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Not sure what you are trying to do - I assume in GenoPro (not Google)
I opened a table and sorted om Alternative Name. Then a normal search, using a specific name found many examples but as the table was sorted, the first one was what was searched. The only buttons selected were:- Names and Titles; Match each word; and, of course, Entire document
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(Google translation, yes again! Sorry but I'm italian)
If the name of a person is John Wayne and as alternate name is Johnny, if I do a search with Johnny Wayne does not get any results.
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Try searching Johnny - if that is how you spell it with 2 'ns' The Alternate name presumably is Johnny not Johnny Wayne in the name box
Edited: Thursday, January 29, 2009 by
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The name + last name research work, alternate name + last name research does not work. If the real name of Barack Obama is Ted Obama, I enter: Name: Ted Surname: Obama Alternate name: Barack (Not nickname and not second name!) Searching for Barack Obama, I do not ever find unless you remember which is called Ted.
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Try a two stage search- Search for Barack
- if more than one result, set
Search Within to Previous Search Results and search for Obama
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Yes, thanks. Only with two step... It can not be corrected?
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In the Table View, if you right-click on the column header and select Column Properties... you will have a list of possible columns, and, presumably, the fields available for searching.This is part of the list, with my annotations: 
The Alternative Name field is only listed once, as a single field - see red arrow. However, First Name and Last Name are listed as their own (single) fields, but also as a combination field - First+Last Name - see blue arrow. This explains why a search for 'John Wayne' is successful, but 'Johnny Wayne; fails. There is, however, an alternative - if either the Display Name or the Full Name is formatted to include both the Alternative Name and the Last Name - see the yellow highlights - then a search for 'Johnny Wayne' will be successful.
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It is not true. I have the display name and full name including the alternate name, but my search produces no results.
Try: Name: Giuseppa Last name: Mattoni Nickname: Gina Full Name: Gina (Giuseppa) Mattoni Display Name: Gina (Giuseppa) Mattoni
If you are looking for Gina Mattoni not get any results.
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Yes, if the Display Name is Gina (Giuseppa) Mattoni then no match is found. However, if the Display Name is Gina Mattoni, it will be found. This is only a workround to save having to use a 2-step process.