By map856 - Monday, May 3, 2021
My family tree is set up across 12 distinct GenoMaps, each representing a specific part of the family. For many years I've been successfully web publishing it to using the Narrative Report.
Recently I made several updates to individuals and families on two of the GenoMaps and proceeded to upload the whole document using the Narrative Report. However, I noticed that the adds/updates I had made, involving 6 specific individuals (belonging to one family) on one of the GenoMaps were not updated on! On the other hand, all individuals I added/updated on the second GenoMap uploaded correctly. As a test, I generated the same report to my local C drive and that worked just fine. All individuals added/updated as expected. As another test, I generated a Narrative Report against the failed GenoMap (as opposed to the whole document). This uploaded and worked just fine. I then generated the same report against the whole document and this resulted in the same issue. Those individuals were still not added or updated. As a desperate measure, I deleted the whole publication/folder (using the control panel) and proceeded to generate the Narrative Report once again from scratch. Unfoturnately, this made no difference. Those individuals were still missing of not updated. I would appreciate any help or tips that may help me fix this issue. Martin
By genome - Monday, May 3, 2021
The most plausible explanation for this phenomenon is that your browser is caching old copies of pages. So clear your browser's cache. With Chrome I find the best way is to press F12 then right click on the page refresh button and click the last option to empty cache and reload. |
By map856 - Monday, May 3, 2021
Thank you so much. That worked nicely. All good now