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Report in Hebrew
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By 425443 - Thursday, April 24, 2008
Can I help with translating the Report generation to hebrew?, because i need a report on hebrew pretty fast.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, April 24, 2008
Translating the report is a difficult task - far more work than translating the application GenoPro.  If you do translate the report generator, we will give you a permanent registration key for GenoPro.
By 425443 - Thursday, April 24, 2008
I can try, but i need a quick explanation of how to do the translation.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, April 25, 2008
425443 (4/25/2008)
I can try, but i need a quick explanation of how to do the translation.

First, you need to know programming in VBScript.  Do you know programming in VBScript?

By rdn - Thursday, July 24, 2008
OK, I have started to translate the narrative report.

First question:  Where do I translate the report parameter heading text, i.e.: "Please make any required changes to configuration parameters on the form below and then click 'OK'. Hover over label text for any further parameter information."

Second question:  How do I flip the placement of rtl instead of left-to-right in the parameter page? 

By genome - Thursday, July 24, 2008
rdn (7/24/2008)
First question:  Where do I translate the report parameter heading text, i.e.: "Please make any required changes to configuration parameters on the form below and then click 'OK'. Hover over label text for any further parameter information."

Dictionary.xml HeaderConfigParameters element

Second question:  How do I flip the placement of rtl instead of left-to-right in the parameter page? 

Not catered for at present so I need to change script for this and add an attribute to the Config,xml ParameterDescriptions element.

By rdn - Sunday, July 27, 2008
OK, starting to make some headway with the narrative report.  This looks like a very complex job...

Ron, several requests:

1. For every object and subject in every text I need to know if it is Feminine or Masculine.  At the very least, every time a person is listed, the gender should be available as well.  Is there a reasonable method for getting at this information, or is there a good method by which you will pass this information so that I can read it in Dictionary.xml?

2. Do you have a test genogram where I can test all of the text against?

3.  Are you aware of a method to move the timeline so that it appears rtl?

4. Is there a method of presenting the anscestor pedigree chart rtl?

5.  The automatic text direction does not have the necessary information to present rtl, and must be set manually to rtl in order to present the document properly in Hebrew

By genome - Tuesday, July 29, 2008
rdn (7/28/2008)
1. For every object and subject in every text I need to know if it is Feminine or Masculine.  At the very least, every time a person is listed, the gender should be available as well.  Is there a reasonable method for getting at this information, or is there a good method by which you will pass this information so that I can read it in Dictionary.xml?
Some of the phrases already have parameters passed to them to indicate Gender ID (M, F, or P). I can add these to other phrases where required, just let me know which ones need it for Hebrew translation. The comment line above the phrase (or group of phrases) documents the parameters.

2. Do you have a test genogram where I can test all of the text against?
I'm afraid not, but I'd love it if someone provided one! However the GenoPro Phrase Editor (on Tools Menu drop down) is great for testing translations. Use Pick from Dictionary.xml. It uses the Dictionary from the last report skin used to generate a report, so make sure that it is your Hebrew one. There is documentation on the phrase generator elsewhere. You can provide multiple values for each of the values to test all possible combinations.

3.  Are you aware of a method to move the timeline so that it appears rtl?

4. Is there a method of presenting the anscestor pedigree chart rtl?

Answer is no to both of these at present. There may be chance I can get the pedigree chart to work in the future. The timeline is a different issue. The code is quite complex and took me a great deal of time to change it for the Report, most of which I have now forgotten about, so I do not hold much hope of implementing this. The code is now with Google code ( and I could not see anything on the forum there regarding text direction. The Config Params can be used to suppress both TimeLine and Pedigree Chart for this very reason.

5.  The automatic text direction does not have the necessary information to present rtl, and must be set manually to rtl in order to present the document properly in Hebrew
Is this a problem? Would it be better to have a config param to set text direction for the report?