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Setting Parameters for Auto Arrange?
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By NiKo - Wednesday, January 19, 2022
I've been trying to create a standardized layout for all my genomaps, ie Husband and Wife 8 tiles apart.  Their Union line 4 tiles below them.  Their children line 1 tile below that.  Kids 3 tiles below the Children Line, and 6 Tiles from one another.  Occasionally I need to tweak these numbers, or add a child or a spouse, and all of sudden I have a daunting amount of work in front of me to rearrange everyone.

There is a free application called yEd Graph Editor, and it allows you to quickly change the layout of a Network from Hierarchical to Circular to Radial, etc and set different parameters so your graph looks the way you want it to.

I've attached one of the seven tabs from the Hierachical Layout box.

Would there be any way to implement something like this to automatically layout each genomap?
By loverdinosaur - Monday, June 6, 2022
There is a program available that is called yEd Graph Editor, and it enables you to quickly change the layout of a Network from Hierarchical to Circular to Radial, etc., and set various parameters so that your graph appears the way you want it to. You can download this program for free on the internet.
By genome - Tuesday, June 7, 2022
NiKo (19-Jan-2022)
Would there be any way to implement something like this to automatically layout each genomap?

One way would be to export your genomap as GedCom, import into yEd and arrange as required, then export as graphic xml data.  It then may be possible to via some new coding to merge positional data back into GenoPro XML by matching on ID.  A challenging experiment for someone Smile