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Author Sample Report #3
Posted Sunday, August 14, 2005 - Post #7075
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Hi y'all, been working on this for a while, but have been a bit sidetracked by an important change in my family tree, namely the arrival of our 2nd grandaughter.

Update: I've removed links from this post, see later posts for latest revision of template and preview. See Topic7075-60-1.aspx&start=47

Main changes from 2nd draft from Dan are:

1. Removal of tables and introduction of more CSS-based layout features.
2. Changes to the slideshow - removed drop-down list, added display of picture descriptions/comments
3. Made all comment items initially hidden with clickable headings to hide or show comments as required. This relies on 'switch content' code from which must be downloaded separately (see readme.txt in skin). This was sugggested by another member of this forum but I can't find the post at present.
4. Reworked dynamic tree index based on work by Andrew Gregory to improve load times
5. addition of links to grandparents & siblings.
6. added pictures of spouse/partner.
7. pictures when clicked on appear in a separate auto-sized window (acknowledgements to
8.changed names of some images (e.g. GenoPro.Logo.gif) so that case matched that used in code. Some Web Servers are touchy about this!

I also started to move some of the phrases used into the Dictionary to make it easier to translate to other languages, but realised that the grammatical syntax may also need to be changed for other languages.

So a suggestion - perhaps a method that allowed conditional string formatting would help, e.g.

suppose Dictionary has entry

<FmtBirthInfo T="{0} [was born{1|2&z}][ in {2}]{1}[[ and {1&z}] was baptised{3}[ at {4}]]."/>

where phrase in square brackets [] are only generated if the (first) included field {} is not null. Nesting would be allowed and the encoding &z introduced to allow a field to be tested but not output. Fields can be joined with | (or) or + (and) for more complex conditions. Encoding &z would be assumed for such conditions.

then a new method 'FormatOptionalString' could be called as


to generate birh information strings such as

Ron was born in London.

or Ron was born in London in 1951.

or Ron was born in 1951 and was baptised on 02-Feb-1951.

depending on which fields were null or not.

I believe this make it easier to generate reports in other languages from the same skin, with just changes to the dictionary.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Thursday, September 22, 2005 by jcmorin
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7076
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Ron, after having seen your new report style, tried to generate one with my data.
Received following message:

"Error at line 80 (init.htm) : Object doesn't support this property or method: 'LanguageDictionary.Families'
Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A01B6"
Any comments?
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7077
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Thanks Ron for your work. I will do my best to integrate your work in Beta 14.

The methods LanguageDictionary.Families and LanguageDictionary.Individuals leaked in one of the beta. Since I am not sure about the exact name of those methods, I removed them. Just replace LanguageDictionary.Families by "Families". Those values have been hardcoded in one of the beta.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7078
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I am once again very impressed with your work ! Keep it up !

Also, congradulations on the new addition to your family.

A couple of thoughts:

- I like what bracha did with the parents appearing in the same detail box. Perhaps some addition in that direction?
- Is is possible (perhaps with input from Dan) to take a static "snapshot" of the actual graphical tree as it appears in GenoPro, having it centered on the person who is being detailed, and showing, in graphical mode on the web page, how this person appears within the tree? The snapshot will be a local one, comprising just one generation up and down.


Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7079
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Thanks for your responses.

In reply to rdn, Dan has already stated in Topic7062-60-1.aspx that images (pictures) of a GenoMap will be available in the report generator. Hopefully this will include the feature you suggest.

As regards parents, the links are there for easy access, as with grandparents and siblings. I've kept it to a narrative style rather than a table to maintain the same theme. Perhaps someone in the future will come up with a tabular report format.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7080
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Very nice report for Sample #3.
Just a suggestion about the slideshow. Is it possible to somehow pause the pics because the slideshow can go too fast. Possibly a single click on the pic to pause and a double click to pause and zoom. Just an idea.

Great work on upgrading the report.

Strive Strive
And be Alive!
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7081
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The stop button is actually a pause as the show resumes at the point it was stopped.

You can adjust the speed for your report by changing this line near the bottom of PV.js
g_idTimer = setTimeout("PV_Play('" + id + "');", 3000);
The time is in millseconds, default 3 secs.

I have been made aware of a few bugs in the report and I am working on fixes.

Firstly, some pages with pictures may suffer from the IE 'guillotine' bug, whereby the last image is clipped at the bottom. This does not occur with Mozilla Firefox browser.

Secondly a picture sideshow may stop part way through or not display the picture descriptions. This seems to occur if only some of the pictures have descriptions.

Thirdly a gap is needed between the pictures and text when using Firefox.

I also hope to change the show/hide comments feature to use the same code as the expandable name index to remove the download restriction that applies to the dynamicdrive site.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Thursday, September 22, 2005 by GenoProSupport
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7082
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There is another bug/suggestion that actually exists from the very first report. People that are divorced/separated are described as A's partner is B. Even if they are both alive it should be was instead of is.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7083
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Two suggestions, if this usual lurker may:

1. Is it possible that you could make the narrative tell whether a person's children were all female, all male, or mixed?

"John and Jane had one son, William."
"John and Jane had one daughter, Mary."
"John and Jane had two sons, William and Robert."
"John and Jane had two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth."
"John and Jane had two children, William and Mary."

2. Presently, the narrative lists children thusly: "John and Jane had three children, William, Mary and Robert." But I prefer an extra comma in narrative lists, like so: "John and Jane had three children, William, Mary, and Robert."

Is there a way this comma issue could be added as a changeable preference? I imagine it would be possible, since it's just about the same issue as "James'" versus "James's" in narratives, and that issue's changeable already.

Btw, congratulations on the new family addition! BigGrin
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7084
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Hi Randee15, welcome to the forum and thanks for your contribution. The more the merrier.

Yes of course it is possible to count the genders of children (and also the individual's siblings) and display in the report. I did think of it when adding the sibling links. It just a time issue to write and test the code. I'll look into it once I've finished clearing up the existing bugs. (unless someone else takes up the challenge)

As regards the narrative list, I believe 'and' without a leading comma is grammatically correct, certainly in 'UK' English, but I can't speak for the former colonies!

Ycan easily change your version, just edit Individual.htm in the skin folder as follows:
change line 233

if iChild=collChildren.count-2 then strSep=" and "
if iChild=collChildren.count-2 then strSep=", and "

But I'll change the code anyway to use the existing Dictionary entry, ConjunctionAnd. This will make it easier for you to change and also will help in other language translations.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Thursday, September 22, 2005 by GenoProSupport

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