Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Gamma development is obviously way behind schedule but I have also noticed that the contribution of the GenoPro developers to this forum has been scarce. I am sure that GenoPro customers and other readers of this forum would appreciate an update as to what is happening both with the developers and future development. Has it come to a halt? If there are financial problems stopping it, I am sure most people would not mind a small upgrade fee for future major releases.
I have noticed that several posters in the past have asked for an update with little or no response from the team. The purchasers of this product have done so in good faith with the expectation of upgrades and improvements, and are entitled to know what, if anything, they can expect in the future.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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JcMorin as well as GenoProSupport last logged in Thursday, August 13. I hope all is well with them.
Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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It is summer, and Canada is very hot at this time of year.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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It has been almost two months since I posted this query seeking some indication of what to expect regarding GenoPro's development. Sadly and inexplicably, there has been no response from the developers.
I would like to once again request that the loyal customers and users of this product be provided with a brief update as to the current situation and what our expectations should be for the future.
Edited: Monday, October 5, 2009 by
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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1) There have been (a few) summer(s) ...2) Earth is getting more and more hot ... 3) Even when I wait, I don't like to be(come) an ... waiter :-)
additional email: finkea@mail.biu.ac.il ARIGATO-GOZAIMASU(jp) DAKUJEM(sk) DANKE(d) EVHARISTIES(gr) GRAZIE(it) MERCI(f) MULTUMESC(ro) SPASIVA(ru) THANKS(gb) THODAH(il)
Edited: Saturday, October 24, 2009 by
Customers GenoPro version:
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What is happening? Nothing! I have feeling, that we are waiting for nothing (soon it will be 2 years since Gamma should be released!).I don't think there will be Gamma at all. Thats why they don't answer us to questions about date release. They just don't have anything (new) to tell us...
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Looking at the GenoPro version the GenoProSupport member is running ( it is very well possible they will have something to announce very soon.Anyhow, you're right. There should be more frequent releases - even with only minor bug fixes - preferably at least every 6 months.
Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Don't get too excited. 2.5 appeared 3 years ago
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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What I find really disappointing is the lack of a response. If they are having difficulties, whether financial or technical, I can accept that.
Surely the customers who have purchased this product and have waited patiently in good faith are entitled to a periodical progress report or an indication whether it has a future.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
Last Login: Monday, May 5, 2014
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mini CURRICULUM VITAE:Once upon a time, I'd used a (very good at that time) Israeli genealogical program. After some years, they passed the way, so that I had to look for another alternative. I've chosen this program (which has proved itself as much better - untill now). By the way, today (2009), there is still some uncoverted data (from the previous program company) waiting for manual conversion to GENOPRO. I "prefer !!!" to think it won't happen again. There is too much info (of mine) going to be lost forever (as unrecognized by GEDCOM). Waiting (as all the other) to hear (in the nearest future) some (good) news. :-)
additional email: finkea@mail.biu.ac.il ARIGATO-GOZAIMASU(jp) DAKUJEM(sk) DANKE(d) EVHARISTIES(gr) GRAZIE(it) MERCI(f) MULTUMESC(ro) SPASIVA(ru) THANKS(gb) THODAH(il)
Edited: Saturday, October 31, 2009 by