By 40345 - Tuesday, April 3, 2012
It's impossible to adopt child for along person (no wife or husbad). How to solve this?
And second I had a Problem during generating web report
The error messsage is: error in line 25 (genomap.svg):8007007E GenPro 2011 ver This VAScript consist error ' Generic utility routines that can be used anywhere. ' The routines in this files are language independent. ' ' HISTORY ' Aug-2005 GenoPro Creation ' Sep 2005 - Apr 2008 Ron Development & Maintenace ........................................................ ........................................................... Set oHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") Set oBinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") <---- error is hereoBinaryStream.Type = 1 ' binary oBinaryStream.Mode = 3 ' read/write oBinaryStream.Open What to do?
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Can you provide a sample file causing the problem? For privacy, feel free to send the file to service {at} genopro dot com. Thanks.
By appleshaw - Tuesday, April 3, 2012
If you link an existing child to a parent the program starts by assuming a family exists. The following diagram shows the stages needed to modify this to show a child adopted by a single parent
By genome - Tuesday, May 22, 2012
40345 (03-Apr-2012)
And second I had a Problem during generating web report
The error messsage is: error in line 25 |
This error indicates missing Windows files or registry entries. If you are running under Vista then the solution given in may help.