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By bogistad - Saturday, August 15, 2009
Gamma development is obviously way behind schedule but I have also noticed that the contribution of the GenoPro developers to this forum has been scarce. I am sure that GenoPro customers and other readers of this forum would appreciate an update as to what is happening both with the developers and future development. Has it come to a halt? If there are financial problems stopping it, I am sure most people would not mind a small upgrade fee for future major releases.

I have noticed that several posters in the past have asked for an update with little or no response from the team. The purchasers of this product have done so in good faith with the expectation of upgrades and improvements, and are entitled to know what, if anything, they can expect in the future.
By Nand - Sunday, August 16, 2009
JcMorin as well as GenoProSupport last logged in Thursday, August 13.
I hope all is well with them.
By appleshaw - Sunday, August 16, 2009
It is summer, and Canada is very hot at this time of year.
By bogistad - Monday, October 5, 2009
It has been almost two months since I posted this query seeking some indication of what to expect regarding GenoPro's development. Sadly and inexplicably, there has been no response from the developers.

I would like to once again request that the loyal customers and users of this product be provided with a brief update as to the current situation and what our expectations should be for the future.

By Alfi - Saturday, October 24, 2009
1) There have been (a few) summer(s) ...

2) Earth is getting more and more hot ...

3) Even when I wait, I don't like to be(come) an ... waiter :-)

By 212529 - Thursday, October 29, 2009
What is happening? Nothing!
I have feeling, that we are waiting for nothing (soon it will be 2 years since Gamma should be released!).

I don't think there will be Gamma at all. Thats why they don't answer us to questions about date release. They just don't have anything (new) to tell us...


By Nand - Thursday, October 29, 2009
Looking at the GenoPro version the GenoProSupport member is running ( it is very well possible they will have something to announce very soon.

Anyhow, you're right.  There should be more frequent releases - even with only minor bug fixes - preferably at least every 6 months.

By appleshaw - Thursday, October 29, 2009
Don't get too excited. 2.5 appeared 3 years ago
By bogistad - Thursday, October 29, 2009
What I find really disappointing is the lack of a response. If they are having difficulties, whether financial or technical, I can accept that.

Surely the customers who have purchased this product and have waited patiently in good faith are entitled to a periodical progress report or an indication whether it has a future.
By Alfi - Saturday, October 31, 2009

Once upon a time, I'd used a (very good at that time) Israeli genealogical program.

After some years, they passed the way, so that I had to look for another alternative.

I've chosen this program (which has proved itself as much better - untill now).

By the way, today (2009), there is still some uncoverted data (from the previous program company) waiting for manual conversion to GENOPRO.

I "prefer !!!" to think it won't happen again.

There is too much info (of mine) going to be lost forever (as unrecognized by GEDCOM).

Waiting (as all the other) to hear (in the nearest future) some (good) news. :-)

By Robert Barbrow - Tuesday, November 3, 2009
any word on this?
By 212529 - Sunday, November 8, 2009
... still waiting for some good news Ermm

Does anyone know anything about Gamma!?

By Robert Barbrow - Friday, November 20, 2009
12 days later nothing
By GenoProSupport - Friday, November 20, 2009
We are still developing GenoPro and have no intent to stop development.  For instance, yesterday we released a private build of GenoPro for a book publisher which plans to include a CD of GenoPro in two new [academic] books.  You are welcome to visit the page at, however I would not recommend using this build because the file format is likely to change in the future, and you may lose data. Once we are done with upgrading our file format, this version will be available to the public.

GenoPro Gamma is running behind schedule.  First, the development of the module responsible to merge concurrent family trees took significant time to develop, as there were several technical challenges to overcome.  At the beginning of 2008, we paused the development of GenoPro to devote our time on a special project regarding the coming economic crisis.  This special project was supposed to take about one year, however it took a bit longer than originally planned.  Rest assured, GenoPro is doing well and there is no danger to abandon its development.  It is precisely because GenoPro is doing well we could devote some of our time on this special project, with the hope we can make a difference for the people we care about.  While at it, I took some time off my schedule to learn more about what is going around the world, such as the Swine Flu propaganda, the Global Warming conspiracy (search ClimateGate) and the financial crisis.  I don’t want to be pessimistic about the economy, but want to tell you the worse is yet to come.  The recession necessary to correct the economic imbalances has not started yet, and the economic fundamentals are far worse than they were one or two years ago.  Prepare yourself for an Inflationary Depression.  If you want to learn more about the economy and where it is leading, read, or listen to Ron Paul ( and Peter Schiff (  Both have a huge archive of videos to keep you busy for hours.

About 8 months ago, something changed in my personal life: I found a girlfriend.  Well, she found me, and we are in love.  I have been single most of my life, for many years all I was doing was work, eat and sleep.  I could literally work 12 to 14 hours a day, 7 days per week.  Often, I would pack up food and work 5 days straight without leaving my place.  I had no sofa, no couch, and no TV, so I would not waste any time.  This was the “good old times”.  I was very productive and in a hurry to release “GenoPro 2.0” ASAP (btw, “GenoPro 2.0” was renamed to “GenoPro 2007”).  During that time period, I wrote nearly 300,000 lines of C++ code (which represents about over 11,000,000 characters and/or about 6,000 pages if printed on paper).

Now that I have a girlfriend, things are different.  I spent the whole summer with her – I have no regret, as I have been 15 years (from 1991 to 2007) without any vacations.  My girlfriend is very outgoing, with over 400 friends on Facebook and Kontakte.  She is also the president of her scholar association and we have events for almost every evening.  I am very happy to spend time with her and socialize with her friends.  Her friends likes me very much.   I am now 35, the oldest of a family of 5, the only one without children.  I always wanted to have children.  I also want my children to grow and play with the children of my siblings.  My girlfriend always wanted to have children since she was little girl.

As a result, I have less time for GenoPro.  I work more or less a regular schedule, having less time for development.  We now have 587,247 members, and the support workload increases constantly.  People forget their registration keys, their passwords, change email addresses, have problems downloading GenoPro, cannot found the document they saved on their disk and need help to search their hard disk, have lost everything due to a virus or hard drive crash and need help to re-install and recover their files, and the list goes on.  Each day, I have to take care of responding to emails and answering the telephone, for questions before purchasing the product, wanting a refund or being unhappy about to see his name appearing on  On top of that, the website(s) constantly need regular maintenance (backups, upgrades, fixes) similar as a house or a car needs regular maintenance.  Once those tasks are completed, I can do development and add new features to GenoPro.  Working long hours makes a big difference in the development schedule, because the first hours of the day are for manitenance and the rest is for development.

I am very embarrassed talking about the delay of GenoPro and don’t want to make any promises about GenoPro.  When I planned the release of the Gamma, I had no plans to meet someone special which would change my life.  I am very happy to work on GenoPro and do my best to improve it, however within a normal work schedule.  My brother is working on a Facebook application to integrate with our collaboration module.  We will announce a “beta” when we deem it is ready for people willing to test it.

-- Daniel.

By appleshaw - Friday, November 20, 2009
Thanks for letting us know how things are with GenoPro, and also for yourself. I was in two minds about replying, because I know that every email causes a delay to your work.
So hopefully other people will take this to be congratulations from all of us for what you have achieved and we will continue to wait for Gamma - or Beta - whatever - and not bother you until things are ready
By GenoProSupport - Friday, November 20, 2009
You are not bothering me... really.  It is part of my work to listen to customer suggestions and fix bugs.  I just did not know what to answer regarding the release of GenoPro Gamma.
By bogistad - Saturday, November 21, 2009
Daniel, thank you for your honest and candid response, it is much appreciated. I am glad you found happiness, we all deserve that!

I was concerned about GenoPro as I have friends and acquaintances who, knowing my passion for family history, are constantly coming up to me and asking for advice and recommendations. Until recently, I had no hesitation in recommending GenoPro but last month a friend purchased it and I felt almost guilty as there was no response from you and was worried about its ongoing future. As I said before, if financial considerations are a problem, I am sure that most customers would not mind an upgrade fee.

Without wanting to get too political in this forum but as you introduced it, I have to say I am continue to be puzzled by your ongoing support for Ron Paul, a man who among other things minimises the dangers of swine flu and irrresponsibly encourages people not to get vaccinated, and who has a track record for eccentricities. There are many far better qualified Republicans and economists with different views on the economy who I would rather listen too.

By GenoProSupport - Saturday, November 21, 2009
bogistad (11/21/2009)
Until recently, I had no hesitation in recommending GenoPro but last month a friend purchased it and I felt almost guilty as there was no response from you and was worried about its ongoing future.

Please contact your friend and ask him/her to resend the question.  I receive a lot of emails and sometimes an email is accidentally put in the wrong folder.

Without wanting to get too political in this forum but as you introduced it, I have to say I am continue to be puzzled by your ongoing support for Ron Paul, a man who among other things minimises the dangers of swine flu and irrresponsibly encourages people not to get vaccinated, and who has a track record for eccentricities. There are many far better qualified Republicans and economists with different views on the economy who I would rather listen too.

Everyone has the right to express their opinions.  Ron Paul may be considered excentric by many, however his message is the same as the Founding Fathers of the United States Constitution.  The people who wrote The Constitution were also excentric to have faith in individual liberty.

About the Swine Flu, what is your opinion regarding the page at 

By bogistad - Saturday, November 21, 2009
Please contact your friend and ask him/her to resend the question. I receive a lot of emails and sometimes an email is accidentally put in the wrong folder.

A misunderstanding, Dan. When I said "no response", I meant a lack of response from GenoPro regarding the future development of GenoPro.

Re Ron Paul, I have no problems regarding his views regarding liberty, the Constitution, etc. It bothers me though, when a supposedly intelligent man tries to, for example, minimise the threat of Iran, seems prone to 9/11 conspiracy theories, scares people against vaccinations, etc. Not someone I would like to see POTUS.

About the Swine Flu, whatis your opinion regardingthe page at

While it is true the deaths attributed to Swine Flu have, thankfully, been small, my understanding is that, if allowed to spread unchecked, there is a danger of mutations which could cause a pandemic. Therefore, any person who refuses the vaccine or actively campaigns against it such as Ron Paul, is acting irresponsibly. I have had a young relative die of meningococcal disease because he wasn't vaccinated so I will not be taking any risks with my children where diseases like this are preventable.

Ask yourself the question, how would you feel if someone close to you died of swine flu because you talked them out of taking the vaccine because of personal beliefs or ideological reasons?

Anyway, all this has nothing to do with this forum!


By Bep - Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hello Daniël,

Im glad to read you have found love and its nothing "bad" that's holding up the developmend of Genopro.
Enjou yourself and hopefully find a lot of inspiration to develop Genopro further.

greetings to you and your Girlfriend,

Bep van Malde
By dma_k - Saturday, January 2, 2010
I am interested in the same topic:
* What is happening with current GenoPro development?
* Why there have been no releases since 2007? The archives have not been updated, newsletters keep silence.

If the project is stopped, the customers should know about this, right?

The community is waiting for the official announcement from the side of GenoPro team.
By Howard53 - Sunday, January 3, 2010
If you read further back in this topic you will find that Dan has posted a detailed explanation of the current situation with GenoPro development - see

The archives you reference have not been updated since they refer to the beta version which was replaced by GenoPro 2007. The history of GenoPro 2007 is at
By Robert Barbrow - Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Is there a published roadmap of what features the new version is working towards?

I for one have been asking for better auto arrange for a few years.

By bogistad - Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Robert, slightly off topic, but please satisfy my curiosity. Why do you use the Autoarrange feature? I continue to be surprised that so many people request improvements to this when there are far more important issues to be tackled. I have now set up a number of trees, have assisted others in developing theirs and have never used it. It is easy to set up your tree without it and you end up with what is visually appealing to you not how someone else thinks it should look.

Regarding your point in wanting to see a road map, I have also requested a Development Plan in the past but, as far as I am aware, non has ever been posted.


By 466410 - Saturday, January 16, 2010
I also congratulate you on finding someone special in your life, I also same age as you Daniel, with similar circumstances and thought I did meet someone special last year but was not to be.

Now from one developer to another developer, the GenoPro project has become 'very big' in my eyes, it is to me one of the more 'nicer' setups for charting your tree.

If you are getting a good return on this and you 'do not' have time to spend on the code, then to me you got options as I had started considering moving on.

1: Sell your source code to a company to keep the project going, your terms and money from the project will possibly be very nice.
2: Release it under some kind of GNU license, where you share the programming with a group of public programmers, this would then free you from the commitments but you would end up 'leading' the project.

It's your call, but I would say GenoPro is pretty much complete project however to keep it with other developing systems offline/online, then you need to keep at it.

It was only yesterday I was reading an article about Duke Nukem 3D being one of the most successful games of yesterday, however the developers didn't have any direction and they just relaxed, slowly developed and tweaked until the game was the only thing they had done, the follow up never made a release as they could not finalise it, they couldn't keep up with technology and kept re-investing. Interesting reading so will Windows be still around when you get back to the development BigGrin:

Good luck
Dave Rowland

By Robert Barbrow - Wednesday, March 3, 2010
bogistad (1/6/2010)
Robert, slightly off topic, but please satisfy my curiosity. Why do you use the Autoarrange feature? I continue to be surprised that so many people request improvements to this when there are far more important issues to be tackled. I have now set up a number of trees, have assisted others in developing theirsand have never used it. It is easy to set up your tree without it and you end up with what is visually appealing to you not how someone else thinksit should look.

Regarding your point in wanting to see a road map, I have also requested a Development Plan in the past but, as far as I am aware, non has ever been posted.


the visual aspect is what drew me to genopro in the first place. I can't speak to how everyone uses the program but the map is how i enter nearly all of my data using the map.

Lets face it other programs are a dime a dozen (gramps etc) that i can enter forums and the data will be just teh same but there is something about looking at the tree that i think is personally satisfying and also helps spot errors.

I also find the web reports to be very 1990's in the look and feel but every time i drag out the map then i get the groups of people coming over and asking whos who.

for those of you who are interested i also wrote a program to convert gedcom files to a format that a program called graphviz can read and do auto layouts.

my program is still very "beta" but it works most of the time.

back on topic

I'm not exactly feeling the love from the genopro staff in terms of letting me know whats going on.

By Patch61 - Saturday, April 10, 2010
While it is great that we got a reply after so long a silence, it really didn't answer much in the way of the status.

What features are being worked on?

What is the percentage complete of said features?

What are the future plans for Genopro, if any?

I don't think these questions are too much to ask, especially since many of Genopro's users are avid fans and would love nothing more than to introduce new users to the software. However, it is hard to 'feel good' about recommending something when that something's future is very much unknown, despite many requests for more information.

It just makes me sad because I love the program so much and have spent literally hundreds of hours making my (quite large) chart look very beautiful and interesting.


By GenoProSupport - Monday, April 12, 2010
We have been working on a collaboration module, to allow people to simultaneously edit a genealogy tree over the Intenet.  This weekend I have been working 15 hours each day.  I am almost ready to release a test version of the collaboration.

The collaboration module also handle pictures, so you can send pictures along with the family tree.  Oh, GenoPro can also display pictures in the family tree.

By 212529 - Monday, April 12, 2010
Will be new GenoPro able to display more data simultaneously?

For instance:
Name, Last Name,
Date of Birth, Place of Birth
Date of Marriage, Place of Marriage,
Date of Death, Cause of Death, Place of Death, Place of burial

I think it would be great, that we could display more data (at same time) on genogram. I personally really miss this option Smile

P.s. When can we expect new GenoPro? Hehe

By 383701 - Tuesday, April 13, 2010
totally agree with the above posting. It is really annoying to push the data, I want to see in the genomap, into custom tags and display them.

It would be very helpful, if it is possible to define the string which is displayed.
By rdn - Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I very much look forward to the new version. Based upon the graphic that is included, and can be seen in the Special version of GenoPro for Monica McGoldrick, you can now have pictures in the genogram. That is excellent!

However, as was mentioned several years ago, a wonderful option will be to have the picture (face) of each person as part of the oval or square that is depicted. If I recall correctly there was a discussion on DjVu (or something like this?).

Now that the next version finally seems to be coming together, it would be wonderful to have this option included!
By Rjn - Saturday, August 7, 2010
I'm totally confused.

I was out of the picture for a few years due to personal things, but never forgot the project. Now that I'm back, I assumed that the project had gone a big warp ahead and started to look and ask for the new Gamma version, which I thought was out for testing... an obvious hint of this is a forum called "Bug Report" under "GenoPro Gamma (in development)" which even has topics in it! In addition, I also found a link by a Google search which gave me an impression that this version really exists and is open for public. But browsing this Forum further I think I finally understand that there is no such thing as GenoPro Gamma out in the open, not even for testers - to my understanding because of reliability issues.

I'm just wondering... Is anyone else getting the feeling that everything is getting pretty confusing? I mean:

i) I keep finding these hidden pages @, one of which (link above) sells product that isn't out yet, one of which (/gamma) gives future information "How Can I participate in the Gamma Program?".. and latest /monica I discovered only today.
ii) English, French and other languages all have different kind of front page and structure.
iii) I can't find anywhere a straight answer on how should the website be translated nor why certain languages are available while others are not.

2) FORUM: Gamma Bug Report forum.. how can we report a bug on a version that cannot be tested?

3) DELAYS: I'm very happy for you, Dan, finding a partner and having a life outside office. Smile The fact that you told us, working years with no vacation, gives me the creeps. BigGrin: There are many other things to life than work and it's very important and nice thing if you have found a balance between business hours and freetime. Anyway, I -and I think most people agree- hope that we're getting a realistic and honest plans and estimates on progress. It doesn't matter if the schedule doesn't hold or if there's a real schedule at all with dates on it. I actually would prefer reading posts like "I did ... last week and this week I'm working on ... and my goal is to ..." or "The whole idea of ... blew up, had to start again..." or even "... I took some time off for my family..." instead of knowing a date when everything is gonna be ready. I sometimes get the feel that you go a bit defensive, trying to explain people why you did this and that. It's ok, by all means, but what I'm trying to say is that you don't have to be sorry for having a personal life, just keep us informed of where we are and where we're going - every now and then. A monthly newsletter was a good idea and still would be, or somekind of "author's blog" on the forum perhaps?

Oh, and try not to eat too much of the cake at one bite. I know there is loads of requests and tweaking, but I think everyone's waiting for that Collaboration module. Facebook app is a cool idea, but first things first, right? Smile
By jcmorin - Monday, August 9, 2010
About hidden page and secret url for purchasing GenoPro Gamma, don't try it, if you spend money on it it's likely you will receive a key but we may change the key format by the time of the release and we will refund you or replace your key. I suggest you don't go there.

The gamma version is not ready for testing, the only thing you can try is a special build for a incoming book that have a few new features that will be in the Gamma when released.

The forum have been updated too fast, we just wanted to remove the old "beta" version, the current bug in GenoPro 2007 should be reported and we will fix when possible.

About delay, we are a very small team, Daniel is architect of GenoPro (the application), anything else related to web site, forum, online service (publications, backups, account creation, password...), Facebook stuff is mostly assigned to me or others in the team so that doesn't slow down the development of the GenoPro application.

You haven't miss the party, the party have not started yet.

Once release, we will send back the newsletter with news, tips and information about GenoPro.
By GenoProSupport - Monday, August 9, 2010
jcmorin (8/9/2010)
About delay, we are a very small team, Daniel is architect of GenoPro (the application), anything else related to web site, forum, online service (publications, backups, account creation, password...), Facebook stuff is mostly assigned to me or others in the team so that doesn't slow down the development of the GenoPro application.

One thing which contributed to the delay is my personal life: I am getting married.  Today I signed the papers to announce our marriage.  Before I had a girlfriend, I was working, eating and sleeping.  My appartment only had a desk and a bed, with no TV and no couch.  I had no vacations from 1991 to 2007.  I am glad I met my girlfriend later, otherwise there would have been no GenoPro.  The amount of work to develop GenoPro remains an accomplishment.  Next month I will be 36. I am happy to have found a great woman to share my life with and have a family.  Unfortunately, I cannot work as before (during days, evenings and weekends).  The good news is Jean-Claude and I are working full time on GenoPro and we have exciting features coming for you.

By vlepore - Monday, August 9, 2010
Fortunately, you can not work as before!
Congratulations and ... Good Luck!
We wait until Christmas and then, if needed, still waiting.
With the current version of GenoPro, it works fine.

Even if you always want something more!

By Yehudad - Tuesday, August 10, 2010
GenoProSupport (8/9/2010)
One thing which contributed to the delay is my personal life: I am getting married. TodayI signed the papers to announce our marriage.

That is indeed good news!! Mazal Tov.
I wish you two all the best.
It is very hard to have the good mixture between work and family.

Good luck with that :Wink:
By Yehudad - Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Rjn (8/7/2010)

I actually would prefer reading posts like "I did ... last week and this week I'm working on ... and my goal is to ..." or "The whole idea of ... blew up, had to start again..." or even "... I took some time off for my family..." instead of knowing a date when everything is gonna be ready. I sometimes get the feel that you go a bit defensive, trying to explain people why you did this and that. It's ok, by all means, but what I'm trying to say is that you don't have to be sorry for having a personal life, just keep us informed of where we are and where we're going - every now and then. A monthly newsletter was a good idea and still would be, or somekind of "author's blog" on the forum perhaps?

I can't agree more Smile
By rdn - Sunday, March 11, 2012
Any news?

I simply love this program, but am worried as everyone else in this forum...  It has been a few years since we last heard of a major upgrade.

Can you please tell us what is planned (and when)?
By Nand - Monday, April 23, 2012
Normally, "no news" is "good news" but in this case no news ain't good news.

IMHO, the whole support forum could use a good clean-up.

> Multiple threads about the same subject are not consolidated.  Good luck with the "search" function.

> Updates are no longer announced here (since September 2008).  Yes, I do know about Help / Check for updates, but I call this the "lazy solution".  Either you synchronize both or you drop one of them.

> More than 400 topics remain unanswered.  If they are irrelevant, delete/move them.  If they are relevant answer them.

> Over and over the same/similar questions are popping up but no decent answers are given.  Maybe the questions are too simple to be understood by you, the bright people?

Moreover, you really need to visit this forum regularly to keep up with its structure and contents.  I was off-line for two months and I'm completely lost right now.

And, unfortunately, since this post is rather polite, it won't get an answer neither ...