By jurela - Wednesday, March 25, 2020
One problem! |
By genome - Wednesday, March 25, 2020
When you use your email address to generate a report genopro does not use the correct url to access it, hence 'page not found' but the report is created correctly and can be accessed via the standard url that includes your genopro username I.e.
And so the solution is to always use your genopro username and not your email address.
By jurela - Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Unfortunate do not work :Невозможно создать каталог ''. Неисправен носитель. Проверьте правильность пути для исправного носителя Unable to create directory ''. Defective media. Verify the path is correct for healthy media
By genome - Wednesday, March 25, 2020
You have misunderstood what I meant. is the URL to access the report once it is generated NOT the path to use when generating a report.
You should use your GenoPro username NOT your email in the Login Username or Email box |