By Jordi-Albert - Friday, June 17, 2016
I did the catalan translation of the program some years ago....
on the last (fast) 10 years I had no time to work on my genealogy hobby... I hope that this will be changed on the future.
I want to work in your program, and I will asume the task to reply any spanish/catalan query.
this will be ok for you? How can I help?
Jordi-Albert Batalla
By 174223 - Friday, June 17, 2016
Hi Joan-Albert, welcome again. Anything you need, you know ... at your disposal, with little time ...
By joan.fonollosa - Sunday, July 24, 2016
I'm still working with Genopro 2011 in my family projects. As Jordi-Albert said too, some years ago I've made some translations to the catalan language. I'd like to know if you did the translation to the catalan in the new Genopro 2016? If you need some help, I can offer you some collaboration to improve the catalan version.
By Jordi-Albert - Sunday, July 24, 2016
Estic treballant en la traducció....
pero podriem fer un grup de treball per a ajuntar esforços....
(poseu-me un missatge privat)
By 174223 - Sunday, July 24, 2016
Hola Joan-Albert:
En una setmana començo vacances i tindré temps disponible.
Ja diràs.
Josep M.
PD no se o no funciona el missatge privat
By joan.fonollosa - Tuesday, August 2, 2016
El missatge privat no em funciona, però si voleu podem fer un grup de treball per sumar esforços en la traducció al català |
By Jordi-Albert - Tuesday, August 2, 2016
he creat un compte de correu "genoproCat@...." que es reenvia directament a tots el menbres de la llista. aviat rebràs un email per continuar treballant Jordi-Albert
By mariahcarey - Thursday, August 4, 2022
joan.fonollosa (02-Aug-2016)
El missatge privat no em funciona, però si voleu podem fer un grup de treball per sumar esforços en la traducció al català També m'agradaria unir-me al grup de treball per sumar-me a l'esforç per traduir al català. Si us plau, deixa'm que t'acompanyi! |
By barcelonamark - Wednesday, April 5, 2023
mariahcarey (05-Aug-2022)
joan.fonollosa (02-Aug-2016)
El missatge privat no em funciona, però si voleu podem fer un grup de treball per sumar esforços en la traducció al català També m'agradaria unir-me al grup de treball per sumar-me a l'esforç per traduir al català. Si us plau, deixa'm que t'acompanyi! positive s wordsHo sento per preguntar, però ets un parlant nadiu?
By Jordi-Albert - Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Si, al grup som, de moment, tots catalans.
By Jordi-Albert - Friday, June 30, 2023
Interresting on genopro Translation or on the language?
By joan.fonollosa - Sunday, March 17, 2024
As translation collaborators, during years we spent lots of time and still working at it to make a more accurate translation of Genopro to Catalan language.
But it's really odd to check that in the main page -where we pick up any language- is shown that only 84,5% of Catalan translation is done, even when we have made 671 versions, lots more than lots of other languages with a higher percentage shown of work done. We discovered that some fields in the English version are not prompted to be translated and also some fields are in grey and cannot be translated to Catalan. Thanks to check if something is wrong to improve our encouragement and commitment to follow our translation work.