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Sex identification for reporting
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By rnivini - Friday, July 1, 2005

first of all I would like to thank genopro creator for this great software.

I am using beta 2.0 for my tree and it works great. I am translating the report template in italian and, if you like, when finished I can send it to you.

I am in trouble with articles. In italian, female and male articles are different so I must know the sex to build up the sentence.

Which is the field I have to check to understand this?
Can you post a code line like example (how to build sentence like "the husband" or "the wife") from which I can modify the article?

Thanks in advance

By LukaForum - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Cool Roby!
Go on!
I would like to see your italian report soon!
By rnivini - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hi Luca,

You can find a "live beta" at

The report is full of "il/la"

By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Same here for the French language. I am finishing the "Privacy Filter" and then will re-work to make the report generator more friendly for other languages.
By rboshuis - Thursday, August 18, 2005
and I have one for the Dutch language in case anyone is interested.

By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I see that the live report contains links to parents and wonder how it was done.
By rboshuis - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I see that the live report contains links to parents and wonder how it was done.

The new default report of 13h does it......