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Better AutoArrange
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By Stefanos - Saturday, June 18, 2005
Hi to all. My congratulations too to Dan Morin for his great work. I just purchased GenoPro, after using the unregistered version 1.91 for a couple of months, having created more than 1,100 people-entries in my (and my wife's) family tree. The program is great and I love it!

A feature I love but *wonder* whether it can be improved is 'AutoArrange'. It's great that it makes everything look so neat, however it's a bit of a problem that generation hierarchy is not easily identifiably at first sight. What I mean is that, for example, cousins of mine appear above (on the tree, visually, not hierarchically) some grand-parents of mine. Perhaps this is inevitable, especially for trees that get too extended horizontally, however I was wondering whether there can be a solution to it.

Again, congratulations to Dan for what he has done, and hopefully for what he will still do.

By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
This message was originally in the Congrats on the new forum! however I believe the AutoArrange deserves a topic on its own.

I am surprised so many uses are using the AutoArrange being unaware GenoPro can create beautiful genealogy trees without the AutoArrange. I personally built many genealogy trees and never used the AutoArrange in any of them. I utilize the toolbar buttons to create parents and add children, and use the mouse to move the newly created objects (when necessarily).

Having said that, I want to tell everyone there will be a better AutoArrange for version 2.1. Why version 2.1? Because it would delay version 2.0 if included in this version. The goal is to release v2.0 ASAP without compromising quality and future growth of the product. The new AutoArrange will have parameters (options) to do different layouts, and capable to create internal hyperlinks to the same and/or a different GenoMap.

The original AutoArrange was based on the Genogram Rules, however this method produces overlapping when positioning the ancestors and children for a complex web of relationships. I am inviting you to visit the Genogram Rules and you will understand the difficulty to position the ancestors and descendents after positioning the parents.

The new AutoArrange will still follow those rules, however it will have a built-in mechanism to detect overlapping. Once overlapping has been detected, it will use heuristics to determine where to place the rest of the genealogy tree. Depending on the options selected, the AutoArrange may create an internal hyperlink to the same GenoMap or to a different GenoMap. All the Genogram Rules will be observed. The new AutoArrange will also be capable to auto-arrange a selection (a branch of a tree) rather than auto-arranging the entire tree.

What Can Be Done?
With GenoPro Beta 11 and beyond, you can split your genealogy tree into sub-trees using the GenoMaps.
  1. If you have overlapping, select a branch of your genealogy tree you want to move to a different GenoMap. You may use the mouse or the toolbar buttons. To get started, click on one individual where you see the most overlapping, then click on the toolbar button "Select Ancestor Tree" or "Select Descendent Tree". If you get too much selection, try the same process with another individual. If you still have too much selection, select one individual and click four or five times on the "Select One Generation" toolbar button to select four to five generations around the individual. You are welcome to do any combinations of selection using the various toolbar buttons.
  2. Right-click to get the context menu and pick "Move to GenoMap" to move the selection to a desired GenoMap. GenoPro will preserve all the pedigree links. Some links may not be visible in either GenoMap but will remain there and all the parent-child hierarchy will remains intact.
  3. Once you have moved the selection to a new GenoMap, click on the AutoArrange toolbar button. This action will arrange the sub-tree you just moved in the new GenoMap. If you don't like the new layout, click on the Undo button twice and go to step #1.
  4. Go to your main GenoMap (typically the first GenoMap) and click on the AutoArrange. The AutoArrange will create a different layout since some branches of the genealogy tree have been moved in step #2. If you don't like the new layout, you may click Undo 3 times to roll back to step #1. If you have seen improvement, repeat step #1 until you have no more overlapping.
By maru-san - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I only can confirm what Dan is saying about the autoarrange function. I never use it any more, unless I want to see a section of the tree arranged the way Genopro suggests.
When genomaps were not around I had all members (app. 2500) in one tree arranged in such way that there were no crossing lines, however not always following the proper rules. With genomaps around I have splitted the tree into smaler branches and use hyperlinks to connect them. Besides having a tree with 2500 members becomes so big (wide) its hard to find a suitable print shop to do this job (40 pages(A4) across and 3 pages in vertical direction). Smaller trees are much better manageable.
If I would include pictures into these trees, the trees become even wider.
Another advantage is you can supply members of the family with a tree of their choice rather than with a tree which has no meaning to them to a certain extent.
Once I suggested a ruler on the left or right side showing generations or years, making it easy to arrange to generations, but since the genomaps were getting more manageable in size this request does not have priority any more, although the request still remains.
By hays - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Uhm...may be I have to learn more about arranging the diagram.
I still use the auto arrange. My goal is to get the diagram more better to see, then after the auto arrange, I arrange it manually to get the diagram better to see.
But lately I get more problems with this auto arrange. Since I have more than 7000 individuals, I get an ugly diagram everytime someone has more than 2 wives/husbands. Luckily there are not so many of them Smile
Is this problem known by you ?
I have tried someone with 3-4-5 wives at the beginning of the diagram. It was fine (there are not so many individuals) but when I add the wives/husband after I get more than 1000 inviduals, than the diagram will become ugly.

By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Since I have more than 7000 individuals, I get an ugly diagram everytime someone has more than 2 wives/husbands. Luckily there are not so many of them Smile
Is this problem known by you ?

This is a known inssue and cannot be fixed without a complete rewrite of code. GenoPro does detect the multiple wives/husbands however it does not know where to place them. The rules to place the husband to the left and the wife to the right creates an ugly diagram in such situations because after having placed the parents, the children must be placed underneath, and the ancestors above. If each husband and wife has children and ancestors, you can have an idea of the problem involved. This will be changed for version 2.1.
By Stefanos - Thursday, August 18, 2005
It seems that many users don't use the AutoArrange function and prefer to do it manually (unless there is a third option, of which I am not aware). I would personally find that very difficult, to arrange a large number of entries myself, especially since every now and then I learn about new family members and would have to push everything here and there all the time.

For me the ideal would be to have partial AutoArrange, i.e. to be able to select a part/branch of the tree and then ask GenoPro to AutoArrange only that part. In this way, the user can let the program arrange most of the tree while taking care himself/herself of certain branches he/she feels like arranging manually. Or, vice versa, he/she may arrange most of the tree manually while saving time letting GenoPro do some more "predictable" work. That would be great, I think.

By Barbusci - Thursday, August 18, 2005
For me the ideal would be to have partial AutoArrange, i.e. to be able to select a part/branch of the tree and then ask GenoPro to AutoArrange only that part.

I second Stefanos's motion. I feel pretty much the same. Partial Auto-Arrange is the future! :wink:

By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Me too! 8) I originally wrote: "The new AutoArrange will also be capable to auto-arrange a selection (a branch of a tree) rather than auto-arranging the entire tree." I guess I should have put somewhere the words "partial AutoArrange".

I would personally find that very difficult, to arrange a large number of entries myself, especially since every now and then I learn about new family members and would have to push everything here and there all the time.

My suggestion is to use the hyperlink feature. You can grow your genealogy in another dimension by creating a sub-tree into another GenoMap.
By Sonic - Thursday, August 18, 2005
AutoArrange might be an omitted feature for all those, who use GenoPro to create and maintain their family tree. I on the other hand use Brother's Keeper for that purpose, but still switch to GenoPro whenever I need a bigger picture of the whole tree, or wish to do a nice printout or so. In that case I keep an exported GEDCOM file, updated on changes to the main database, and import it into GenoPro.

I'd probably go nuts waisting a hell lot of time to arrange the tree by hand if it wasn't for the AutoArrange feuture Smile So as for me that's the no 1 upgrade I'm really looking forward to test when it appears.
By crash893 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
just thought i would chime in

i would love to use autoarrange but i dont becuase it doesnt do a good job on my larger family tree
By V.L.o - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Another Idea for Auto Arrange,

Could it resolve multiple marriages as in
"Resolving Ambiguity (scenario 1)" i.e. sorting marriages in some time line.
First marriage above second, above third etc.

When I arrange it that way in my file, it shoves me some kind of wrong connection or misconnection… as it by default has all marriage partners arranged on the same "level"… one after another…
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
The beta will not have the new AutoArrange, nor version 2.0. THe new AutoArrange will be for version 2.1. The latest Beta (12g has a partial AutoArrange) but with the same algorithim as before.
By crash893 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
i am more looking for a date when this will be done

this is currently the only feature i really need thats not in the beta and would be happy to fork over the cash to buy a copy if it had it in there

( i know in programing dates are not always perfect i was looking for a general month or year)
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
The new AutoArrange will be in version 2.1. Version 2.1 will not be available until 2006. A year sound a long time, but there is a lot of work to do:

  • Finish the betas (see schedule at
  • Write the documentation & update the online help at
  • Translate in French (my mother tongue). The translation will be an XML/INI file to make it easy for everyone (including myself) to translate GenoPro in other languages. Visit this link for details.
  • Take care of the AutoArrange.
By V.L.o - Thursday, August 18, 2005
The beta will not have the new AutoArrange, nor version 2.0. THe new AutoArrange will be for version 2.1. The latest Beta (12g has a partial AutoArrange) but with the same algorithim as before.

When talking about Partial AutoArrange have you ment auto arrange of the selection. It would be wery useful to have at least that, for now.... I have tried to arrange selection with 12g, but it still arranged the whole tree...
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Beta 12g has two toolbar buttons. One to arrange the whole tree and the other to arrange the selection.
By V.L.o - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Sorry, I missed it! I was searching for it within menus!

By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
For Beta 13, I also added "Trivial AutoArrange" in the Tools menu. The "Trivial AutoArrange" does arrange the individuals alphabetically in a square layout. This can be useful after importing a very large Gedcom file and the user wants to browse the file. Having the individuals sorted alphabetically is better than a big spaghetti mess!!
By rboshuis - Thursday, August 18, 2005
For Beta 13, I also added "Trivial AutoArrange" in the Tools menu. The "Trivial AutoArrange" does arrange the individuals alphabetically in a square layout. This can be useful after importing a very large Gedcom file and the user wants to browse the file. Having the individuals sorted alphabetically is better than a big spaghetti mess!!

Can't wait for that....(Approximately) when can we expect the beta 13?

2.0 rocks. I currently use about 2000 individuals with about 40 genomaps.
I also have PAF, Legacy etc. but they absolutely do not offer the possibilities to handle these large trees as Genopro 2.0 does (nor does 1.91, I have to admit)

By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Using Beta12g, you can use the option "Skip AutoArrange" while importing a Gedcom file (Menu -> File -> Import). This option will perform the Trivial AutoArrange.
By rboshuis - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Using Beta12g, you can use the option "Skip AutoArrange" while importing a Gedcom file (Menu -> File -> Import). This option will perform the Trivial AutoArrange.

Thanks! I typically load large GEDCOM reports as a result from the queries I do on the Dutch Public records, and It's hard to read those in the GenoPro. Hence I've been using html reports so far, but I am certainly going to try this out next time...!
By crash893 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
it just aranges everything in a huge huge grid with no lines just individuals
By norwegianwood - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Would be possible to set a starting date for a "main horizontal grid line" and then set how many years should correspond to a vertical step (basically a square)?

It would be wonderful if autoarrange could just put every single person in the genogram, in the row corresponding to his/her year of birth.

Much of the positioning would be decided by autoarrange just matching the birth year and the numbered grid, and the whole genogram would be more realistic.

Thank you
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Wow, that's a good suggestion! Thanks. I am working on closing the release of GenoPro 2.0 (hopefully in September 2005). Your suggestion will be added later.
By schmuli - Thursday, August 18, 2005

I'm brand new to this forum, but I have been using GenoPro Beta (2.b13e) for a bit. I've already made a 1500 member tree working on some more.

AutoArrange is a useful item, especially when inputing a lot of new data, as it saves a lot of time between each new entry (I have been using the Family Wizard).

Would be possible to set a starting date for a "main horizontal grid line" and then set how many years should correspond to a vertical step (basically a square)?

It would be wonderful if autoarrange could just put every single person in the genogram, in the row corresponding to his/her year of birth.

Much of the positioning would be decided by autoarrange just matching the birth year and the numbered grid, and the whole genogram would be more realistic.

Thank you

I would like to point out a problem with the above idea, being that not everyone inputs the date of birth. My tree, for example, has not yet got any dates, only names, so this wouldn't help, though it could be an option that could be user defined.

One of the things that I would find useful, even before correcting all the other problems with the AutoArranger (marriage between cousins, very wide trees etc.), would be to keep all the generations on an equal level. That would automaticaly keep a neat and clean look for the whole tree.

[I would like to point out that my main reason for using this program, at this time anyway, is for the print function, which is why a nice look is important]

Thank you for a wonderful program so far and keep up the good work,

By Paul Balliet - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Really great program! BigGrin

I have 2 suggestions/ requests for Autoarrange.

1. Until you get the "optimal," allow a user to select any number of people. A “straighten” function would align the horizontal centers to the average position. A “distribute” function would equally space all siblings. This would simplify tedious task of tidying up.

2. Regarding the “better AutoArrange for version 2.1,” optionally combine it with the "compress tree" feature. This would best be under preferences, where the autoarrange could be standard, tight, very tight. Choosing very tight would autoarrange, then compress it twice.

Keep up the great work!
By crash893 - Thursday, September 8, 2005
have you given anymore concideration to the graphviz route of autoarrange

if nothing else you could do a simple report

name -> children
parrents -> name

so on and so forth

another program in linux uses graphviz ( "gramps") i think

they do something like

MR.smith -> smith marriage
mrs. smith -> smith marriage
smith marriage -> children

( creating a middle "node" for the two individual nodes to connect to)
but that would involve variable and what not i dont know if you could do that with reports (i dont know much about reports))
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, September 8, 2005
crash893 (9/8/2005)
have you given anymore concideration to the graphviz route of autoarrange

I don't have time at the moment.  I will look at all the possibilities when I am re-doing the AutoArrange.

By crash893 - Thursday, September 8, 2005
completely understandable... you should be pretty close now

For anyone intrested we have been having a "brain storm" session on ways to make autoarrange better.

By MarkA - Saturday, January 28, 2006
Fingers crossed v2.1 is not too long then, auto arrange is very useful but now messes up my maps which is a real shame. When I manually move items I get lines left all over the place, they look orphaned but do seem to be still connected if you try moving them individually.

Using multiple maps is interesting but there doesn't seem to be any form of connector. eg. if I have family a on 1 and b on 2 then there should be a connector (like on flowcharts) that links the two (->(A) on 1 and then (A)-> on 2) is that a bt confusing, hopefully you get the idea.

When I print, the dotted lines on the main screen bear no resemblance to the preview or final print! Also what about an overlap. If my parents appear at the bottom of page 1 then how about repeating that line at the top of page 2 so you can see where they relate?

I'm also a bit frustrated with opening gedcom files in other apps but I don't think thats a genopro error (family historian, rootsmagic, family tree maker, all moan about the gedcom file).

Great product, well worth it (and as you see I've got a few others).

By maru-san - Saturday, January 28, 2006
MarkA (1/28/2006)
Using multiple maps is interesting but there doesn't seem to be any form of connector. eg. if I have family a on 1 and b on 2 then there should be a connector (like on flowcharts) that links the two (->(A) on 1 and then (A)-> on 2) is that a bt confusing, hopefully you get the idea.

Great product, well worth it (and as you see I've got a few others).

Well you are not the only one with more products on your PC, I think most of us have.
Now back to the link. Have you tried the hyperlink function. It connects a person on one map to an alias on another map. Let's say you have big families and want to split the families of the children to different maps, hyperlink the child, move to another map (right click menu) and continue there. You also can hyperlink within one map if you want to avoid overlapping lines in complicated family relations.
By Howard53 - Saturday, January 28, 2006
MarkA (1/28/2006)
When I print, the dotted lines on the main screen bear no resemblance to the preview or final print! Also what about an overlap. If my parents appear at the bottom of page 1 then how about repeating that line at the top of page 2 so you can see where they relate?

Have you investigated the options in Page Setup in the File Menu? At present the printing is controlled by the number of horizontal and vertical pages specified (this is due to change in beta18).

You can also increase the Page Clipping Threshold to increase the overlap between adjacent pages.

Hope this helps.

By IainTait - Monday, February 6, 2006
Now that the Report Generator is so good I have started to think of other problems.

I have been sent several gedcoms recently some of which are  up to 2000 names and when importing them it's spaghetti junction!

This is not helped by duplicate marriage lines or children connected to two sets of parents and other errors in the gedcom!

Would there be a way of sorting the incoming gedcom in a cronological format whereby the families of the same epoch would be at the same hight on the page or some way of reducing the amount of crossed lines and overlapping boxes or even spreading the tree out further to avoid crossovers ?

I realise that this sounds difficult, but would just like to know if it would be possible as the Autoarrange doesn't seem to help.

By GenoProSupport - Monday, February 6, 2006
The new AutoArrange will have many options to arrange/group individuals.  One option will be to create additional GenoMaps if the tree is too large, complicated and/or create overlapping.
By crash893 - Thursday, February 16, 2006
Isnt that the same as importing with out autoarage that is already in the beta?
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, February 16, 2006
crash893 (2/17/2006)
Isnt that the same as importing with out autoarage that is already in the beta?

The beta has a few improvements to import data, however it uses the same core AutoArrange routines as version 1.x.  Since the beta has support for GenoMaps to split a large tree into sub-trees, it extends the usefuleness of the AutoArrange.

By gmb1994 - Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Isn't the main point of Genopro to graphically enter and display the entire family tree?  The auto-arrange feature is an essential part of that.  I would love to be able to display and print my entire family tree on one chart rather than having to hyperlink around between sub-charts.
By crash893 - Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Ive been barking up this tree for a long time

2.1 and dont hold your breath

what i would love to see is an interactive display that you could use on a projector
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, June 20, 2006
38886 (6/20/2006)
Isn't the main point of Genopro to graphically enter and display the entire family tree?

Of course, however you don't need the AutoArrange for this.  The AutoArrange is an optional module which is very handy when importing data from another system.

By Mantreat - Tuesday, August 8, 2006

One thing more about autoarrange

All of us want to see the tree in better view.

for the better view we use different genomaps

I read in the previous posts that it would be possible to divide the tree to genomaps

Is it possible to make an ability to make ONE big tree from different Genomaps automatically?

I think it would be useful when we will have Autoarrange which would be able to arrange everything in larger trees

By gmb1994 - Saturday, September 2, 2006
While it might be optional for you ... it is not for me.  Not only that, graphical control over family member entry is the ONLY reason I use your software over ALL others.  I'm sure this is true for many others.

Anyway, I would like to ask you to please consider an auto-arrange option which places family members, regardless of age or date of birth, on the same generational levels. 

For example, all my brothers and sisters and first cousins on a single level, all my parents and their brothers and sisters and first cousins on the next level up, all my grandparents and all their brothers and sisters and first cousins on the next two levels above ... in other words, a generational approach.

Generation 1 === Grandparents and their brothers and sisters and first cousins all on this level ===
Generation 2 === Parents and their brothers and sisters and first cousins all on this level ===
Generation 3 === Children and their first Cousins all on this level ===

You could also include a vertical time-line on the left and right side that these family members could be auto-arranged to line up with based on dates of birth or death or marriage or whatever.

By Leonard1963 - Sunday, December 17, 2006
G'day folks.  I've been using genopro, then genoprogold for years.  Its been a while since i visited the site and have been looking through some of the posts here.  I would just like to say to the guy on the first page of this topic........OVER SEVEN THOUSAND NAMES????????   Bugger me.  I want you to do my tree.  I was impressed when I got over 700.  I'm never gonna tell my mum about your tree.  Her expectations will go through the roof and my time will not be my own again.

Oh, and my only request with the autoarrange is that when it does cross over, can it show where the two lines cross or where two lines are overlapping.  sometimes it is hard to tell what is happening with 3 families have 20 children, all with different surnames and all on the same line.  it would be good to know what is real and what is overlap/cross.

Otherwise, love the program.


By Leonard1963 - Sunday, December 17, 2006
In regard to gmb1994's request for generational autoarrange.

I have given it a great deal of though and can see no possible way to achieve this on a 2-dimensional plane.  Unless you want the various family lines to cross over all over the place.

I gave this a lot of thought when I first got into doing my tree and no matter how I tried, once you take in a brides/grooms parents the first time, the whole lot hits the proverbial fan.

The only way to make this happen is on a 3-dimensional grid where some form of generational 'fly thru' can move you between families while on a level 'flight plane'.

Picture hanging a bunch of coat hangers on coat hangers on coat hangers, all on your clothes line.  That is the only way to achieve it.

You can not display a 3-dimensional database on a 2 dimensional grid.  It just isnt possible.

By Howard53 - Monday, December 18, 2006
leonard1963 (12/18/2006)
Oh, and my only request with the autoarrange is that when it does cross over, can it show where the two lines cross or where two lines are overlapping.  sometimes it is hard to tell what is happening with 3 families have 20 children, all with different surnames and all on the same line.  it would be good to know what is real and what is overlap/cross.

It sounds from your post that you haven't gone through the v2.0 beta development process leading to the just released GenoPro 2007 (see - having purchased GenoPro Gold you have a free upgrade). In this version there are 5 different line thicknesses to help distinguish where lines overlap, as well as the option of colouring the lines.

By egriffin - Saturday, January 27, 2007
Yes, I have also abandoned the auto-arrange feechur. Once I reached a size threshold and started using the text boxes, this became unsuitable anyway.

Hey, is there a way to import objects (ie. images and the like) into the text boxes..? In word and other editors, text boxes hold images.
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, January 28, 2007
egriffin (1/27/2007)
Hey, is there a way to import objects (ie. images and the like) into the text boxes..? In word and other editors, text boxes hold images.

Not at the moment.  Future versions of GenoPro will be capable to display images in the family tree / genogram.

By Alfi - Saturday, February 17, 2007
GenoProSupport (8/18/2005)
This will be changed for version 2.1.

One more example to see and understand how ugly looks the autoarrange for big trees.

By GenoProSupport - Sunday, February 18, 2007
Alfi (2/18/2007)
One more example to see and understand how ugly looks the autoarrange for big trees.

I have seen a lot worse.Blush

By C Good - Sunday, February 25, 2007
Hello, just bought GenoPro and I love it.

I'd like to suggest a sort of "clean up" form of auto arrange that doesn't calculate any major changes in layout, just tidies up the lines, and spaces things out a bit. almost like snapping everything to the grid.
By V.L.o - Wednesday, April 18, 2007
C Good (2/25/2007)
I'd like to suggest a sort of "clean up" form of auto arrange that doesn't calculate any major changes in layout, just tidies up the lines, and spaces things out a bit. almost like snapping everything to the grid.

It sounds like something I wrote somewhere on the forum...

What I was looking for is a way to :

a) predefine lenght/height of family line... to be arranged/fitted to grid... (I.e. default relationship partner distance 10 horizontal units...).

b) sometimes when moving family members/family line  they get detached... it's nicely depicted with red dots... would it be possible that in such occasions line stretches and connects two points?! (i.e. it occurs mostly when rearranging multiple marriages...)

By Alfi - Thursday, April 26, 2007
GenoProSupport (8/18/2005)
Since I have more than 7000 individuals, I get an ugly diagram everytime someone has more than 2 wives/husbands. Luckily there are not so many of them Smile
Is this problem known by you ?

This will be changed for version 2.1.

I've also written you about this problem in the past; maybe you'll remove here (under suggestions) all my unsolved problems ...

About this very one, I've suggested - as a beginning of the solution - to try and increase the "2 spouses" restriction to 3 ones.

By GenoProSupport - Friday, April 27, 2007
Alfi (4/26/2007)
About this very one, I've suggested - as a beginning of the solution - to try and increase the "2 spouses" restriction to 3 ones.

I agree, however this is almost impossible. You should see the code underneath.  It would be like asking to extend the existing telephone system from a one-to-one communication to a many-to-many conference call.  The amount of work is far more than re-compiling the code by increasing the value from "2 spouses" to "3 spouses".

By 288144 - Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I tried it out and would like to get this program for my mother, since the website reports are beautifull. I exported gedcom from familiy origins and imported it to genopro. That works fine, but to include the pictures in de gedcom, you need to contact Family Origins (discontinued) and they do it for you. Clearly a procedure you do not want to repeat.
This means my mother has to switch everything over to genopro and continu adding individuals in genopro. From the looks of it, that is a lot more difficult than in family origins. In most programs you see 1 individual on the left and 3 generations higher to the right. You can choose family view if you want to change something to the family. In genopro you get a big chart with hundreds of individuals printed over each other. I doubt if you can ever arrange that without overlap (her database has 6000 individuals) Is there a way to mask out certain partss of the tree, for adding individuals ? Or a text based entry ?
Or editing in the web base report style. You get extra buttons on the web site of the individual:add spouse, add child, etc. This way yo navigate to the person you want to edit like in the current website report, and locally edit in details. This way you dont even need to regenerate the report. Al the thousands of individuals on 1 screen, does not give much information.
Best regards,
By jcmorin - Thursday, May 17, 2007
If you have a big family tree, I suggest so you split your information into multiple GenoMaps while linking them together with hyperlinks.

Is there a way to mask out certain partss of the tree, for adding individuals ? Or a text based entry?

You are welcome to use the Table Layout for your entries.  Some individuals have never used the graphical part because it is too messy.  For instance, after importing a Gedcom file having 50,000 individuals, it is impossible to have a clean graphical pedigree tree.  The Table Layout is very powerful to perform text-based entry.  As you grow your family tree, you can start moving branches of your family trees into different GenoMaps.

The video shows how to split your family tree into two GenoMaps.

By 288144 - Friday, May 18, 2007
But in the table layout I don't see anything about entry of new individuals, is that right ?
By GenoProSupport - Friday, May 18, 2007
288144 (5/18/2007)
But in the table layout I don't see anything about entry of new individuals, is that right ?

Press Enter to get the individual's properties.

By edanite - Friday, May 25, 2007
The generational AutoArrange would work well in specific cases (although it sometimes creates very wide trees). The two cases that come to mind are:

1) The tree moves strictly up from a person or couple; i.e. there are no siblings on the tree.
2) The tree moves strictly down from a person or couple.

There are, of course, exceptions, for example, if two brothers marry two sisters, and all four were descended from the starting person; or someone married his niece, and the starting person descended from that union.

I have a tree (approx. 500 individuals) for which generational arrange works, but AutoArrage seems to favor trees with aspect ratios near(er) unity (or it did during version 1.x), so I ended up unstacking the tree and arranging it by hand. I have now switched to using GenoMaps and print the tree on 36x44in paper instead of on 8.5xlong banner paper.

I would like to see generational AutoArrage on trees where it is possible.
By andygrunt - Thursday, January 10, 2008
I just logged on to request a tweak to auto arrange and stumbled on this post. I might as well add my request here...

Whenever I make a change to the tree, I spend a lot of time arranging it so all people of the same generation are aligned horizontally as I (and all my family) find this layout MUCH easier to understand. Could you add an auto arrange option to automatically do this?

In case it's not clear, by 'same generation' I mean, for example, I am on the same horizontal alignment as my brothers and sisters and we are all aligned with my aunt and uncles children and so on. If this isn't clear, let me know and I'll be happy to explain further or provide an example.

By Poolzone - Friday, January 11, 2008
At the moment auto arrange will not perform this task unless the Genomap has a small Family group.  Split your tree into separate Genomaps by using hyperlinks and the autoarrange works well. You will also benefit by better sized print outs. Downside is that not all members will be on one printout, but then books are not all written on one page.Smile
By cary2020 - Monday, April 28, 2008
In the next release could you add an option to alter the grid size displayed, and/or show a subgrid ?? To explain... The distance between grid lines in the current version of the program is 10 units.  It would be great if this were configurable - say I wanted the grid lines eight units apart.

Like a lot of users of GenoPro, I'm using the program to build a family tree - every ancestor and all their children - so it's getting to be a bunch of a big genograms. I'm working towards the end result of a website (using your super www generating functionality) where the primary navigation is centered on the genograms, as this is a nice tangible and instantly comprehendable concept to my family.

I arrange the individuals on my genogram so they're a set distance away from one another, and I use the grid to do this. Trouble is that 10 units (ie placing them on the grid intersections) is too far apart - the genogram gets too large to see 3 generations of a family who each have 10-14 children without zooming out to the point where you can't actually read their names. (I know you can move them to different genograms, but it's nice to see several generations together for context, and besides - if you put every generation of a family in a separate genogram you rapidly find yourself with 30+ genograms - I tried this).

So I'd like to put my siblings 8 units apart - trouble is - it's not easy to judge since the grid lines are set 10 apart.

And to come back to topic of auto-arrange... Could you put in configurable options for how the auto arrange will work ? Siblings x units apart, generations x units apart, keep generations horizontally aligned y/n, etc.

By Howard53 - Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The requirement for differing grid sizes has been requested previously. However, there is an alternative in this case. All objects can be displayed in one of 5 different sizes, as shown on this screenshot:

GenoPro defaults to the size 'Medium' for entry (perhaps this could be changed in the Options?), but the size is easily changed by selecting the objects and using the highlighted buttons on the toolbar.

I'm sure 'Large' or 'Extra Large' would meet your requirements.

By rendez - Saturday, May 31, 2008
This is a great tools. I can't wait until you can make the auto arrange as easy as the no-longer-supported Greatprogs GreatFamily Viewer program. I think the key is to use "magnetic property" lines, which will not disconnect or overlap when you do auto/manual arrange.

Good job.

Best regards.

By Mantreat - Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I understand that the Autoarrange cannot handle trees with complex structure but I have a suggestion for minor improvement of it without lots of hard solutions.

The main idea is: when Autoarrange has to arrange the complex tree it has rules that lead to the mess when these rules cannot be fulfilled but we can define a variant rule that IF there is a complex tree which will definitely cause a problem - what we can check before beginning of autoarranging - THEN it has only to implement minor variant of autoarrange.

Here are some thoughts of what can be a variant:

1. I am very annoyed of arranging when I do Autoarrange and everything is good except one small part which autoarrange doesn't know where to put - Decision is: to separate this problem part and put its last (youngest) individual to the equal line (level) of equal individual from another part (wife which family causes the problem - to the level of her husband; brothers/sisters - to leave place below all the existing brothers/sisters to have an ability to place there a family of one brother/sister which cause a problem.

2. Next thought is almost the same as first one - I only would like to have Autoarrange when it Does its work correctly to put families of two last spouses on the same level (now husband ancestors are above him and wife's are above husbands at the top right position).

3. One more thought to define an empty place around of the problem part to give a user ability to handle it manually without handling already arranged part of the tree.

4. The most complex task is what to do with the crossing lines and multiple marriages: I think the best way for you to create Rules how Your program is going to handle division by GenoMaps and then taking these Rules into account propose to the user which parts of the big tree (having problems) can be (by his order) splitted to other genomaps with all the individuals that linked to the first individual (which can be assigned in these rules) of the problematic part. These rules can be created and discussed over in this forum before implementing. More than that you can make variants for different cases - for example one option handling is In the "problem marriage" female should be moved to another GenoMap with all the related people or for different nations it is correct to move male... Then you have described in examples how to handle manually complex cases - but almost all of this can be described in Rules. And finally, these Rules can use during Autoarrange not all together but by the Blocks with subrules with choice (what to use and something to skip).

The best way of doing something - not to say all the time that Autoarrange cannot do something but afford an ability for the customers to have at least option of it - all the same it is better way to handle manually only part of big tree then positioning of the large tree completely manually all the time. So, next thought is

p.s. If you want to begin discussion of the Rules you can move this my post as a beginning, I am ready for discussion and I think all the users also.

By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Mantreat (7/29/2008)
p.s. If you want to begin discussion of the Rules you can move this my post as a beginning, I am ready for discussion and I think all the users also.

You are welcome to start a new topic for "AutoArrange rules"

By Alfi - Saturday, May 23, 2009
Hello you there Smile

Taking into consideration my messages from Aug.8,2005 and Apr.26,2007,

today, on May 23,2009 I like asking (once in two years) what about 2.1 w00t

Sincerely yours,


By ORJellyfish - Monday, August 16, 2010
I am using GenoPro for my research into Medieval family trees.  Let me just say how difficult it can be sometimes with all of the illegitimate children and multiple spouses.  That being said, I think that if the Auto Arrange allowed for someone who was male to potentially be on the right side instead of the left side, that might be helpful in some cases.  Also, I would like to see a feature that would allow you "paste," if you will, a person or persons to a specific part of the tree and then the Auto Arrange would arrange around that particular area, leaving the specific info in exactly the same place.  Perhaps I am not using it correctly and this can already be done, but if not, this would be a nice feature.
By pothunter - Saturday, February 5, 2011
I have to say that I really like the auto-arrange and that more often than not it does what I want it to do.  I've got a family tree with 520 or so people and there are probably less than 20 of those where the auto-arrange doesn't do what I want, and only 1 situation where it makes a right hash of it (one of my ancestors married her late husband's uncle).  But it is so easy when adding new people to the tree to just click the auto-arrange that I use it all the time and put up with the deficiencies.

It would be great if you could do a selected auto-arrange.  That way you could highlight the people just added, and the auto-arrange would only move them around.  Alternatively, if you could group people together in such a way that the auto-arrange handled them as a single object you could then manually arrange the "problem" people and group them together knowing that next time you clicked the auto-arrange button they wouldn't be affected.  

Keep up the good work and thanks for an excellent product!
By appleshaw - Saturday, February 5, 2011
I think what you want is already in place, Select a group of people and the top line of tools is no longer greyed out but shows
AutoArrange Selection
By powery - Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Is there some plan to improve auto arrange? Thank for reply
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I am currently working on the code for smart stretching when moving objects.  This code will allow to easily move one branch from one side to another.  Although this is not the core of the AutoArrange, it will be an improvement to create nice family tree layouts.
By Jakk - Monday, December 16, 2013
It looks like it's been a while since this topic was touched, unless there's a newer thread for post-2011 version thoughts on this subject. On a related note, I really hope that development on this software isn't dead.

Anyway, I had a thought while attempting to manually disentangle my genealogy of Greek myth, which is at 2,805 individuals and counting. AutoArrange does very poorly with complex trees involving individuals with multiple spouses (which are the rule rather than the exception, even more so with this subject matter; as my tree stands right now, Zeus has 85 children by 41 different mothers).

My thought is this: Assign each individual a generation number, starting with the parentless individual with the largest number of direct descendants as generation 0 (or 1). Individuals with no parents are assigned the same generation number as their lowest-numbered partner. Then, AutoArrange simply puts all individuals of the same generation at the same Y position. Keeping the partners attached appropriately and the horizontal lines in place seems to be the toughest part of the algorithm, as it is now; when I use AutoArrange as it stands now, I routinely get clusters of lines with no individuals anywhere in sight.

Anyway, hopefully this works as a starting point, if this program is still being worked on. If not, I'm disappointed, but c'est la vie. :-)
By Robert Barbrow - Monday, April 7, 2014
If you export you gno file as a gedcom there are a few  prgoram that will convert them to a file type that a program called graphviz will do some very powerfull auto arrangment

I'll see if i can find it but i wrote a c# gedcom -> gv converter that if you wanted I would be happy to convert to a standalone program
By Jakk - Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Finding this thread again after revisiting my family tree for British royalty and their connections to my own ancestors... which is substantially larger than my Greek myth tree, at 6,241 individuals. My problem here is that I imported the file into GenoPro via GEDCOM, and I have a horrific number of overlapping entities. I really need AutoArrange to function properly here (because I don't want to have to sort through the layers of overlapping family lines and individuals myself), and I've tried it in the new version with no apparent difference in behaviour. What would be an ideal stepping stone in the process of improving AutoArrange would be a command to multiply the X (or Y) coordinates of all individuals by a fixed number; this would widen the gaps between all individuals that don't overlap perfectly. I'm just tossing out ideas here; if you already have an improved AutoArrange algorithm in the works for the new version, I look forward to stress-testing it. :-) The big problem with AutoArrange as it stands in GenoPro 2011 and 2015 is that it doesn't maintain visual connections from the individuals to the horizontal family lines, because family lines end up clumped together in one part of the GenoMap and individuals get scattered and/or clustered all over the place with no concern for where their family lines end up. If this bug can be fixed (and I have no idea what that entails in the code, but keeping the vertical lines from stretching too much is important too), the rest of the AutoArrange fix should be trivial.

Many thanks!
By 1603037 - Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Need help!!! I don't know how I turn all my squares into triangles and I don't know how to turn them back to squares . Can someone help me??? Please Crying 
By appleshaw - Thursday, January 7, 2016
On the View sub-menu look at the second line Anthropological...
This will turn on/off triangles
By genome - Thursday, January 7, 2016
What would be an ideal stepping stone in the process of improving AutoArrange would be a command to multiply the X (or Y) coordinates of all individuals by a fixed number; this would widen the gaps between all individuals that don't overlap perfectly. 

The existing inflate/deflate tree options already provide a similar feature.  Select all or part of your genogram then right click and choose Inflate Tree (or press F9).
By Jakk - Sunday, January 10, 2016
genome: Many thanks! Something else I didn't know about the software! Smile
By Jakk - Sunday, January 10, 2016
Heh. Well, that didn't take long. I noticed a minor bug in the "Inflate Tree" function (which otherwise will suit my purposes admirably): Twin links are not moved with their respective child relation lines, which means that after a couple of inflations, the twins (and there are a few sets in this genogram) have their child relation lines stretched halfway across the genogram from where they should be. I took "before" and "after" screenshots, cropped to one relevant section of the tree. Apologies for the difference in zoom level, but it was necessary due to the nature of the issue. Note the twins being stretched (and yes, the twins marker was selected; I double-checked to make sure that "select all" included twins markers):

Edit: I should also note that this is using GenoPro 2011. Smile
By Jakk - Saturday, January 16, 2016
Well... "Inflate Tree" definitely helped... but I'm still faced with a daunting task that sucks the will to continue right out of me. If Auto-Arrange could handle multiple spouses, this would be fixed in minutes... as it is, this may take my descendants (should I manage to have any) the remaining lifetime of the sun to untangle.

The big problem with AutoArrange, as stated by the developers elsewhere, is that in cases of multiple spouses, the arrange algorithm doesn't know where to put them. I think this problem stems directly from the way GenoPro creates additional spouses to begin with, by tacking the new family line on to the end of the existing family line for the individual with the additional relationship. If it would create the new family line as a new full line completely connecting the individuals in question, with a different Y co-ordinate from existing relationships involving the selected individuals (much the way "Link as Mate / Link as Spouse" already works), then the arrange process just has to (a) keep individuals connected to their relevant families, and (b) keep wives to the right and husbands to the left, with the additional condition that spouses created later are further along in that direction (further left for husbands, further right for wives). Having the family lines staggered instead of all at the same Y co-ordinate means that child lines won't get twisted in the arrange process.

Just some further thoughts ... hopefully my contributions can help to make AutoArrange a better tool for GenoProX.
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, January 17, 2016
I have been thinking about making a Better AutoArrange for more than a decade.  One of the biggest challenge is to detect and handle overlapping (aka spaghetti) family trees.  One solution is to create hyperlinks, and perhaps new GenoMaps in the case the overlapping is inevitable, or there is a structural error in the data, such as having an ancestor a child of one of its descendant (yes, this error case happens quite often when importing large Gedcom files).

The good news is modern computers have about 1000 times more memory than when GenoPro was created in 1997 (the computer I used to create GenoPro version 1 had 4 MB of RAM).  As a result, GenoProX has more options for creating a Better AutoArrange.  What was unacceptable in the 90's, such as requiring the allocation of 1 MB of RAM for the AutoArrange is actually a great idea today.  In fact, if the new AutoArrange would require a temporary memory allocation of 100 MB and would do the job perfectly, I doubt anybody would raise the issue about the memory requirement.

What I am considering is creating a matrix of holes available in the family tree, so the AutoArrange find a hole to place an individual or group of individuals in it.  This algorithm will also work great for a 'Partial AutoArrange' which the Family Wizard will use intensively.  The matrix will require a lot of memory, especially if the GenoMap is large, however I think it is will produce a good result.

At the moment, GenoProX is not ready for the AutoArrange, however we want to have it good, as we would like to be able to tap into multiple third-party databases, including Gedcom and enable our users to import data from  Ancestry has many databases and it would be great for GenoProX to be able to open such a database and display a nice looking family tree from such a database. 
By Jakk - Thursday, January 21, 2016
GenoProSupport: Thanks for letting us know this is something you're working on! BigGrin I'm a former programmer (LONG time ago; recreational Apple II BASIC in the early 80s, Turbo Pascal on Macintosh in the late 80s, and a bit of C and C++ experience in the 90s), so I have an appreciation of the difficulties involved. While working on manually untangling the massive genogram I mentioned earlier, I got to thinking about algorithms and processes for the AutoArrange, and started sketching something out for resolving the multiple-partners problem (I'm sure you've already put together something similar, but I thought I'd post this so other users can get a better idea of exactly how complex making the AutoArrange work for multiple partners really is; bold added for emphasis):

* for each individual do the following:
     * for each family the individual is a parent in:
          * y(family a) must be:
               * < y(individual)                           //this line and next line keep family line below parents
               * < y(other parent(s) of family a)
               * > y(children of family a)             //keeps family line above children
               * <> [not equal to] y (other families the individual is a parent in)                                               //keeps family lines with common parents from overlapping; this will be far more complicated than shown here
          * if (y(family a) = y(family b)) and (family a and family b have a parent in common) then:
               * set y(family a) to (y(family a) - n) (where n < length of shortest child line from it)                    //basic step for preventing overlap of family lines with common parents
          * x(father(family a)) must be < x(mother(family a))                                                                       //keeps father to left of mother for a given family line

Oh, and while composing this I found a bug in the message board code; it's probably already known, but the "closing quote" tag [/quote] doesn't revert the text formatting; I guess this is the first time in all the time I've been here that I've used "Reply With Quote" and so I've just noticed this now when I tried putting my reply after the quoted text. Smile

Edit: Found a typo in my first sentence over a year after posting! BigGrin

GenoProSupport (17-Jan-2016)
I have been thinking about making a Better AutoArrange for more than a decade.  One of the biggest challenge is to detect and handle overlapping (aka spaghetti) family trees.  One solution is to create hyperlinks, and perhaps new GenoMaps in the case the overlapping is inevitable, or there is a structural error in the data, such as having an ancestor a child of one of its descendant (yes, this error case happens quite often when importing large Gedcom files).

The good news is modern computers have about 1000 times more memory than when GenoPro was created in 1997 (the computer I used to create GenoPro version 1 had 4 MB of RAM).  As a result, GenoProX has more options for creating a Better AutoArrange.  What was unacceptable in the 90's, such as requiring the allocation of 1 MB of RAM for the AutoArrange is actually a great idea today.  In fact, if the new AutoArrange would require a temporary memory allocation of 100 MB and would do the job perfectly, I doubt anybody would raise the issue about the memory requirement.

What I am considering is creating a matrix of holes available in the family tree, so the AutoArrange find a hole to place an individual or group of individuals in it.  This algorithm will also work great for a 'Partial AutoArrange' which the Family Wizard will use intensively.  The matrix will require a lot of memory, especially if the GenoMap is large, however I think it is will produce a good result.

At the moment, GenoProX is not ready for the AutoArrange, however we want to have it good, as we would like to be able to tap into multiple third-party databases, including Gedcom and enable our users to import data from  Ancestry has many databases and it would be great for GenoProX to be able to open such a database and display a nice looking family tree from such a database. 
By GenoProSupport - Friday, January 22, 2016
Thank you for your reply.  One thing I am considering is to 'outsource' some routines.  For instance, if someone can create a better AutoArrange, he/she may receive USD $5,000 or perhaps $10,000 if the result is very good.  This way, GenoPro could tap into the brains of our users.

This support forum is not good.  At the time we purchased a license for the forum, it was among the best, however we had to modify the code to integrate it with the rest of our systems, including the support ticket, which broke with a new .NET update.  What I have in mind is to use GenoProX as our support system, as we already have a group chat working.  Also, people who help other GenoPro users will receive points which they will earn titles (similar as online games) and better, redeem those points for GenoProX products.
By 1101444 - Sunday, January 24, 2016
As a newbie - what is the individuals limit on AutoArrange? I tried to import my GEDCOM and got the message it was too big to AutoArrange.
By appleshaw - Monday, January 25, 2016
What is the size of the file?
I have just opened the largest ged file from the GenoPro site. 43000 Kb, nearly 80000 individuals.
Could be a memory problem on your PC
By GenoProSupport - Monday, January 25, 2016
1101444 (25-Jan-2016)
As a newbie - what is the individuals limit on AutoArrange? I tried to import my GEDCOM and got the message it was too big to AutoArrange.
The AutoArrange uses a form of recursive algorithm to include 'leaf' individuals and merge them into families, and merge families into small trees, and growing the trees, however this algorithm consumes a lot more memory than it should, and sometimes it is possible to run out of memory (~2 GB).  Remember GenoPro 2016 is 32 bit, so the application GenoPro.exe has a limit of 3 GB for its data.

One solution is to skip the AutoArrange and use the Table Layout.  You may also 'import' individuals and families into a GenoMap and grow your tree from there.
By Jakk - Thursday, January 28, 2016
One cosmetic thing I thought of for the AutoArrange is that it would be nice to be able to specify a minimum vertical and horizontal spacing between individuals. I am working with a very large genogram at the moment, and Inflate Tree has helped greatly with the untangling of overlapping families, but when I AutoArrange the specific sections that I can do this safely with, I lose the adjusted spacing. In order to keep things organized, I am trying to keep all people born in the same decade at approximately the same Y co-ordinate; perhaps an algorithm involving birthdates and Y-co-ordinates is the way to go, except that not everybody in my tree has known dates (particularly those who are from over 500 years ago). Maybe there should also be an algorithm for filling in estimated approximate dates based on known dates within the line of descent; this should probably be a separate process from the AutoArrange itself, as the latter is already extremely memory-intensive and the date estimator is likely to be equally so, depending on how many known dates there are in a line of descent.
By Jakk - Wednesday, March 15, 2017
So... over a year later, and I'm still trying to untangle the same genogram. Pinch

Any news on improvements to AutoArrange for GenoProX?
By Jakk - Saturday, March 18, 2017
A thought regarding the vertical spacing: If we allow specification of a certain (minimum) Y-distance from parent to child, in addition to using dates of birth (where available) to place contemporaries at the same (approximate) Y-position, the only big problems to be solved are those of multiple spouses and of overlapping family lines (which I would like to see eliminated in the AutoArrange process if possible). The multiple-spouse problem, I have no idea how to tackle without seeing the code... and the odds are very good that I wouldn't understand it anyway. My Web coding skills (HTML, JavaScript, a bit of VBScript) are ten years old, and my "heavy-duty" programming skills are mostly in C, C++, and Scheme, and over fifteen years old... along with some earlier experience that I mentioned in my original post and gives everyone a pretty good idea of how old I am. BigGrin That said, if I know which language or coding environment is being used, I *was* (once upon a time) fairly quick to pick up new coding skills, and I might be able to provide some insight once I get up to speed with the tools. And yes, I know the entire program is being rebuilt from scratch, but I've heard nothing about AutoArrange specifically in the news about GenoProX. I'm just getting very frustrated with my project right now, and I don't want to spend the rest of my life manually fixing something that my computer could fix in minutes with the right algorithm.

Edit: Another thought that occurred to me is that AutoArrange should consider as many Problem Spotter issues as possible, especially family and individual overlaps (the exclusion of which on their own might at least make the current results for complex trees more comprehensible). Parents below and children above family lines seem to be already handled by AutoArrange, as long as the tree is simple enough for the algorithm to process it correctly. Birth order is another big issue in my genograms, although I'm not sure that it's possible to have no birth order issues *and* no "inverted" marriages (where the wife is on the left of the husband) in any tree of sufficient complexity; my "big tree" currently has 22 birth order issues and probably about as many wives to the left of their husbands (unreported), out of a total of 32 problems spotted (now that all the family-line overlaps are dealt with).
By Jakk - Monday, April 2, 2018
Checking in on this thread seems to have become an annual ritual for me. BigGrin I'm still untangling the same genogram I was working on as of my original post, and the more I think about it, the more I think that tying the Y coordinate of the individual to the birth year somehow is the way to go. I'm trying to do this manually, and I can only handle working on it for an hour or so each day; that's why it's taking so long. Pinch