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adopted child and a divorced couple
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By 769949 - Saturday, September 4, 2010
Hi !

I've got a problem with setting a divorced couple.
After the divorce, the husband adopted a child.
When I select this child  and sets her has an adopted girl, she appears as being adopted by the former couple and not by the single man. What sould I do ?

thank you.

By GenoProSupport - Saturday, September 4, 2010
I agree with you, there is no easy way to show this.  At the moment, GenoPro uses the Pedigree Link to link parents and children through the Family (the horizontal bar), however there is no direct way to set a direct parent-child link between two individuals.  On top of that, GenoPro does not distinguish between a Biological Child, and Adopted Child and a Foster Child.

I tried create a family tree with your scenario, and I believe the best solution is to use the Social Relationship (keyboard R) between the adopted parent and child.  Maybe it is time to add a new type of relationship for adoption by single parent.  Any suggestions?
By appleshaw - Saturday, September 4, 2010
Alternative is to create a new family line below the divorce; link the father to this line; link the child and change the pedigree line to Adopted.
By GenoProSupport - Saturday, September 4, 2010
This is somewhat similar to the GenoMap Single Parent in file Tutorials.gno.
By map856 - Thursday, June 23, 2022
I realise the above posts are very old but I've come across a very similar situation in my family tree that I'm trying to work through.

I've followed the above suggestions to create this structure in which Bill and Jen were married, had a daughter Sarah, later got divorced and Jen adopted two children, Aaron and Joy.

So far so good...

However, when I run the Narrative Report I start to see some issues.

It starts off just fine. Jen's individual report shows two families, one with Bill and another on her own:

"Jen's family with Bill" also looks fine:

However looking at "Jen's family" it starts to be a bit confusing:

Not only is the wording a little awkward (Jen adopted her a...), but the adopted children are listed as stepson and stepdaughter! Surely this is not correct. Is there a reason for adopted children to be referred to as stepchildren?

If we start looking at the children there are other anomalies. Starting by looking at Sarah, we get:

Is it right for the adopted siblings to be listed as half-brother and half-sister?

It gets even more confusing when we look at one of the adopted siblings:

So, Aaron is correctly reported as having two sisters but Sarah is not listed as a half-sister. I suspect this is correct but is not consistent with the above.

I'm not quite sure what's going on here. It could be that I'm doing something wrong or perhaps it's a limitation of GenoPro or a bug in the Narrative Report. 

I'd be grateful for any insights or comments if anyone knows how I can get around these inconsitencies.

Many thanks.

By genome - Sunday, June 26, 2022
Yes, the reference to stepson/stepdaughter is a bug in the Narrative Report script. I have a fix for it that I will release in a few days when I have sorted some other unrelated issues.

However the situation with the reference to half-siblings is not as clear.  In this example GenoPro does mark Sarah as a half-sister, presumably because she only has one parent in common with Aaron and Joy, irrespective of whether they are adopted. But I have yet to get the bottom of why Aaron's sisters are not displayed as a half-sister and a sister. I'll take another look.
By map856 - Sunday, June 26, 2022
Thank you kindly. I look forward to hearing more in due course!
By genome - Tuesday, June 28, 2022
see for fix to issue of incorrectly reporting adopted children as stepchildren.

As regards half-siblings, there is an inconsistency within GenoPro itself. If a child has a single parent then his/her half siblings are reported as full siblings. So in your example Sarah is reported as being a sister to Aaron and Joy rather than a half sister, but Aaron and Joy are shown as half brother and half sister of Sarah.  Giving single parent Jen a partner then shows Sarah as a half sister of Aaron & Joy Crazy

Maybe Dan will see this and produce a fix Laugh
By map856 - Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Thank you so much for the very speedy fix to the Narrative Report. That works really well now. Yes, let's hope that the half sibling anomaly can be addressed in the GenoPro software. I'm wondering whether it would be worth raising in the Bug Report topic on this forum.

Thanks again.
