By ermesiti - Thursday, January 29, 2009
(Google translation) When I make a search with key as the alternative name of a person, the search result is empty. How do I search through the alternate name?
By appleshaw - Thursday, January 29, 2009
Not sure what you are trying to do - I assume in GenoPro (not Google)
I opened a table and sorted om Alternative Name. Then a normal search, using a specific name found many examples but as the table was sorted, the first one was what was searched. The only buttons selected were:- Names and Titles; Match each word; and, of course, Entire document
By ermesiti - Thursday, January 29, 2009
(Google translation, yes again! Sorry but I'm italian)
If the name of a person is John Wayne and as alternate name is Johnny, if I do a search with Johnny Wayne does not get any results.
By appleshaw - Thursday, January 29, 2009
Try searching Johnny - if that is how you spell it with 2 'ns' The Alternate name presumably is Johnny not Johnny Wayne in the name box
By ermesiti - Thursday, January 29, 2009
The name + last name research work, alternate name + last name research does not work. If the real name of Barack Obama is Ted Obama, I enter: Name: Ted Surname: Obama Alternate name: Barack (Not nickname and not second name!) Searching for Barack Obama, I do not ever find unless you remember which is called Ted.
By genome - Thursday, January 29, 2009
Try a two stage search- Search for Barack
- if more than one result, set
Search Within to Previous Search Results and search for Obama
By ermesiti - Thursday, January 29, 2009
Yes, thanks. Only with two step... It can not be corrected?
By Howard53 - Friday, January 30, 2009
In the Table View, if you right-click on the column header and select Column Properties... you will have a list of possible columns, and, presumably, the fields available for searching. This is part of the list, with my annotations: 
The Alternative Name field is only listed once, as a single field - see red arrow. However, First Name and Last Name are listed as their own (single) fields, but also as a combination field - First+Last Name - see blue arrow. This explains why a search for 'John Wayne' is successful, but 'Johnny Wayne; fails. There is, however, an alternative - if either the Display Name or the Full Name is formatted to include both the Alternative Name and the Last Name - see the yellow highlights - then a search for 'Johnny Wayne' will be successful.
By ermesiti - Sunday, February 1, 2009
It is not true. I have the display name and full name including the alternate name, but my search produces no results.
Try: Name: Giuseppa Last name: Mattoni Nickname: Gina Full Name: Gina (Giuseppa) Mattoni Display Name: Gina (Giuseppa) Mattoni
If you are looking for Gina Mattoni not get any results.
By Howard53 - Sunday, February 1, 2009
Yes, if the Display Name is Gina (Giuseppa) Mattoni then no match is found. However, if the Display Name is Gina Mattoni, it will be found. This is only a workround to save having to use a 2-step process.
By ermesiti - Monday, February 2, 2009
Yes. Ok. Thanks.