I am currently working on but possibly later in the year if I can work out the code needed to achieve it!
By jcguasp - Saturday, February 9, 2008
To Ron: It is basically impossible, with all available options/fields to fully check but here are a few noted points, including some translations issues (which you may not have implemented yet):1) in Descendants.js, <PhERTxt_...>: the params sGender1="F", sGender2="F" and sGender1=sGender2 (lines 530 & 532) should be with double = signs, i.e. sGender1=="F", as the boolean true/false is not working/properly passed. Note: there may be other similar bolean locations in the Desc.js file but I didn't check. 2) in Dic, <PhUnionTxt...>: param 8 doesn't seem to exist! 3) in config, the word hierarchical should be corrected (2 places). 4) the lookup (for places & occupations) in NameDic doesn't work. 5) the dual-field {?EN:...}{?FR:...} doesn't work (noted for places and comments). 6) <LocativeProperNoun> substitution doesn't work. 7) <PlacePrefix_Country_M/F> doesn't work. 8) <PhEducationTerminationTxt>: the code for param {4} picks up the text from the <Enumerations->EducationTermination> tag instead of the corresponding <PhET_...> text. finally To Genopro: 9) I set up some custom tags on the Tag Editor Family and Union tabs. Question: How can the Union custom tags be input as the only ones showing/available in the Fam prop panel are the Fam custom tags? Presently I cannot test/play with Ron's <PhUnionTxt...> and <PhUnionEndTxt...>. Comment also valid for the Main Rep. Thank you, JC
By genome - Friday, February 15, 2008
I believe I have addresssed all of the issues raised in your post JC with the attached revison. One or two I didn't find any problem. e.g. dual language fields but I do more testing as well. I don't know if Dan has picked up on the problem with Union custom tags , so perhaps a little nudge here! Under the Union Tab of the Family Properties dialog it seems that there is an 'Edit' button missing from the header of the Unions & Marriages table. One is required similar to that in the Occupations or Educations Property Dialogs. The only way at present to amend custom tags in Unions is to use the Table Layout view for Unions and change the tags data there. Update: revised for accented/Unicode chars in skin folder path Update 2008/02/24: fixed translation issues.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, February 15, 2008
Ron (2/15/2008)
I don't know if Dan has picked up on the problem with Union custom tags  , so perhaps a little nudge here! Under the Union Tab of the Family Properties dialog it seems that there is an 'Edit' button missing from the header of the Unions & Marriages table. One is required similar to that in the Occupations or Educations Property Dialogs. The only way at present to amend custom tags in Unions is to use the Table Layout view for Unions and change the tags data there. No, I did not saw the post until today. At the moment, the Union object does not have its property dialog, hence no Edit button. I believe other suggestions have made to improve the Union properties. There is some work required in this area.
By jcguasp - Sunday, February 17, 2008
To Ron: With your new and OO, the EN Rep is coming up OK but with my FR Rep I keep getting this error message: 
I checked the different files in my EN Desc Rep Dir and in the FR one and attached the 3 diff files for debug. Hope you'll find the problem. Thanks. JC
By jcguasp - Sunday, February 17, 2008
To Ron: This is an update to my previous post 20793. I discovered that the problem is Unicode related. I actually copied the EN config, Dic and NameDic files into my FR Descendants Rep Dir, replacing my 3 FR files. The error message was still coming up. I then renamed my FR Dir from 'Rapport de descendants français' to 'Rapport de descendants francais', omitting the cedilla. And guess what? The Rep generated OK. I then replaced, in my FR Dir, the 3 above EN files with my FR ones and the Rep generated nae bother. To make sure of the problem, I renamed again my FR Dir to 'Rapport dé descendants francais', adding a é and, as I guessed, the error message came up again. That's it. I'll now check the content of the produced FR Rep. Thank you Ron. JC
By genome - Monday, February 18, 2008
Thanks JC. There was a problem with non-ASCII characters when the skin folder path was converted to a URL to access the document template for OO. I have updated the attachment to the earlier post. (now RC3)
By jcguasp - Tuesday, February 19, 2008
To Ron, It's OK now. I re-added my cedilla in my Desc Rep Dir name and it's fine. 1) I generated and checked some Reports and the only problem I saw is that DualLang comments fields don't work: 
The above comments are associated with General, an ER and a Birth. Also for info, changing the <LangShowOthers> param to "Y" doesn't seem to have any effect. 2) I managed some NameDic lookups for some of my places by setting the <LangPlace> param to "EN". However I always get this message: 
This message is <WarningEmptyNameDictionary>. Of course, my Dic is not empty! 3) Something I never mentioned before: in the Places appendix, in my case, only the zip code and the Lat/Long appear. Why not the County, State and Country? If I notice something else, I'll let you know. Good work Ron and thank you. By the way, have you had any request for producing an Ancestors Rep? JC
By genome - Sunday, February 24, 2008
I have made another update (RC4) to my earlier post to hopefully correct these issues JC. The first was a coding error and in the second I was using an incorrect format in my test NameDictionary.xml that gave misleading results. Finally with the place missing place fields these are translatable items but I had forgotten to generate the Session values for these. I still need to address the ordering of multi-language fields so that the skin language version appears first, bith in this and the HTML report. I am also working on adding pictures to the OO Writer version to complement EDilena's work with MS Word.
By jcguasp - Tuesday, February 26, 2008
To Ron: Whenever you have spare time: 1) In Descendants.js line 705, I added '.plaintext()' for the 4 newly added params 'p.Session("City/County/State/Country")' to cater for DualLang field entries. 2) I also added, in line 679, '.plaintext()' for 's.Url', also for DualLang entries. It will also have to be provided for the main Rep, listed in my other posting 20887 point 1). JC
By Twaidattien - Monday, March 3, 2008
Can anyone please tell me how to generate a Descendants Report in Dutch? I've downloaded the dutch.xml some time ago. Or is there a (easy to understand) 'how-to' somewhere?
By jcmorin - Monday, March 3, 2008
Twaidattien: read and follow the instruction at this page:
By Twaidattien - Monday, March 3, 2008
Tried to do that, but: Generating report to 'F:\Beenen\DescendantsReportNL2\' Cloning document Beenen... Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\Customized NL Descendants Report (Beta)\* (Afstammelingen Rapport (Beta))'... Loading Dictionary.xml... [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... [0.15] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('AskParameters') failed! [1.64] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('ErrorOpenOffice') failed! [4.59] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('HeadingDescendantsReport') failed! Generating report on descendants of Bonne (Hendriks) Beenen [4.64] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('HeadingDescendants') failed! [4.67] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhNameFriendlyTxt_M', 'PhNameFriendlyTxt') failed! [4.76] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhBirthTxt_M', 'PhBirthTxt') failed! [4.76] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhBaptismTxt_M', 'PhBaptismTxt') failed! [4.78] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhDiedTxt_M', 'PhDiedTxt') failed! [4.78] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhUnionTxt', 'PhUnionTxt') failed! [4.78] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhUnionDetailTxt') failed! [4.78] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhUnionEndTxt', 'PhDivorceTxt') failed! [4.87] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('Then') failed! [4.87] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhBirthTxt_F', 'PhBirthTxt') failed! [4.89] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhBaptismTxt_F', 'PhBaptismTxt') failed! [4.96] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhDiedTxt_F', 'PhDiedTxt') failed! [4.96] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('FamilyChildren') failed! [5.04] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhBirthAndDeathTxt') failed! [5.62] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('HeadingGenerations') failed! [5.62] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhNameFriendlyTxt_F', 'PhNameFriendlyTxt') failed! [6.00] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('First') failed! [6.03] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('Next') failed! [6.15] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhOccupationTxt', 'PhOccupationTxt') failed! [6.17] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhJTTxt__M', 'PhJTTxt_') failed! [7.82] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhFRTxt_Marriage') failed! [13.68] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhFRTxt_LegalCohabitation') failed! [13.86] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhFRTxt_') failed! [16.20] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhFRTxt_CommittedRelationship') failed! [17.09] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhNameFriendlyTxt_', 'PhNameFriendlyTxt') failed! [17.23] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhBirthTxt_', 'PhBirthTxt') failed! [17.23] LanguageDictionary.Lookup2('PhBaptismTxt_', 'PhBaptismTxt') failed! [17.81] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('HeadingPlaces') failed! [18.29] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhPlaceDescriptionTxt') failed! [19.86] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('HeadingIndex') failed! [20.18] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhIndex') failed! [31.31] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('AskSaveMS') failed! Generated and written 4 pages in 33.500 seconds average performance of 0.12 pages per second 35 errors encountered while generating report! [33.51] Writing files from skin... [33.82] Report Ready! Click on the "Close" button to continue.
By maru-san - Monday, March 3, 2008
Please note that the dictionary.xml file, you have downloaded, is to be used for the narrative report(html) and not for the descendants report(Word,OO). I just had a look at that file.
By Twaidattien - Monday, March 3, 2008
Oké, thanks. I added some Txt-arguments to parts of the xml and that helps a little. Is there a translated xml for the Descendants Report Beta 3 (in Dutch)?
By maru-san - Saturday, March 8, 2008
Tried to find the phrase as should be created by following code:
`!-- Write the names of spouses and children. Example: "He had a wife, named Helene, and three sons and two daughters, named Daniel, Benoit, Jean-Claude, Anne and Estelle" 0=he|she, 1=has|had, 2=html spouses, 3=html children 4=also --> `PhSpousesAndChildren T="{ }{\U}{!0}[{?4} ]{!4}[ {!1} {2h}][{?2^3}, and ]{3h}." /` I only can find the collection of children, but no entry for the wife,named ..... Have checked on other reports under Genopro, but also there no entry.
By jcguasp - Sunday, March 9, 2008
Actually there is a location (for the main Rep), in lang.vbs at line 311 and also 313 for PhOtherSpouses...: ' The following lines have been commented because of linguistic issues such as "spouse", "husband", "wife" and "partner". ' Until a solution is developed, those lines will remain commented by default. ' if family report page only report other spouse(s) and children If Util.IsNothing(fam) Then 'Report.WritePhraseDic "PhSpousesAndChildren", strName, strToHave, StrHtmlCollectionSpouses(collSpouses), strHtmlChildren Else 'Report.WritePhraseDic "PhOtherSpousesAndChildren", strName, strToHave, StrHtmlCollectionOtherSpouses(collSpouses), strHtmlChildren End If However these 2 code lines are not processed because 'transformed' as comments with the apostrophe sign '. Just to see, I removed the ' and effectively, besides some gene errors, the narrative is coming up but, inappropriately to me, right in the middle of another family narrative. I put back the ' straight away. JC
By jcguasp - Sunday, March 9, 2008
To Ron, In the Descendants Rep Dir, I found a few more text strings to be translated. These are all related to 'error messages' except item 7. In Main.js: 1) line 16: Report.LogError('No Individuals or Families selected for Report!'); 2) line 41: Report.LogWarning('Generating report on descendants of '+oSelection[i]); It's irrelevant in FR but for some other Lang, the later may need to be provided as a Ph with a param {0} in Dic for possible re-positioning of the said param. In GenoproParser.js: 3) line 27: if (!found) Report.LogError("Unable to load an ActiveX control for MS XML Parser. "); 4) line 29: throw('Error: load of GenoPro XML into MS Parser failed'); 5) line 60: throw('Error: load of Dictionary.xml into MS Parser failed'); 6) line 73: throw('Error: load of Config.xml into MS Parser failed'); Also in Descendants.js, an 'intrusive' letter has to be removed: 7) line 453: var bGodParents = (ba.Godfather + '') + (ba.Godmotrher + ''); Thank you, JC
By genome - Monday, March 17, 2008
It has been a while but finally found the time to build the next candidate of the Descendants Report, so is attached. It has all of JC's suggestions and EDilena's 3 column index, but not the photos as yet as Open Office is not playing ball when I try to insert pictures! Also fixed ordering of dual/multi/language fields put skin language first. Each language text must immediately follow the previous one with no intervening text or white space e.g. {?EN:English text}{?FR:Texte français} Also Extant Custom tag recognized for relationships to use past tense where req'd. (set to N) Update: 2008/03/08 minor change to dictionary for Narrative Report.
By Alex - Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Descendants_2.0.1.5RC5 and : OpenOffice - OK MS Word – Descendants report – OK Appendix A: Places – OK and stop on page Name Index : Cloning document HarryPotter... Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\Descendants_2.0.1.5RC5\* (Descendants Report)'... Loading Dictionary.xml... [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Generating report on descendants of Black Error at line 91, position 3 (Code/MSWriter.js): Запрашиваемый номер семейства не существует. (The Required number family does not exist.) Microsoft Word 800A1735
By jcguasp - Thursday, March 20, 2008
Ron, With, I also got this error: 
By genome - Saturday, March 22, 2008
Alex (3/19/2008)Generating report on descendants of Black Error at line 91, position 3 (Code/MSWriter.js): Запрашиваемый номер семейства не существует. (The Required number family does not exist.) Microsoft Word 800A1735
I added a new character style 'gnoSmall' in this release. Can you confirm that you are using the Word document template from this version? jcguasp (3/20/2008)or: 
There was possibly a problem when additional data followed a dual language field. Hopefully the attached has a correction.
By genome - Saturday, March 22, 2008
Looks like I did not include correct word template so here is an update. (forum problem prevented updating previous post. (see later posts)
By Alex - Saturday, March 22, 2008
‘Can you confirm that you are using the Word document template from this version?’ – Yes. It's OK now (Descendants_2.0.1.5RC8).
Thank you Ron.
By jcguasp - Sunday, March 23, 2008
To Ron: 1) a blank page comes up at the end of the Report, even when Names Index 3 columns are not filled in. This is with OO. Didn't try with MS Word: 
2) a space should be removed: 
and 3) for the main Rep, the Pict Slideshow Interval tooltip is still truncated (<PV_Speed> . JC
By genome - Friday, March 28, 2008
Well its been a some time but hopefully the attached skin is the last RC before! (Updated in later post)
By jcguasp - Friday, March 28, 2008
Ron, I still have this blank page at the end of my report (point 1 of my previous post 21127) but this time without the 'Name Index' title. It's still with OO. Still didn't try with MS Word. JC Update: It's fairly quick but it's seems that when column 1 has been filled in, it creates this new blank page then goes back to the previous page to fill in column 2!
By genome - Friday, March 28, 2008
When I first looked at this I could see no extra page with OO but there was with MS so I corrected that. But your last post provided the clue required. I must have overlooked once again your comment re OO & MS in the 1st one. There was an extra paragraph mark following the 3 column text section and when the first column filled this was displaced into a new page. So once I had worked out how to remove it I had the solution (see attached). Have tested both OO & MS and they look OK.
By tdebuys - Monday, March 31, 2008
Hi there Ron, everyone,
Firstly congratulations - the report is coming along nicely.
I have not ran it for several versions now as I've been concentrating on collecting and correcting my information.
I've just ran the report, now though, and even though I've switched the "Show all place details as an appendix?" and "Show all source details as an appendix?" to "no" I still get the following generated:
The child of this family is:- 1. Larry Pieter DE BUYS 3.1 The Huys and Peter next married Joan Susan Wilhelmina PREHN on April 16th, 1973 in Bellville in a religious ceremony. B.2 Joan was born on March 9th, 1940 B.3.
Now, although I'd prefer to remove all the superscripts (ie remove them totally) the appendixes are still being generated...
How can I switch these off?
BTW: I used MS Word when generating and I'm on GenoPro
Tony De Buys
By genome - Wednesday, April 2, 2008
My testing shows that the options to suppress the Places and Sources summaries work ok (but see below). Please note that having changed any option in the dialog, you must click the 'OK' button at the end of the dialog to register your changes. The 'B.n' style superscripts are references to Sources in an Appendix. Places are not referenced in this way. However there is a bug here. If you turn off the Sources Appendix via config param the superscripted references remain. I have a fix for this that should be available shortly, once I have checked some other issues. I will also look at providing an option to suppress the superscripted forward references for people in the main body of the report. I thought this reference was useful when reading such a report to be able to locate the main narrative of say a child without referring to the index at the end.
By tdebuys - Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Hi there,
Using the options dialog and clicking ok as suggested does not fix the problem on my machine.
I tested both Word and OpenOffice on a second computer and could not reproduce the problem. I have to, at this point, assume that it's got to do with the installations on that particular machine.
By genome - Friday, April 4, 2008
Time to dip my toes into the water again and post yet another update to the Descendants report. I have fixed the superscript source reference when no Sources appendix is required. Have also added config param ShowReferenceSuffix that if set to N with supress the superscript forward refences for individuals. Other changes are facilty to hold Custom Tag layout phrases and 'Narrative Style' phrases within Document custom tags instead of in the Dictionary. 'Narrative Style' phrases provide alternatives to Education, Occupation and Union phrases in the report. Note that if dual/multiple language forms are used then the delimiters {?...........} must be replaced by {¿........¿} e.g. {¿EN:English¿}{¿FR:Anglais¿} as the the string {? may occur within the phrase generator text. Both delimiter formats can be used elsewhere.
By Alex - Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Descendantsа, and MS Word.
Probably, if possible, it will be better to move the second text column a bit lower (Name Index).

By EDilena - Thursday, April 10, 2008
To Ron: (About Alex suggestion):
In this development, the index is shown in the manner requested by alex.
By Alex - Friday, April 11, 2008
To EDilena: (About Descendants Report EDilena) OpenOffice with picture: Generating report on descendants of James Potter Error at line 61, position 18 (Code/Descendants.js) Error of the execution Microsoft JScript 800A01B6 OpenOffice without picture: Generating report on descendants of James Potter Error at line 89, position 4 (Code/Descendants.js) Error of the execution Microsoft JScript 800A01B6 MS Word with picture: Generating report on descendants of James Potter Error at line 281, position 6 (Code/MSWriter.js)… Microsoft Word 800A1420 MS Word without picture: Generating report on descendants of James Potter Generated and written 9 (???) pages in 18.594 seconds average performance of 0.48 pages per second... [18.59] Report Ready!... MS Word with picture: (If select ‘Show Appendix with Individual Pictures ?’ – NO) Generating report on descendants of James Potter Generated and written 13 (???) pages in 15.250 seconds average performance of 0.85 pages per second... [15.25] Report Ready!...Descendants report (by Ron) MS Word: Generating report on descendants of James Potter Generated and written 3 (!!!) pages in 10.094 seconds average performance of 0.30 pages per second... [10.12] Report Ready!...
By jcguasp - Saturday, April 12, 2008
To Ron: 2 small Ph templates to be reviewed + some other minor Obs:1) 
3) suggestion: to add up a ';' or '-' where red underlined in the children list. 
4) I input a test dummy general comment as: {¿EN:Main §comment¿}{¿FR:Commentaire principal¿}{¿ES:Message espagnol¿} With param <HidePrivateComments> ='§' and <LangShowOthers> ='Y', I got this: 
Question: shouldn't the hidden part only confined to my {?EN} entry instead of omitting the whole rest, i.e. the other FR and ES entries? 5) MS Word is not installed in my machine. I deliberatly set up param <WordProcessor> as MS Word and got this message: 
Shouldn't the <ErrorNoWordProcessor> Msg be as red marked? 6) is it possible to have the report always generating in front of Genopro?. Sometimes it does come up in front, sometimes it goes behind! For info, I only tried with OO. - Same remark for the Config Param Panel and also when generating a main Rep on my HD. Sometimes the panel (or MS-IE) opens behind Genopro! This inconsistancy is a bit ennoying. Perhaps there is some kind of tweak/adjustment, within Win XP, to correct this? Please advise. 7) is it possible to have the Config Param Panel to always open as 'Maximized' instead of clicking on the TR corner middle icon? + for the main report: 8) the Dic error <ErrorSliderRange> should say 'PictureInterval' instead of 'PictureSlider'. Thank you Ron for your good work, JC
By jcguasp - Monday, April 14, 2008
To EDilena: I tried your latest version and got this error straightaway:
I then checked, with my Compare Util Program, and noticed that your version, besides your own code, doesn't include the latest Ron's RC10 modifs. I kindly suggest you incorporate the said Ron's changes into your files and re-post your version. This should also include the update of Dic.xml. Regards, JC
By genome - Thursday, April 17, 2008
jcguasp (4/14/2008)I kindly suggest you incorporate the said Ron's changes into your files and re-post your version. I intend to incorporate EDilena's excellent work into the Descendants report, once I can get embedded pictures working correctly with the OOo API. This is still 'work in progress', mainly due to poor documentation of the OOo API. However, work is progressing  In the meantime I have another incremental release ready (see attached) addressing the points you raised in your earlier post: 1) & 2) Have made code and phrase changes to improve grammar here. 3) I included 'and' when birth and death present. 4) This is a known 'limitation' I vaguely remember posting a comment about it at some point. With 'Custom Markup', <?hide?> can be used instead. Perhaps with Multi-Language fields, having separate parts either side of the § should work. e.g. {?EN:public comment}{?FR:comment public}§{?EN:private comment}{?FR:commentaire privé} 5) agreed 6) I find it annoying too and I wish I knew the fix! 7) This is a possibility, but I wonder whether the majority of users would want it maximized? 8) fixed. Thanks again for the review. Updated 2008/04/19 remove dedugging comment from report
By jcguasp - Friday, April 18, 2008
To Ron: For my point 6 (part of), I saw this site page: You must be aware of this z-order but is it relevant or incorporatable (new word) in your code? and is it applicable to windows? I also saw another site mentioning a 'focus()' method. JC
By maru-san - Friday, April 18, 2008
Have used the last version and I am receiving following message, although the report is created: 
I wonder what this means.
By genome - Friday, April 18, 2008
To JC: Unfortunately the z-order only applies to objects on the same html page, not to other windows. However it may be possible to use .focus() to force the config params dialog to the front. I'll check it out.To maru-san: The 'birth, death' etc warnings mean that I have left a debugging statement in the script that I should have removed. The script has been corrected so please download RC11 again. The 'invalid language markup' is not so easily explained. Perhaps who have a phrase template where only custom markup was expected?