By Bryman - Friday, April 24, 2015
I have several fields which take values of only a single character or just a few, eg Y/N or Year Number. Allocating a whole horizontal line in the entry panel for each such field is a waste of space. How can I specify that more than one field be on each line?
I don't wish for complete control of field placement but would like to be able to group certain fields together on the same line.
By genome - Saturday, April 25, 2015
The custom tag tab on the Proporties dialog cannot be changed. to use a single Another approach would be to use a single custom tag to record several values e.g.
myCustomTags = Marker1:Y, Marker2:N, Marker3:J, Year1:1951, Year2:2010, Text1:"some text" etc I recall your earlier post about writing custom tag data to a gedcom export In this case the script required in the Config Param field to access each value separately would be something like: var Flags={Y:"Y", N:"N", J:"J"}, data={}, tag=(this.GetTagValue(i,"myCustomTags") + '') || '';with (Flags) eval('data={'+tag+'};'); // create javascript object 'data' from tag values. // then output gedcom for any subtags present e.g. Report.Write3Br('1 SomeTag ', data.Marker1, ''); // output Gedcom tag 'SomeTag' if Marker1 present Report.WritePhrase('1 EVEN{\\br}2 Type your event name{\\br}2 Date {0}{\\br}', data.Year2); //output Gedcom event structure if Year2 present
The field names Marker1, Marker2, Year1, Year2, Text1 etc can of course ber chnaged to suit your own requirements