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Attached is an updated Descendants Report (Beta) skin for use with GenoPro Simply unpacked the attached zip file into a folder below your GenoPro Skins folder and select it when generating a report.Main changes are to the templates. They now only use user-defined styles and, hopefully, this will overcome the issue with non-English versions of MS Word, but I have not been able to test this. Other changes are: - default font is now the same as that used for GenoMaps but can be changed via config params.
- routine to handle multi-lingual fields (eg. {?EN:good day}{?FR:bonjour}) added but not sure that it is applied to all required fields.
- routine to strip html bits from 'Custom Markup' fields (e.g. <?html?> etc.).
- Tweaks to layout.
- Dictionary aligned with Narrative Report version.
I still need to check through the previously reported errors but feel free to prompt me again with any I have missed! Update 2007/12/16 Further improvements, mainly on translation features, multi-lingual fields and custom markup removal Update 2008/1/5 see later posting on this thread for updated skin
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Friday, February 15, 2008 by
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Works in swedish if you select Word (autoselect doesn't work) and if you only generate the report for one person. If you select two (or more persons) you get this error: Generating report to 'D:\Documents and Settings\Göran\GenoPro Reports\Baveryd200\' Cloning document Baveryd200... Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\NewVersion\* (Descendants Report (Beta))'... Loading Dictionary.xml... [0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'... Generating report on descendants of Anders Johan Båveryd Error at line 143, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js): Den begärda medlemmen i en av samlingarna finns inte. Microsoft Word 800A1735
Edited: Tuesday, December 4, 2007 by
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Ron (12/4/2007)
Other changes are: - routine to strip html bits from 'Custom Markup' fields (e.g. <?html?> etc.).
I still need to check through the previously reported errors but feel free to prompt me again with any I have missed!
Still have some ?htm? code in my report (company/employer field).
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Hi Ron: I modified my main FR Dic, adding whatever differences from your 'Descendant report' Dic, and used it to generate FR Descendants reports. I didn't fully tested it but, so far, noticed the following problems: 1) the F gender doesn't seem to be working despite, for exemple, my <PhBirthTxt_F .../> and <PhDiedTxt_F .../> nar phrases. 2) the substitution in NameDic for one of my places doesn't work (<N P.EN="Barcelona" P.FR="Barcelone" /> . For info, I copied the NameDic in the 'Descendant Report' Dir. 3) the <LocativeProperNoun T="^ à \[Le = au [:^ à \[Les = aux [:" />, for my town Les Lilas, doesn't work. Still says: à Les Lilas. 4) the <PossessiveProperNoun T="(^[aeiouyh].*$)=d'$1 .+$)=de $1:" /> doesn't work. It still says: '... de André ...' instead of '... d'André ...'. 5) a place with a custom tag 'Name.Gender = F' says correctly , in my main web report, 'en Italy' or 'en Auvergne' but says 'à Italy' or 'à Auvergne' in the Descendant Report. 6) my main tree has no sources at all and the report says 'Appendix B ' for the Places. It should say 'Appendix A'. 7) I've got a Trial tree with 2 places but the Places 'Appendix' doesn't come up. 8) In this tree the preposition associated with occupancy places doesn't come up: 'Daniel a vécu Beauvais' instead of 'Daniel a vécu à Beauvais' (Daniel lived in Beauvais). 9) a dual field Source Title/Name ({?EN:birth source}{?FR:source de naissance}) doesn't work. 10) 1 death source didn't show up in the list. 11) the gender of the word 'generation' in FR is Feminin. Actually I get, for exemple, premier (M) instead of 'première' génération. Support for an F gender should be provided. For info, I've got already '<_Ordinal_1_F T="première"/>' in my Dic. These are first glance observations. Thank you Ron, JC
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In Russian: - Descendants Report Beta 3 and OpenOffice – no errors. - Descendants Report Beta 3 and MS Word – no errors for one person, for two person - Error at line 143, position 9 (Code/MSWriter.js): Несоответствие типа Ошибка выполнения Microsoft JScript 800A000D Несоответствие типа Ошибка выполнения - Type of the discrepancy Error of the execution
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gorbav (12/4/2007) Works in swedish if you select Word (autoselect doesn't work) I would like to know what error is displayed when 'auto select' fails to detect Word.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers Gamma GenoPro version:
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I think Autoselect works. At least I can't get it not to work anymore. I get a note that says I don't have OpenOffice and Word is started instead. Perfect.
To generate for more than one individual still doesn't work.
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jcguasp (12/5/2007) I modified my main FR Dic, adding whatever differences from your 'Descendant report' Dic, and used it to generate FR Descendants reports. I didn't fully tested it but, so far ..................etc. Many of these points relate to language translation features, which I had not yet ported to JScript from the VBScript of the Narrative Report. I have done some more work on this and have uploaded a revised beta (3.2) to the first post in this thread. I haven't tested it against all the points you have raised but many of them should now be OK. l will do some further testing as time permits but any feedback in the mean time is always welcome. maru-san (4/5/2007)
Still have some ?htm? code in my report ( company/employer field). I have improved the code in this area so it may work now  I would also be interested to know if this version allows reporting of more than one individual/family with non-English versions of Word.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Sunday, December 16, 2007 by
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Descendants Report Beta 3.2 is included in GenoPro update
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Ron (12/16/2007) I would also be interested to know if this version allows reporting of more than one individual/family with non-English versions of Word.Hi Ron, Feedback: With a spanish version of word, the page header is always the last individual, p.e. if there are 2 individual selected, A & B, the page header is always "Descendants of B"... (I did't test it with other language version of word) in Open Office it works fine "Descendats of A" ... "Descendats of B" Also with the translation, when I try to use the ordinal (femenine) <!-- 0=Ordinal position, 1=Ordinal Position (Feminine) Test={0}=First, {1}=Première --> <HeadingGenerations T="{1} Generación" /> |
I got the following error message: [4.01] Error en WritePhrase - Argumentos insuficientes para la plantilla '{1} Generación'. El índice de argumentos {1} está fuera de rango. Generadas y escritas 5 páginas en 11.093 segundos desempeño promedio de 0.45 páginas por segundo 1 error encontrado mientras se generaba el reporte! Regards, Hugo
Edited: Monday, December 17, 2007 by