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Export data to MS Excel

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Posted Sunday, March 4, 2018 - Post #38581
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How can I export to MS Excel (or to an ASCII file) the most relevant data  of a married couple such as birthday, date of death, date of marriage as well as the birthday and death date of all their children?

Thank you for your help.
Posted Sunday, March 4, 2018 - Post #38584
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You can copy most of the information from Table Layout - Individuals except for marriage date.  Select the family on your genomap, then open Table Layout Individuals. Use Invert Selection (Ctrl & I) then Hide (Shift & Del) to list only the selected family data. Right Click on the a table column heading and choose Column Properties to select required columns. You can then right click on a table cell and use Copy Table with Header. You can then simply paste the data into your spreadsheet.

Other than the above anothere solution would be to write a Report Skin to generate a .csv file that you can load into your spreadsheet. A knowledge of Javascript would be required. If you want to investigate further this I suggest you start with the 'Export to SQL' skin source files. 

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