By genome - Sunday, August 14, 2005
Hi y'all, been working on this for a while, but have been a bit sidetracked by an important change in my family tree, namely the arrival of our 2nd grandaughter.
Update: I've removed links from this post, see later posts for latest revision of template and preview. See Topic7075-60-1.aspx&start=47
Main changes from 2nd draft from Dan are:
1. Removal of tables and introduction of more CSS-based layout features. 2. Changes to the slideshow - removed drop-down list, added display of picture descriptions/comments 3. Made all comment items initially hidden with clickable headings to hide or show comments as required. This relies on 'switch content' code from which must be downloaded separately (see readme.txt in skin). This was sugggested by another member of this forum but I can't find the post at present. 4. Reworked dynamic tree index based on work by Andrew Gregory to improve load times 5. addition of links to grandparents & siblings. 6. added pictures of spouse/partner. 7. pictures when clicked on appear in a separate auto-sized window (acknowledgements to 8.changed names of some images (e.g. GenoPro.Logo.gif) so that case matched that used in code. Some Web Servers are touchy about this!
I also started to move some of the phrases used into the Dictionary to make it easier to translate to other languages, but realised that the grammatical syntax may also need to be changed for other languages.
So a suggestion - perhaps a method that allowed conditional string formatting would help, e.g.
suppose Dictionary has entry
<FmtBirthInfo T="{0} [was born{1|2&z}][ in {2}]{1}[[ and {1&z}] was baptised{3}[ at {4}]]."/>
where phrase in square brackets [] are only generated if the (first) included field {} is not null. Nesting would be allowed and the encoding &z introduced to allow a field to be tested but not output. Fields can be joined with | (or) or + (and) for more complex conditions. Encoding &z would be assumed for such conditions.
then a new method 'FormatOptionalString' could be called as
to generate birh information strings such as
Ron was born in London.
or Ron was born in London in 1951.
or Ron was born in 1951 and was baptised on 02-Feb-1951.
depending on which fields were null or not.
I believe this make it easier to generate reports in other languages from the same skin, with just changes to the dictionary. |
By maru-san - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ron, after having seen your new report style, tried to generate one with my data.
Received following message:
"Error at line 80 (init.htm) : Object doesn't support this property or method: 'LanguageDictionary.Families'
Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A01B6"
Any comments?
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks Ron for your work. I will do my best to integrate your work in Beta 14.
The methods LanguageDictionary.Families and LanguageDictionary.Individuals leaked in one of the beta. Since I am not sure about the exact name of those methods, I removed them. Just replace LanguageDictionary.Families by "Families". Those values have been hardcoded in one of the beta.
By rdn - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I am once again very impressed with your work ! Keep it up !
Also, congradulations on the new addition to your family.
A couple of thoughts:
- I like what bracha did with the parents appearing in the same detail box. Perhaps some addition in that direction?
- Is is possible (perhaps with input from Dan) to take a static "snapshot" of the actual graphical tree as it appears in GenoPro, having it centered on the person who is being detailed, and showing, in graphical mode on the web page, how this person appears within the tree? The snapshot will be a local one, comprising just one generation up and down.
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks for your responses.
In reply to rdn, Dan has already stated in Topic7062-60-1.aspx that images (pictures) of a GenoMap will be available in the report generator. Hopefully this will include the feature you suggest.
As regards parents, the links are there for easy access, as with grandparents and siblings. I've kept it to a narrative style rather than a table to maintain the same theme. Perhaps someone in the future will come up with a tabular report format.
By dougie - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Very nice report for Sample #3.
Just a suggestion about the slideshow. Is it possible to somehow pause the pics because the slideshow can go too fast. Possibly a single click on the pic to pause and a double click to pause and zoom. Just an idea.
Great work on upgrading the report.
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
The stop button is actually a pause as the show resumes at the point it was stopped.
You can adjust the speed for your report by changing this line near the bottom of PV.jsg_idTimer = setTimeout("PV_Play('" + id + "');", 3000);
| The time is in millseconds, default 3 secs.
I have been made aware of a few bugs in the report and I am working on fixes.
Firstly, some pages with pictures may suffer from the IE 'guillotine' bug, whereby the last image is clipped at the bottom. This does not occur with Mozilla Firefox browser.
Secondly a picture sideshow may stop part way through or not display the picture descriptions. This seems to occur if only some of the pictures have descriptions.
Thirdly a gap is needed between the pictures and text when using Firefox.
I also hope to change the show/hide comments feature to use the same code as the expandable name index to remove the download restriction that applies to the dynamicdrive site.
By MR - Thursday, August 18, 2005
There is another bug/suggestion that actually exists from the very first report. People that are divorced/separated are described as A's partner is B. Even if they are both alive it should be was instead of is.
By Randee15 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Two suggestions, if this usual lurker may:
1. Is it possible that you could make the narrative tell whether a person's children were all female, all male, or mixed?
"John and Jane had one son, William."
"John and Jane had one daughter, Mary."
"John and Jane had two sons, William and Robert."
"John and Jane had two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth."
"John and Jane had two children, William and Mary."
2. Presently, the narrative lists children thusly: "John and Jane had three children, William, Mary and Robert." But I prefer an extra comma in narrative lists, like so: "John and Jane had three children, William, Mary, and Robert."
Is there a way this comma issue could be added as a changeable preference? I imagine it would be possible, since it's just about the same issue as "James'" versus "James's" in narratives, and that issue's changeable already.
Btw, congratulations on the new family addition!
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hi Randee15, welcome to the forum and thanks for your contribution. The more the merrier.
Yes of course it is possible to count the genders of children (and also the individual's siblings) and display in the report. I did think of it when adding the sibling links. It just a time issue to write and test the code. I'll look into it once I've finished clearing up the existing bugs. (unless someone else takes up the challenge)
As regards the narrative list, I believe 'and' without a leading comma is grammatically correct, certainly in 'UK' English, but I can't speak for the former colonies!
Ycan easily change your version, just edit Individual.htm in the skin folder as follows: change line 233
if iChild=collChildren.count-2 then strSep=" and " to if iChild=collChildren.count-2 then strSep=", and "
But I'll change the code anyway to use the existing Dictionary entry, ConjunctionAnd. This will make it easier for you to change and also will help in other language translations.
By rboshuis - Thursday, August 18, 2005
The person who was suggesting the hiding/displaying of the notes is me. I've used the same feature due to the fact that I hold a lot of background data (including manuscripts of the official paperwork) in the comments.
By 30909 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thank you, Ron, for the recent update, and congratulations!
I tried the new version out and here's the buglist:
MAJOR BUGS: #1 "Error at line 80 (init.htm) : Object doesn't support this property or method: 'LanguageDictionary.Families' Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A01B6". Replacing 'LanguageDictionary.Families' by "Families" wasn't enough, I had to replace 'LanguageDictionary.Individuals' by "Individuals", too, and not only in init.htm but also in toc_families.htm and tree.htm.
#2 Maybe as a result of #1, toc_individuals went crazy. Instead of displaying amount of individuals in parenthesis, it displays names (corresponding ordinal number + 1)! Example:
Name Index Doe (John Smith) <-- (4) <-> 5th name in the index F Janet Doe M Jake Doe M Jeremy Doe F Regina Doe Smith (Jake Doe) <-- (1) <-> 2nd name in the index F John Smith |
#3 On my Grandma's page it says "Ilma's partner was ." and "Ilma's family with <Unknown>:" although everything seems to be right in GenoPro! Even in the Report tab there's my grandpa's name as only spouse. I found out that deleting the hyperlink to another GenoMap corrects the problem but I can't figure out WHY. Can you fix this?
Minor bugs:
#1 Space before period in Occupation Details if only profession entered, for example: "John's occupation was Butler .". Double space when only working place (and profession) is entered, for example: "John's occupation was Butler at Somewhere.".
#2 An individual in my tree has two children of whose name's I do not know. Everywhere else text "<Unknown>" is displayed but on her individual page just above "Family/Partnership Notes" there's a sentence: "They have two children named and .".
#3 If individual has more than one family, title text "John's family #2 with Daisy Doe:" begins next to the lastborn child's picture of the previous family. A new paragraph would be nice.
#4 'Spouse pictures' slideshow doesn't work right. I have two pictures of my spouse. Changing the first to second is ok, but I can't get the first one back after that! On her own individual page the slideshow works fine.
# In Firefox browser the picture pop-up window seems to be too small. The image is automatically resized right after the pop-up appears. Maybe a few extra pixels are needed?
- Is it on purpose that the picture description text the filename of the picture file? I find it rather irritating. Couldn't it be the contents of Picture Description/Comments?
By Randee15 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks, Ron!
In regards to grammar, I've been taught that the extra comma is optional in British English, and it's up to the writer to use it or not.
Though I'm Canadian, I haven't read anything that says Canadian English differs in this regard from the British way (and my English teacher hasn't said anything either!), so my inner Grammar Nazi feels perfectly OK adding that wee lil' extra comma to narrative lists. 8)
EDIT: OK, I've run a test with my family tree, and have run into a slight problem.
If the family had three or more children, the narrative reads*, "John and Jane have three children named Mary, Jack, and Robert." However, if the family has only two children, the narrative says, "John and Jane have two children named Mary, and Elizabeth."
I also found the line for modifying sibling lists, and added a comma there too. Not very surprisingly, I also have this same problem there.
Help! :?
*Obviously, I'm continuing my example name usage. This is because my real family hasn't consented to online publication yet.
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ta again for the feedback, and thanks rboshuis for the hide/show notes idea.
I getting near the end of fixing reported bugs and implementing suggestions so should have a revised version ready within a day or two, unless Dan releases beta 14 in the mean time, in which case I may have to rework some of it. I'll leave conversion to Javascript for another time!
For the ", and' issue from Randee15, I'll add another Dictionary entry, ConjunctionCommaAnd that those that want ", and" can set it to that value, but I'll default it to just " and ". A bit of extra coding is also needed for the special case of two siblings/children.
In reply to rjn, I think I can fix most of the bugs, but I'm not sure about #3 yet.
In answer to your question, GenoPro sets the 'picture name' field to the filename by default but you can change this afterwards, so you can either give your pictures a descriptive name, edit the picture name field, or set it to space if you don't want anything to appear.
By 30909 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks for your reply.
I guess the major bug #3 is because of the general problem in Report Generator handling hyperlinks so it might be best to wait Dan's action to correct this amongst the other problems around internal hyperlinks.
The question I asked was a rather dumb one because I just found out that I had missed that particular field where the text can be changed. Doh. :lol: (Should probably visit an optician or sleep more.)
Anyway, thank you in advance for corrections.
By rboshuis - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ta again for the feedback, and thanks rboshuis for the hide/show notes idea.
I getting near the end of fixing reported bugs and implementing suggestions so should have a revised version ready within a day or two, unless Dan releases beta 14 in the mean time, in which case I may have to rework some of it. I'll leave conversion to Javascript for another time!
For the ", and' issue from Randee15, I'll add another Dictionary entry, ConjunctionCommaAnd that those that want ", and" can set it to that value, but I'll default it to just " and ". A bit of extra coding is also needed for the special case of two siblings/children.
In reply to rjn, I think I can fix most of the bugs, but I'm not sure about #3 yet.
In answer to your question, GenoPro sets the 'picture name' field to the filename by default but you can change this afterwards, so you can either give your pictures a descriptive name, edit the picture name field, or set it to space if you don't want anything to appear.
I also added separate pages with:
- all email addesses, so I can easily send an email to everyone when I create a major upgrade of the web site - a list of all contact details (for other reasons)
rgds, Ronald
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Update: I've removed links from this post, see later posts for latest revision of template and preview. See Topic7075-60-1.aspx&start=47
I believe most reported bugs are fixed, for other changes see home page of preview. I'm not sure about IE Guilotine bug. Found an error in code but can't get an example of bug.
No doubt you will all let me know if there are some I haven't fixed or new ones discovered.
UPDATE: Just found a couple of mistakes. If you downloaded before 23:00 GMT on Sun 24th Jul please download again - content of links updated.
By 30909 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thank you for bug fixes.
Still, minor bugs #3 and #5 persist:
#3: If individual has more than one family, title text "John's family #2 with Daisy Doe:" begins next to the lastborn child's picture of the previous family. A new paragraph would be nice. Looks like this
____ | |John was born... | p |Partner:.... | i | Children: ... | c | Arthur's family #2 with Daisy Doe ----- Wife's pictures
instead of:
____ | |John was born... | p |Partner:.... | i | Children: ... | c | ----- Arthur's family #2 with Daisy Doe Wife's pictures
#5: The picture window is too small if it's the same size that the image itself! Maybe it's because of window borders or something...?
One minor thing I noticed is that when I display notes with more than one line entered (and used linebreak), only the 1st line is indented. Bug or on purpose? Looks silly to me.
By maru-san - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Created my report with the new skin from ron and realized something , which is not correct in my opinion (at least when tranlated into German or Japanese).
Since you create a page for an individual, you do not say "they have .... x children", but "he/she has/had ..x children". "They" belongs on a family page.
When let's say one child passes away during the lifetime of one of the parents, you also do not say he/she has a child, but he/she had a child, depending on how many children passed away.
Another thing for the eyes and for the print out. Can you align the top of the pictures with the text of education/occupation. It works naturaly if the picture is in portrait layout and the education/occuptaion text is short.
I am resizing the pictures of the individual to 200 x 200 and those of the places to 120 x 120, with no picture of the wife, since she has her own page.
Is it necessary to display the picture name underneath of the pictures, since the name appears when you move the mouse cursor over the picture and besides you have a description of the picture? The control of the pictures should then move along with the picture (should always stay close to the picture)
By Randee15 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I've noticed two bugs, I think:
1. I changed the wording from "This marriage was annulled" to "Their marriage was annulled". When I ran a report, the report says, "Their marriage was annulled. Their marriage was anulled.Mary's second husband was..."
I don't think my changing one word has anything to do with this oddity, but I thought I'd be thorough.
2. When I generate a report, it says "LanguageDictionary.Lookup("Child_") failed!" And it says it's an error.
But the report itself seems unaffected by this bug.
By 30909 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Is it necessary to display the picture name underneath of the pictures, since the name appears when you move the mouse cursor over the picture and besides you have a description of the picture? Better make it optional then. I prefer having a short picture text right underneath the picture.
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ok have made some changes so here goes:
i) #3 is now fixed.
ii) can't seem to reproduce #5. I'm using Firefox version 1.0.5 under Windows XP Home. You could try changing the values in script.js line 583 to see if it helps.
iii) I am aware of the problem with the indentation of the 1st line of notes but can't find a fix at present.
i)The individual's page lists all his/her relationships, and show the children under each relationship, so 'he/she had x children' would be incorrect if he/she had further children in another relationship. You could instead say 'he/she had x children with this partner' but I think 'They had x children' is simplier and correct in this context.
ii)text/picture alignment. They are aligned with the standards-compliant Firefox browser, so perhaps this is another quirk of Microsoft's IE. The pictures are in a box padded to the maximum picture dimensions to prevent/minimise page movement when running a slide show. You could remove these extra margins if required.
iii)Picture sizes can now be set as Report Parameters in Config.xml. There are also parameter options to show/hide spouse's pictures and picture names.
i)Fixed the marriage annulment duplication. I have moved the text to the Dictionary for ease of amendment. Note that it is feasible to have say an annulled religious marriage followed by a civil marriage for the same couple, and so the text 'This marriage was annulled', which will follow the marriage details, is more universal than 'Their marriage was annulled'. But you can change the text anyway you choose.
ii)I think the 'Child_' error is because you have a only child with no gender set. I've added a Dictionary entry to allow for this, so instead of a son or daughter the report will state 'child of unknown gender'. A warning is flagged at present if there is more than one child in the family and one or more have no gender, as they cannot be counted as sons or daughters.
Update: I've removed links from this post, see later posts for latest revision of template and preview. See Topic7075-60-1.aspx&start=47
By MR - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks Ron,
1. Guilotine problem in IE does not happen again
2. Shifting one position right in Mozilla seems to affect some pictures presentation. Some are now too much (one position?) to the right and the right border is not shown...
3. Show/hide comments does not work at all (in both IE and Mozilla). The screen comes out with all comments hidden by default and clicking show all has no effect. Only clicking the individual comment works.
4 Get Warning: ind00058 is a child of unknown gender and has been excluded from list of children
Probably similar to what was already discussed above.
5. LanguageDictionary.Lookup("Sibling_") failed! What does it mean? The report seems to be OK.
Thanks, Mark
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hi Mark,
Looks like 3 steps forward and one step back. I'll take a look at 2 & 3 tomorrow.
Item 4 is the same as previously discussed. I'll add some code to show count of children with unknown gender and remove the warning. Item 5 is very similar to 4, I just haven't put the warning in yet. This occurs when counting brothers & sisters and again it comes across a person? with no gender. It tries to do a Dictionary lookup and fails to find it. you could add the following line to the dictionary <Sibling_ T="sibling of unknown gender"/> | and then the report will contain something like 'He/She has a sibling of unknown gender.'
By beraha - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Why is it not possiable to exclude marriage details fron the reoprt the same way we can exclude an individual from it?
By 30909 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks, Ron. I'll keep my eyes open for any more bugs. Yesterday I got a major contribution to my tree from a relative of mine, which is gonna double the data I have, so it's very possible to bump into new situations.
Hehe, I "solved" the MAJOR bug #3 with hyperlinks. See Neat Hyperlink & Report Generator bug.
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
"Once more into the breach, dear friends"
Yes, yet another revision of Sample #3. Show/Hide notes now working again, children/sibling with no gender handled correctly, fixed the right margin problem and ...
guess what ...
fixed some if not all hyperlinked spouse issues! This is not the original GenoPro hyperlink problem, which I now find quite elusive, but an error I introduced, apologies for that. I would be interested to know if others still get problems with hyperlinks.
and a few other small changes as well.
Update: I've removed links from this post, see later posts for latest revision of template and preview. See Topic7075-60-1.aspx&start=47
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ron, Your templates are superb, especially the last one.
Only one thing that I noticed was that there were the same family details on each of the spouses pages but no family page.
It appears that Dan is going to include the family pages in the next update which would make it possible to lighten the parsonal pages to include only links to the family pages, spouses and children (without photos and details of them) as it was in the old version and this might save some memory space on hard drives and especially web sites.
Though I can't help with the programming, I greatly appreciate the ongoing discussions between those who can, and enjoy trying out the new versions on my test tree.
Your latest template only needs the family pages and it will be perfect (at least for me!)
By maru-san - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks for your update.
Like to point one item, which may need your attention?
When the education/occupation data and the comment gets longer than the picture (together with the control), the picture comment will not be in line with the edu/occu comment, but will start underneath of the picture. Cosmetic. Can send a sample if interested (screenshot)
Another small thing. The gender icons in the tree (left frame) are not aligned. The expandable icons are in line, and the non-expandable icons are in line.
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Regarding marriage details for hidden individuals I think I have now stopped a hidden spouse name from displaying. I'll wait for the Privacy Filter before deciding what else needs doing.
I agree the individual pages can get a bit overloaded if you have a lot of data for a person. I believe it should be fairly straightforward to lift the code generating family details out of individual.htm and into family.htm to generate separate family pages. I will consider this option.
The wrapping of text around photos is a design 'feature'. I'm using floating sections for the images and the wrapping is deliberate. Perhaps the look could be improved by placing a border around the photos and slide viewer buttons. This should be possible with a new CSS class applied to the containing div element. I will look into this.
If wrapping of text is a problem then it is probably best to revert to a tabular format and employ HTML tables instead of floating divs.
The misalignment of icons in the tree index is down to an error in the stylesheet. I made some changes to try an remove the notes indentation but forgot to remove part of it afterwards. Just edit style.css as follows:change ul.xT ul.xT-n li.xT-n { padding-left: -10px; color:black; }
ul.xT ul.xT-n li.xT-n { color:black; }
| I will put this right in my next release.
By Randee15 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ron, your reports just keep getting better and better! It's so cool that I can be so involved in developing something like this... you don't see things like this with other genealogy programs!
I haven't noticed any more bugs in the report so far, but of course I'll report any if they do pop up.
By 30909 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Good job with the hyperlinks!
Though noticed a small bug, again, in the following situation:
I have hyperlink from an individual from GenoMap 1 to GenoMap 2. In Genomap 1 there are her descendants, in GenoMap 2 her siblings and parents. Bug: There's no link (no href) to the particular individual from her siblings' pages. From parents' page the link is working fine.
Another thing I was thinking is that you use short (First name only) names in listing individuals children, but not when listing individual's siblings. It's quite a mess when one has like ten siblings and their full name is displayed. I'd prefer them short, too. Actually it might be a good alternative to have all the names short (or in format First Last), except the currently selected individual's name in header in full.
By Anna - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I would like to make a working translation for Swedish users. I'll make one from the state Rons narrative report is presently in, realizing it will not reflect later changes. Hope this is OK? Anna
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I look forward to seeing Ron's new family pages.
By 30909 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I would like to make a working translation for Swedish users. I'll make one from the state Rons narrative report is presently in, realizing it will not reflect later changes. Hope this is OK? Anna
Hi, Anna. I'm anxious of making Finnish translation, too, but I think I'll wait until the current bugs and maybe new ones by the release of beta 14 are all corrected because I'm a bit bored of doing it every time from the start again because of new features and/or fixes (I have done partial translations of two of his previous reports).
So I recommend to wait although reading thru the code a couple of times and "rehearsing" the translation is not a bad idea, I learned a lot by doing this twice already.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I am working on Beta 14. This beta will bring many improvements for generating reports.
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
It will be at least four or five days before I have another release ready. I'll move more fixed text into the Dictionary to ease the translator's task. The main problem arises when a sentence has optional phrases, like the birth, death and marriage ones. Any ideas welcome. I don't know if Dan is thinking of implementing my suggestion for conditional formatting.
I will move the family stuff to a family page with just links in the individual's page.
Re the missing sibling hyperlink, I noticed & put in a work-around for a similar issue with the list of chidren. This may be a GenoPro bug. A children collection, say, from f.children.ToGenoProCollection, may contain a GenoPro hyperlink rather than the original individual object. The method .ToHtmlHyperlinkNN does not in this case return a HTML link (because the GenoPro hyperlink has no page to link to), only the childs name. If you use .hyperlink_data_source.ToHtmlHyperlinkNN a link to the original individual is returned. I''ll put in a similar work-around for siblings.
I'll implement the no last name for siblings list except when the last name differs from the individual's last name. Perhaps I'll use first name and middle initial(s).
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
The main problem arises when a sentence has optional phrases, like the birth, death and marriage ones. Any ideas welcome. I don't know if Dan is thinking of implementing my suggestion for conditional formatting.
Yes, I am considering this option. A while ago, I wrote draft of a "tag formatter" to perform a similar task (Topic7572-66-1.aspx). I have not written this code because I want to do a good job on this. By the way, your proposed formatting solution is far better and simpler.
GenoPro has a bug with the internal hyperlinks. I am working on this. You won't need to use the hyperlink_data_source for the collections. I want something simple to use for generating reports.. I don't want users to have to worry about hyperlinked individuals.
By maru-san - Thursday, August 18, 2005
ron wrote
Ron was born in 1951 and was baptised on 02-Feb-1951
Please note that above would look in German as follows:
Ron wurde 1951 geboren und am 2ten Februar 1951 getauft.
You will see that what is in the dictionary at the moment "WasBorn" is splitted in German and the verb is at the end. The same goes for Japanese.
Another difference is with the grandparents.
In English you say " His paternal grandparents were [name] and [name].
In German you say " Seine Grosseltern väterlichseits waren [name] und [name].
Can you provide the code for above two samples?
I managed the first sample, but not the 2nd one.
By MR - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hi Ron,
A great job... and a small bug:
It looks like in Mozilla the links to Alphabetical index and Most Popoular Family Names do not work. IE is OK. Regards, Mark
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
In my forthcoming revision I am moving all potential language dependent code to code\lang.vbs. Here is a code snippet handling birth & baptism narratives. (Note that any code starting in column 1 has been wrapped form the previous line)Function StrBirthNarrative(i,strName) If IsPresent(i.birth,"dps") then StrBirthNarrative= LanguageDictionary.FormatString("BirthNarrative",_ strName,, Util.IfElse( <> "", LanguageDictionary.FormatString("FmtPlace",,"")) End If End Function
Function StrBaptismNarrative(i,strName) If IsPresent(i.birth.baptism,"dps") then If IsPresent(i.birth,"dps") Then StrBaptismNarrative = LanguageDictionary("ConjunctionAnd") Else StrBaptismNarrative = strName End If End If
If IsPresent(i.birth.baptism,"dps") Then StrBaptismNarrative = StrBaptismNarrative & LanguageDictionary.FormatString("BaptismNarrative",_,_ Util.IfElse(i.birth.baptism.priest <> "", LanguageDictionary.FormatString("Priest", i.birth.baptism.priest),""),_ Util.IfElse( <> "", LanguageDictionary.FormatString("FmtPlace",,"")) If instr(i.birth.baptism.godfather,",")>0 or instr(i.birth.baptism.godfather,"&")>0 then StrBaptismNarrative = StrBaptismNarrative & LanguageDictionary.FormatString("Godfathers", PnRU(i), i.birth.baptism.godfather) ElseIf i.birth.baptism.godfather <> "" then StrBaptismNarrative= StrBaptismNarrative & LanguageDictionary.FormatString("Godfather", PnRU(i), i.birth.baptism.godfather) End If If instr(i.birth.baptism.godmother,",")>0 or instr(i.birth.baptism.godmother,"&")>0 then StrBaptismNarrative = StrBaptismNarrative & LanguageDictionary.FormatString("Godmothers", PnRU(i), i.birth.baptism.godmother) ElseIf i.birth.baptism.godmother <> "" then StrBaptismNarrative = StrBaptismNarrative & LanguageDictionary.FormatString("Godmother", PnRU(i), i.birth.baptism.godmother) End If End if End Function |
and the Dictionary entries, ignoring Godparents<ConjunctionAnd T="$#32;and$#32; /> <BirthNarrative T="{} was born{}{}"/> <BaptismNarrative T="$#32;was baptised{0}{1}{2}.$#32;"/> <DateNarrativeDay T="$#32;on {}" /> <DateNarrative T="$#32;in {}" />
| and so from your post I think the code will be unchanged and German Dictionary entries will be <ConjunctionAnd T="$#32;und$#32;" /> <BirthNarrative T="{} wurde {} geboren{}"/> <BaptismNarrative T="$#32;{0} getauft{1}{2}.$#32;"/> <DateNarrativeDay T="$#32;am {}" /> <DateNarrative T="$#32;{}" />
| please replace $ with & in the above. phpBB translates HTML entity & #32; to space.
I haven't written the revised code for grandparents yet. Watch this space.....
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
re links not working in Mozilla. This is another case of IE being lax on standards, allowing me to write invalid HTML!. Fix in home.htm : replace <a name='#AlphabeticalIndex'/> with <a name='AlphabeticalIndex'/>
and <a name='#MostPopular'/> with <a name='MostPopular'/> |
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hi Ron, I wish I could understand all this programming language!
I can just about get my head arround simple "html" and managed to personalise the "php" of the message forum on my web site, but these Genopro codes loose me completely so I am unable to identify the parts of the code in the individuel.htm that need to be transfered to a family.htm or what else needs doing so I am keen to see what you comes up with in a few days.
Keep up the good work Ron and Dan, you're doing amazing things for Geneology!
By Anna - Thursday, August 18, 2005
The version I have still bugs siblings:
She is one of four children. She has a brother and one sisters, Karl Erik ARNE Olsén, Ingrid Ewa Maria (Ewa) Ryttegård (f Olsén) and Lena Ulrika Susanne Olsén.
However, this kind of programming is my favourite kind! Is it Ok for me to join in?
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Please do join in, Anna, this should be a joint effort. But I'm sure I've seen and fixed that bug, although I've not released the code yet. I think you will find I've used too many parameters here so 'nBrothers' it taken when it should be 'nSisters'
i.e. Report.Write LanguageDictionary.FormatString("SiblingBrotherAndSisters", Util.strFirstCharUCase(LanguageDictionary("PnP_" &, strToHaveSingular, LanguageDictionary.Cardinal(nBrothers), LanguageDictionary.Cardinal(nSisters))
shoulde be Report.Write LanguageDictionary.FormatString("SiblingBrotherAndSisters", Util.strFirstCharUCase(LanguageDictionary("PnP_" &, strToHaveSingular, LanguageDictionary.Cardinal(nSisters)) |
By maru-san - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Have managed to produce a skin for german from ron#3 report, except for the issue with grandparents. Realized that it is very important to give places proper names in order to have a sensible sentence afterwards.
Have started to work on a draft for Japanese. Structure is again different from english and german.
Really miss an editor with the capability to input japanese. The editor is an important part of the report generator when it comes to foreign languages.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Do not spend too much time with the templates. I am currently updating the templates using a super powerful , yet simple method to write narrative phrases. You will love it. I would recommend to wait until Beta 14 before doing any serious work on the templates. I am hoping to release Beta 14 this week, but it may be next week.
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I read Dan's post above re Beta 14 but as I had this revised code ready I couldn't resist posting details of it. This version has better work-arounds for the hyperlink problems and also has the family detail pages. I understand there will be a proper fix for this in Beta 14. Family details can now optionally be omitted from the Individual pages using the FamilyInfo parameter in Config.xml. Also virtually all narrative text is now in the Dictionary or Lang.vbs to ease translation issues.
This is definitely my last revision before Beta 14. I'm very intrigued by the new phrase generator and can't wait to try it out and all the other improvements.
You can see my revised preview and/or download the skin template (version 2005.08.03_Ron7). But don't bother to change it until after Beta 14.
By Howard53 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ron, congatulations on the excellent work you are doing on the skin template.
Unfortunately, there appears to be an error in your latest script. Under the Occupation Details for an individual, the name of the individual's spouse is being inserted instead of the name of the individual. I don't remember this error in the previous version.
By Anna - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hi Ron!
I'm using nordic letters (å, ä, ö) which makes your special scripts om your web site reject my xml-file. Could that be the reason I can not run your latest skin? The previous one worked perfectly, though!
Processing template 'family.htm'... Error at line 202 (Code/Lang.vbs) generating 'fam00416.htm': Objektet stöder inte egenskapen eller metoden.: 'f' Körningsfel i Microsoft VBScript 800A01B6
Need translation? :-)
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
With all these bugs it's a good thing I'm not doing this as a job! Fix for bug notified by Howard53 change lines 532 & 561 in Individual.htm as follows:
from: strPrefix=strName
to: strPrefix= StrShortName(i)
and 562 from: strRelative=strName&"'s" to: strRelative=StrPossessiveProperNoun(strPrefix)) |
Anna, I guess it says 'object does not support this property or method'. Fix as follows:
add this line above line 202 in Lang.vbs
Dim f |
By Anna - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hi Ron, thanks for prompt reply!
My editor breaks the text differently so line number was 112, (in Function StrFuneralNarrative(i).)
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hi Ron,
I just had a look at your latest sample tree and say "Bravo" you have done it!
This is exactly what I had been hoping for and after downloading the templates I can start personalising the various pages including the new family page which, though of a different format and layout to the old generator, is much improved as having the photos on the left instead of the right is perhaps better once one gets used to the idea.
There is now so much scope for personalisation now that we can all do our own thangs and make strange and groovy skins according to taste.
Perhaps it might be fun to see where peoples fantasies lead them and have some links to some of the personal interpretations that will be the result of all this. :lol:
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I have just made a test tree myself after a little personalisation and find the format (photos to the left) actualler more pleasing to the eye.
Now my fun can start!
Great work!
I am now curious to see what differences Beta 14 will bring.
By Anna - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hi again! In the disposition narrative the skin said "Her laid to rest". Since I intend to learn this programming I tried to alter it into:
Function StrDispositionNarrative(i) set d=i.death.disposition StrDispositionNarrative= LanguageDictionary.FormatString("DispositionNarrative",_ PnPu(i),_ Util.FirstNonEmpty(d.type,LanguageDictionary("DispositionDefault"),""),_,_ Util.IfElse( <> "",_ LanguageDictionary.FormatString("FmtPlaceAt",,"")_ ) End Function |
(The only change is PnP(i) instead of PnR(i))
which got me half way, but how do I concatenate the ToBe? Tried adding ToBe,_ which made it one argument too many.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I am now curious to see what differences Beta 14 will bring.
Huge changes! For instance, the IsPresent() method is no longer needed. I am currently re-writing the templates. It is about 10 times shorter. Fewer lines of code means fewer risks of errors.
"Code simplicity allows greater software complexity."
Daniel Morin (2005)
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Dan, we're all on tenderhooks with all this suspense !
This forum has become a real hot bed of ideas from some very talented people which appears to help you develop your software and give us all this amazing tool.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I am including the actual code I am using to write the narrative phrases. This stuff actually works on my machine. Eventually, I will move the phrase templates to the language dictionary.
Sub WriteIndividual(i, fIsChild) strName = StrShortName(i) strPnR = PnR(i) strPnRU = PnRU(i) Set b = i.birth Set ba = b.baptism Report.WritePhrase "{!0}[ was born{1}{2}][[{?1|2} and] was baptised{3}{4}[ by {5}]].", strName,,, _,, ba.priest WriteFootnoteRef2 b.source, ba.source Report.WritePhrase " {!0}[ godfather was {2}][[{?2} and {!1}] godmother was {3}].", strPnRU, strPnR, ba.godfather, ba.godmother WriteAnnotationBirth i.birth.comment
... End Sub |
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ron, I have just noticed a small grammatical error in the phrase for the place of burial in the individual and family pages i.e.
"His laid to rest at" - and
"Her laid to rest at" -
These should be something like :-
"He was laid to rest at" - or
"She was laid to rest at" -
or even :-
"He / She was buried at" -
I find that "buried at" is simpler than the euphemistic "laid to rest" which is rather like "passed away" instead of "died" , it appears that some people actually prefer these delicate euphemisms especially in the USA, rather than the more direct and (clinical ?) terms used by some other people such as some British and Australians.
This could also be made a choice.
If I could find the place where the text string is written, I would do it myself, but as usual this programming looses me!
Maybe this could be indicated somewhere or perhaps Dan has already thought of a correction for Beta 14.
This was the only fault I could find ! :wink:
By rdn - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I am always excited when you build a new version of your report, since I know each time it exceeds my expectations. Please do keep it up, especially after Dan completes Beta 14.
This time, when running your script, I came across this error:
Loading dictionary.xml... Processing template 'init.htm'... Processing template 'default.htm'... Processing template 'tree.htm'... Processing template 'toc_individuals.htm'... Processing template 'toc_families.htm'... Processing template 'home.htm'... Processing template 'heading.htm'... Processing template 'individual.htm'... Processing template 'family.htm'... Error at line 202 (Code/Lang.vbs) generating 'fam00477.htm': Object doesn't support this property or method: 'f' Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A01B6 |
Any suggestions?
By maru-san - Thursday, August 18, 2005
This problem has been answered by ron in his answer to Anna's post (see above) and can be solved when editing the file "Lang.vbs"
Tried it myself.
By rdn - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks, it worked
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hi Ron,
I successfully made a report of a very small tree with your tatest templates, but when I tried with a bigger branch I got the following error:-
Error at line 202 (Code/Lang.vbs) generating 'fam00475.htm': Cet objet ne gère pas cette propriété ou cette méthode: 'f'
Erreur d'exécution Microsoft VBScript 800A01B6
Any ideas why? :?:
By rdn - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Although I don't read French, I beleive this was the same error I had. Please see Ron's response to Anna to fix.
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
To Anna, iaintait and others re disposition problem. This was a little bit tricky, as some disposition phrases need he/she e.g. She was laid to rest, whilst others need his/her e.g. his body was never found. So I suggest changing the routine in Lang.vbs toFunction StrDispositionNarrative(i) dim d, strDisposition set d=i.death.disposition strDisposition=Util.FirstNonEmpty(d.type,LanguageDictionary("DispositionDefault"),"") strWas=LanguageDictionary("was") StrDispositionNarrative= LanguageDictionary.FormatString("DispositionNarrative",_ Util.IfElse(Left(strDisposition,len(strWas)) = strWas,PnPU(i),PnRU(i)),_ strDisposition,_,_ Util.IfElse( <> "",_ LanguageDictionary.FormatString("FmtPlaceAt",,"")_ ) End Function | This checks the start of the phrase and selects personal pronoun or relative pronoun as appropriate. This may need changes for other languages. Also change Dictionary entry 'DispositionDefault' from 'laid to rest' to 'was laid to rest', and Dictionary entries Burial & Cremation under <BodyDisposition> in the Enumerations section to 'was buried' and 'was cremated' respectively.
Note that DispositionDefault is only used when no disposition 'Type' is specified in GenoPro. Obviously the Dictionary can be changed to whatever you want e.g. 'was buried'. I choose 'laid to rest' as it does not imply a particular disposition and I did not want to assume burial. The other answer is to always specify the 'Type' in GenoPro.
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks Ron,
this worked a treat on my little test tree, but I get the following error message when I try a larger tree.
Error at line 202 (Code/Lang.vbs) generating 'fam00475.htm': Cet objet ne gère pas cette propriété ou cette méthode: 'f'
Erreur d'exécution Microsoft VBScript 800A01B6
I would try your solution below but as my lines are not numbered and the lines seem rather disjointed I can't tell where line 202 is!
add this line above line 202 in Lang.vbs
Dim f
Please could you quote the text of line 202 so that I can identify it and add the new line?
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
'Dim f' should immediately follow the line 'Function StrFuneralNarrative()'
I use Notepad on Windows XP which provides a line number on the status bar at the bottom of the window providing you have 'Wordwrap' turned off, i.e. not ticked (see Format Menu) and 'Status Bar' turned on (see View Menu).
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks Ron,
I do use XP, but had the notepad controls the wrong way round and now I know how to find the line numbers.
I learn something new every day!
Fortunately! :lol:
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I have just discovered another bug in the individual page.
The occupation is written with the name of the Wife as in the example of my parents:-
Alfred Andrew Donald's wife was Hilda Alison Christian Leslie Beath. They were married in a religious ceremony on 8-Sep-1938 in Bath, Somerset, England.
You may find further information on this family here.
Occupation Details
Hilda Alison Christian Leslie Beath's occupation was Company Director.
This should read
Alfred Andrew Donald's occupation was Company Director
Please could you post the code to correct this.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I have just discovered another bug in the individual page. The occupation is written with the name of the Wife as in the example of my parents I have fixed it for Beta 14.
By maru-san - Thursday, August 18, 2005
iaintaint wrote
Please could you post the code to correct this.
ron wrote
strRelative=StrPossessiveProperNoun(strPrefix) in line 562 of individual.htm
Please iaintaint, next time time you have a question please read all others posts first
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks, I hadn't noticed this posting. :oops:
It now is perfect
By 30909 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thank you for recent update! I don't know if the family page really was necessary (I preferred them the way it was before so could this be optional?). The siblings list was now in format First Middle, could it be just First?
I got a weird error message, can you tell me what is wrong?:
Processing template 'individual.htm'... Warning: FixSpouse triggered for ind00264: Vilho Salomo Norja and returned ind00566: Emilia Viitala |
There is an internal hyperlink for individual Vilho Salomo Norja. Other internal hyperlinks do not, however, produce this error message.
Other bugs than these I haven't found yet except for the ones discussed on this thread earlier. I'll look forward to more updates after the release of beta 14.
By beraha - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ron, Thank you for recent update! I don't know if the family page really was necessary (I preferred them the way it was before so could this be optional?) .
Yes. You Can edit the file: "config.xml" to change that option.
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I, personally prefer an individual page with less family info as this leaves more space for in-depth info on the individual as the same family info was duplicated on both parents' pages meaning a waste of space and now is on only one page instead of two.
This is only my personal preference, but making it possible to change this default can do no harm as it appears that it is already so and I hadn't even noticed this possibility.
By genome - Thursday, August 18, 2005
My thanks to Maru-san and beraha for replying to those who do not appear to have read the full thread before submitting their posts. Just to be crystal clear about family details on individual pages:
Family details can now optionally be omitted from the Individual pages using the FamilyInfo parameter in Config.xml. As regards
I got a weird error message, can you tell me what is wrong?: Processing template 'individual.htm'... Warning: FixSpouse triggered for ind00264: Vilho Salomo Norja and returned ind00566: Emilia Viitala
There is an internal hyperlink for individual Vilho Salomo Norja. Other internal hyperlinks do not, however, produce this error message. This is just a warning not an error. The resultant Html pages are correct. It occurs when there is an apparent problem with hyperlinks, i.e. the GenoPro routine FindSpouse has not returned a valid object, and my code to provide a work-around solution has been invoked. I believe this hyperlink issue will be fixed in GenoPro Beta 14.
By 30909 - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thanks for the info, guys. I had missed Ron's particular sentence. This thread is getting too long...
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I believe this hyperlink issue will be fixed in GenoPro Beta 14.
It has been fixed. The routine FindSpouse was ignoring the hyperlinks.
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I have just discovered another problem.
When mazking a report with my full tree, I get the following error :-
Error at line 201 (Code/Util.vbs) generating 'fam00006.htm': Argument ou appel de procédure incorrect: 'mid'
Erreur d'exécution Microsoft VBScript 800A0005
This is the first time I have seen this one.
Have I missed this topic some where?
This is line 201 :-
nWidth = mid(strDimension,1,instr(strDimension,"x")-1) + 0
obviously I have absolutely no idea what this means !
But would appreciate a little help from one of you programmers. :oops:
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
This happens when a picture is missing. I have fixed it. The new code is as follows:
nWidth = Util.GetWidth(strDimension) |
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
I replaced the line with your's and got the following error :-
Error at line 201 (Code/Util.vbs) generating 'ind00010.htm': Cet objet ne gère pas cette propriété ou cette méthode: 'Util.GetWidth'
Erreur d'exécution Microsoft VBScript 800A01B6
Maybe I should wait untill Beta 14 arrives!
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Maybe I should wait untill Beta 14 arrives!
Yes. I am working on it. There are still many outstanding issues.
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
They say patience is a virtue!
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
They say patience is a virtue!
Same here! I thought the report generator would be over by July, but it is not the case. Sometimes I am a bit frustrated because I really want to release v2.0. Quality takes time.
On the bright side, the report generator can generate outstanding quality reports, far much better than anticipated.
By IainTait - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Will your new Beta 14 include the Report Generator Skin made by Ron?
He has done an amazing job with it which is a great asset and seems a most valuable contribution to your great software.
Though one can always find different interpretations and formats, I think that what Ron has done will be difficult to improve on and I imagine that his work might be also greatly appreciated by you as well.
We all wait with bated breath for this new Beta 14 (this week perhaps?)
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, August 18, 2005
Will your new Beta 14 include the Report Generator Skin made by Ron?
Yes, and a bit more to allow more sophisticated reports.
By ghattis - Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Hi Team,
we are using an application, developed using Pega rules process commander. Is there any API which can be exposed from your end which can be consumed from Pega end. There is a client requirement where we need to integrate Pega with Genogram. Awaiting your response at the earliest. my contact details are as follows Srinivas Ghatti Mobile # +91 -9849814638