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Tree diagram online
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By 776522 - Friday, September 16, 2011
Tree diagram notvisible on online Report – After clicking on the diagram tree, that field is often blank. Only moving about a considerable distance over the field a diagram will appear (usually to the right of the field), which then needs to be expanded to view. I have worked out how to find iteventually, but visitors haven’t that knowledge or skill.
By genome - Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sorry for the delay in reponding, it was a little difficult to see what you meant here, but your published English report gave me the clue.

Having looked at your genomaps I have noticed that one genmap in particular, Piwowarczyk, does not centre correctly. In GenoPro, if you select all objects (Ctrl/a) and then 'Center Selection' (Home key) the map is offset. I discovered that you have a blank Label object with no border (hence it is invisible) at position -8420, 1805.  If you delete this object and regenerate the Report then the centre of this Genomap should have some visible objects.  Also there is a Configuration Parameter available to request that GenoMaps are displayed in the report zoomed out to the full map, allowing your visitors to see the whole and then zoom in  to a particular part.

You will also benefit from using the latest Narrative Report skin, see Currently your report suffers from the bug whereby if say a SVG GenoMap is maximised then the index frame remains hidden until the 'Home' icon is clicked.
By 776522 - Thursday, December 22, 2011
I just realised that I had not acknowledged your reply, for which I apologise.
Thank you for that very useful explanation