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In 2021 LGBT/Q++ Families Exist!
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By HavantCounselling - Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Hi - good product - originally purchased in 2012 and just paid you for a 2020 upgrade. 

However, the product is looking significantly embarrassing with respect to how families are constructed nowadays (both socially AND legally).

For instance: the GenoPro Family Wizard opens a dialog box asking for "Husband/Father" information and "Wife/Mother". Put another way, how would you expect my husband and I (another male) to use this dialog box?

Similarly, the "New Child" dialog box offers four options for Gender: "Male / Female / Pet / Don't know". Gender-non-binary has been socially recognised for a while now, as has gender-neutral. "Don't Know" is not a suitable alternative (and "Pet" is definitely an inappropriate choice).

I'd look forward to entering a dialogue with you about bringing GeoPro up to date with respect to real-life families and gender!
By HavantCounselling - Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Looking further into the product, I do see now that there are several different options to be found (WRT "sexual orientation" and "gender identification")

Maybe better to consider how we phrase gender identification nowadays. Not all folk who identify differently to their assigned birth gender use the term "transgender", or identity as "Male, Female, Pet, Don't Know" after they settle with their gender identity. I think that needs work in this software.

Definitely an issue with the Family Wizard dialog offering "Husband / Wife" though Blink
By GenoPro dev2 - Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Hi, thank you for your comment. We constantly update GenoPro to satisfy the current needs, wishes and requirements of the communities and social workers around the world, and we welcome all input that can help us build a better product.

The Family Wizard is meant to facilitate creating a Union between two individuals and the children that are attached (adopted, conceived, fostered, etc...) to that union.  

What titles would you suggest for the Family Wizard?   How about "Spouse/Parent" ?  Would that work?

Just to make sure I understand correctly.   A Non-Binary Gender is a person who does not identify as either male or female, or may identify as both.  Is that correct?
As GenoPro is used for some legal issues, and often by Social Workers, with the interest of providing accurate support information, do you know any regions where Non-Binary Gender is legally accepted as a gender?

What would be a better term for "Transgender"?

Thank you for helping us build a better product.
By bogistad - Monday, January 11, 2021
I appreciate where the OP is coming from (having two gay members in my extended family) but I wouldn't like to see the terms Husband/Father and Wife/Mother completely disappear from the Family Wizard or from anywhere in GenoPro for that matter. Regardless of gender self-identification which comes later in life, every person at birth has a father (male) and a mother (female) which can't be ignored either genealogically or biologically. These traditional terms have appeared and are used as sources of identification in Baptism, Birth, Marriage and sometimes even some Death records for centuries. To me, the Family Wizard is not just the union of two people, regardless of gender identification, but a record of the biological father and mother of an individual at the time of birth.

Perhaps Husband/Father/Spouse/Parent and Wife/Mother/Spouse/Parent would cover all possibilties.

By NPstudent - Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Can someone help? I do not see where I add sexual orientation or transgender to my genogram. I also do not see how to add a miscarriage to the genogram. I have added a screen shot so you can see what I am looking at.
Thank you
By genome - Wednesday, February 17, 2021
These are not displayed by default.  You simply to click Tools on the menu bar then Options and then tick the Display Genogram Tab then Ok
By 2151904 - Friday, March 26, 2021
Since June 15, 2017, non-binary, marked with an X on state ID's, is a legal gender in Oregon. The X can also be used to identify people who are intersexed (people who are born with variations in sex characteristics that do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies).  I also do not see a way to mark someone as intersex in GenoPro, although I have not looked very hard as I have not needed it yet.
By appleshaw - Saturday, March 27, 2021
There is an option to add a person and then change gender to Don't Know using ? on the display.
By 2151904 - Saturday, March 27, 2021
appleshaw (27-Mar-2021)
There is an option to add a person and then change gender to Don't Know using ? on the display.

But "don't know" is different from the known state of being non-binary or intersexed.

One of my great-grandparents had 5 siblings but no one knows the name or gender of the 5th.

A member of my church is locally famous for suing because a judge would not let them change their official state gender marker to X for non-binary despite meeting the state requirements.

My childhood neighbor is in a book of nude art photographs of people born intersexed.

In the first case, gender is unknown, in the second two, it is known but not "male" or "female".
By appleshaw - Sunday, March 28, 2021
As far as I am concerned "don't know" is no different from the known state of being non-binary or intersexed. However that is not being helpful so need to think around this.
GenoPro v.1 was devised in the last century! The basic concept of a database of data which can be displayed on a graphical display has been improved with time and the user has the ability to enhance the basic display. The user can not add more fields such as an alternative defination of gender although the use Tags can extend them.

The first approach is to modify the display
   1.  Use colours to show variants. The ? symbol can be changed for each person. You can add a menu to explain each variant.
   2.  Change the symbol to the diamond shape - which can also be coloured with a different colour in each quadrant
   3.  Add a comment on the main page and from the Display menu on the main page make comments visible

Finally  Do what I have just done. Explore the possibilities of the program. I have just seen on the Genogram tab of the main menu that these problems have been addressed with options to add Transgender or Sexual Orientation data.

We can all learn although I still do not know what HeteroFlexible means
By King Semsem - Monday, April 5, 2021
NPstudent (16-Feb-2021)
I also do not see how to add a miscarriage to the genogram.
We seem to have skimmed over this. To mark a Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or an Abortion, you simply create the individual, mark them as "Deceased," and select Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or Abortion as the Cause of Death. Each of those three options will provide a different Genogram symbol for the individual.

As far as the main subject of the Thread goes, if I'm not mistaken, the GenoPro team currently is (and has been) developing a redesigned GenoPro, fairly certain more-or-less from scratch. While it's overdue, and I have my doubts if it'll ever be released, I can see from a developer standpoint that making updates, minor or significant, to the old-GenoPro that is publicly released, is a waste of time.

Provided the next iteration of GenoPro supports the concept of a Gender and Sexual Orientation Spectrum, I don't see a problem with the public version currently being a little ... cumbersome.
By wching - Saturday, February 12, 2022
Hi, How does one change the gender symbol from a square or circle into a diamond? Can you show me where in the menu I can go to do this??? Thanks!
By genome - Sunday, February 13, 2022
By wching - Monday, February 14, 2022
Thanks for the indications... I guess choosing a diamond to tag someone who doesn't identify as a male or a female will do for now. I will ignore for now the tag label for diamond to be a "Pet" though... This is absolutely dreadful. I do hope the next update brings the gender markers to the 21st century! As is, it leaves much to be desired...
By appleshaw - Tuesday, February 15, 2022
There is the last option of Don't Know. This puts a ? on the display. This is a good description of Don't Know but may not be suitable
By 2372147 - Thursday, August 4, 2022
And then what?
By appleshaw - Tuesday, August 9, 2022
You can use a Label to add notes
By 1867165 - Thursday, March 23, 2023
Heteroflexibility describes the sexual behavior of someone who identifies as straight but sometimes has sex with people of the same sex. Some research indicates that as much as 15% of the U.S. population identifies as heteroflexible.
Legate N, Rogge RD. Identifying basic classes of sexual orientation with latent profile analysis: Developing the multivariate sexual orientation classification systemArch Sex Behav. 2019;48(5):1403-1422. doi:10.1007/s10508-018-1336-y

I have got my program to add sexual orientation and Transgender - however, I think There needs to be a Non-binary option.  Can both transgender options and non-binary be added to the G"Gender " section right along with male and female?

I have also seen some options for polyamory and symbols for a polycule - but non on Genopro.
By GenoProSupport - Saturday, March 25, 2023
I understand your concern. When I started writing GenoPro in 1997, yes 26 years ago, I was a full-time student in Computer & Electrical Engineering. GenoPro was a hobby during my "spare" time, and never thought it would become so popular. At that time I there were males and females and some suggested pets to their family trees, so I decided to reuse the same memory bits to designate a pet to honor file compatibility. In retrospect it was a mistake.

Thank you for the link

If you have suggestions for symbols for designating sexual orientation, please post some images here. I will make sure GenoProX is better at handling those situations.