By 32064 - Sunday, March 4, 2018
How can I export to MS Excel (or to an ASCII file) the most relevant data of a married couple such as birthday, date of death, date of marriage as well as the birthday and death date of all their children?
Thank you for your help.
By genome - Sunday, March 4, 2018
You can copy most of the information from Table Layout - Individuals except for marriage date. Select the family on your genomap, then open Table Layout Individuals. Use Invert Selection (Ctrl & I) then Hide (Shift & Del) to list only the selected family data. Right Click on the a table column heading and choose Column Properties to select required columns. You can then right click on a table cell and use Copy Table with Header. You can then simply paste the data into your spreadsheet.
Other than the above anothere solution would be to write a Report Skin to generate a .csv file that you can load into your spreadsheet. A knowledge of Javascript would be required. If you want to investigate further this I suggest you start with the 'Export to SQL' skin source files.