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Latest GenoPro 'Narrative Report' Skin

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Author Updated 2015/05/05
Posted Sunday, May 8, 2011 - Post #28332
Legendary Master

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This post serves as a fixed placeholder for the 'English Narrative Report' GenoPro report skin.

This skin is an update the version built-in to GenoPro, correcting a number of bugs and adding many more new features.  Note that the version within GenoPro is not replaced and this one sits alongside it.  It is necessary to choose the correct skin when generating a report.

Essentially this report skin is used to generate a multi page HTML report providing comprehensive indexed documentation of your family tree, including timelines and ancestor pedigree charts. GenoPro's GenoMaps are represented by interactive SVG images that can be zoomed and panned. The report can be published to the GenoPro 'familytrees' web site, to your own web site or to your hard drive or other local storage. 

It can also be used to produce a 'book' style report in PDF format.

The latest version of the skin can be found attached to this post.  For help on installing this on your PC see  How to install and use custom skins .

As from version 2014.08.14 the revision history of this GenoPro report skin can be found in the file history.rtf (Rich Text Format - open with WordPad) within the skin folder.  Please view this file after downloading and unzipping the skin to see a summary of changes and enhancements.  

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn" (882 views, 1.60 MB)


Edited: Tuesday, May 5, 2015 by genome
Posted Tuesday, May 5, 2015 - Post #34986
Legendary Master

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GenoPro version:

Last Login: 12 hours ago
Posts: 3,369, Visits: 25,828
This post announces version 2015.05.05 of the Narrative Report skin that can be found attached to the FIRST post in this thread.

Help with further testing appreciated. Please report any issues found via the button on the Report Generator Bugs subforum page and I will squash any little critters found a.s.a.p!.

See history.rtf file in downloaded skin for full revision history. 

Recent Issues:

Status         Version         Bug Ref  /  Description
Closed        2015.04.15   Problem with hyperlinked Individuals not appearing on timeline.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 by genome

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