By maru-san - Monday, September 5, 2005
Will have to change a few things, among them the formatting of the names.
Which lines in which file do I have to change in order to get always "Last Name/First Name" (LNFN) configuration? No spaces between the names.
By Yehudad - Monday, September 5, 2005
maru-san Which lines in which file do I have to change in order to get always "Last Name/First Name" (LNFN) configuration? No spaces between the names.In individual.htm there is a line at the start:
strName is then used each time for the individual full name. If you want to change the way the name is shown you have to change this line.You have to create a little method like that:
Function StrFullName(i)
StrFirstName = i.Name.First StrLastName = i.Name.Last
StrFullName = StrLastName & " " & StrFirstName End Function
| And then call for it in individual.htm: If you want to translate the name from one language to another, you will need to use the "NameDictionary.xml", to extract first and last name.
By maru-san - Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Thanks Yehudad, have to look into this more closely, but hope Genopro will come up with an easyer solution than this, i.e. by selecting the way the names are used on the reporting page.
By Yehudad - Tuesday, September 6, 2005
maru-san Thanks Yehudad, have to look into this more closely, but hope Genopro will up with an easyer solution than this, i.e. by selecting the way the names are used on the reporting page.I guess that one of the ways will be to use the dictinary.xml for this purpose like all the phrases "PhBirth" and "PhParents" and so on.
By GenoProSupport - Tuesday, September 6, 2005
The dictionary may store the templates to format the "Full Name", "FirstMiddle", "First Last" and other combinations of names. At the moment, GenoPro concatenates those names and inserts spaces between the names. I realize this is not appropriate for all languages.
By maru-san - Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Another specific for japanese reports: a younger brother is called different from an older brother, the same goes for sisters. Please consider this for the report generator.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, September 8, 2005
maru-san (9/7/2005) a younger brother is called different from an older brother, the same goes for sisters.Can you give a few examples? I can think of a solution only if I have a few examples...
By maru-san - Thursday, September 8, 2005
Think of a situation like this. 1) A family with five children (a son, a daughter, a daughter, a son, a son), the last too are twins
an outsider would say of the elder of the twins : he had one older brother, two older sisters and one younger brother;
older brother in japanese > niisan younger brother in japanese > ototo older sister in japanese > nesan younger sister in japanese > imoto
female siblings has its own expression male siblings has also its own expression
2) besides I have not seen yet in the report generator a situation describing twins
By Alfi - Thursday, September 8, 2005
A common problem for Nihongo, 'Ivrith, Elenika, etc. (Japanese, Hebrew, Greek a.s.o.): Each type of name (especially given ones) should include - in fact - at least a pair of fields: 1st one for Latin transcription 2nd one for native transcription : 3rd,4th,... one for additional translation(s) of the name As a result, even should be able to understand them ...
By Yehudad - Friday, September 9, 2005
I disagree. This is why we came up with the NameDictionary.xml file to translate names to other languages than the one in the tree. Dan is already working on a tool to manage this file.
By maru-san - Friday, September 9, 2005
Let's face the facts: A japanese will write in japanese characters right from the beginning into the proper fields, whether it is a name, a place or a comment or whatsoever, as long it is possible. Since the report generator does not translate comments, he expects to display everything what he wrote in the same language. If he has relatives in a foreign country he might use some fields (like alternative name or nickname) for english names. A translation of a name is not likely, since the same name when used the alphabet will not always be the same when using japanese characters. Since I am a foreigner living in Japan I had to make another genofile with japanese members only. I will not use the Name dictionary, although I think it is a good idea when there is no doubt about the outcome of that translation. To have both languages in the same field will not work because of the narrative style. Of course I can have a genomap within my german genomaps to include japanese characters for names, but the main purpose is for the display in the grafik, not for the report. Because once I start using japanese names also for places I think it will not be accepted by my german relatives. So I realy have to separate both languages.
By Alfi - Friday, September 9, 2005
A German Jew named "Hirsch", is re-called in Yiddish "Hersch" and in Hebrew "Tzvi". Both the Hebrew and Yiddish names need Hebrew transcriptions such as HEB(Tzvi-Hirsch צבי-הירש)=YID(Hersch הרש). In English he becomes ENG(Harry), in French - FRE(Henry), in Romanian - ROM(Horia) and in German - GER(Hermann). By the way, what about my son, whose name is ... Shika-san ? (And, by the way, it's totally unpredictable each member of my family - in which language or transcription would be interested). Alex
By Alfi - Friday, September 9, 2005
A German Jew named "Wolf", is re-called in Yiddish "Wolf" and in Hebrew "Zeev". Both the Hebrew and Yiddish names need Hebrew transcriptions such as HEB(Zeev זאב)=YID(Wolf וולף). In English he becomes ENG(William), in Romanian - ROM(Lupu), in Italian - ITA(Lupo) and in German - GER(Wolf or Wilhelm). (And, by the way, it's totally unpredictable each member of my family - in which language or transcription would be interested). Alex
By Alfi - Friday, September 9, 2005
An Israeli town named "'Ako", is re-called in English "Acre" and in Hebrew "'Ako". In this case the Hebrew name needs Hebrew transcription such as HEB('Ako עכו)=ENG(Acre) (And, by the way, it's totally unpredictable each member of my family - in which language or transcription would be interested). Alex
By Yehudad - Friday, September 9, 2005
The NameDictionary.xml is the answer to all the examples that you brought, Alfi. To the line:
<N EN="Yehuda" HE="יהודה" /> | you can add as many languages you want.It is then up to the user in which language he wants the report.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, September 9, 2005
The NameDictionary is one solution, however it is limited to names (first names, last names, place names, etc). The translation of comments and other fields remains problematic. I have been thinking of a solution for supporting multiple languages per comment. GenoPro can recognize a the language code (EN, FR, JA, HE) at the end of each field such as i.birth.comment.EN , i.birth.comment.FR , i.birth.comment.JA , i.birth.comment.HE . When generating the report, GenoPro can select the proper language code. If no text is found under the given language code, GenoPro could optionally select the neutral language if any (eg: i.birth.comment ). On the graphical interface, a drop-down list would be available to the user to add a new comment in a new language. Internally, GenoPro would use a clever mechanism to store and classify text for each language. This way, there would be no need to have two trees. A single .gno file could store as many languages as necessary. The Table Layout would have problems to display the same comment in multiple languages, so I am thinking the Table Layout should display one language (the language selected by the user). There is also a discussion for descriptions in multiple languages.
By beraha - Friday, September 9, 2005
GenoProSupport (9/9/2005) The translation of comments and other fields remains problematic.Since translation of comments is a big problem, why not making it possible to write comments on genopro in 2 languages manually, and the report generator will use the relevant comment depending the language that the user choose to create a report
By GenoProSupport - Friday, September 9, 2005
beraha (9/9/2005) why not making it possible to write comments on genopro in 2 languages manually, and the report generator will use the relevant comment depending the language that the user choose to create a reportThat is the goal, except the solution I am thinking allows multiple languages instead of 2. GenoPro will not attempt to translate comments (because it is nearly impossible to do so), but will allow the same comment to be written into multiple languages.
By Yehudad - Friday, September 9, 2005
GenoProSupport This way, there would be no need to have two trees. A single .gno file could store as many languages as necessary. The Table Layout would have problems to display the same comment in multiple languages, so I am thinking the Table Layout should display one language (the language selected by the user).That sounds like a grea idea. Can't this be the solution for all the fields? Can't GenoPro work in the same way in all the other fields in the gno file?
By GenoProSupport - Friday, September 9, 2005
Yehudad (9/9/2005) That sounds like a grea idea. Can't this be the solution for all the fields? Can't GenoPro work in the same way in all the other fields in the gno file?This solution could would work for any text field. I have to figure out a good user-interface for a single-line field but it can be done. By the way, this feature will be for version 3.0.
By Yehudad - Friday, September 9, 2005
GenoProSupport This solution could work for any text field. I have to figure out a good user-interface for a single-line field but it can be done. By the way, this feature will be for version 3.0.Lets finish ver 2 first
By maru-san - Monday, September 19, 2005
Of course I do not want to interrupt the schedule of the release, on the other hand a few things need to be done beside what are known problems, in order to have a flawless report generator, easy to handle by most users (not only a few selected ones). The narrative text on the page "home.htm" needs to be transferred to the dictionary file.
By GenoProSupport - Monday, September 19, 2005
maru-san (9/19/2005) The narrative text on the page "home.htm" needs to be transferred to the dictionary file.I will get back with the report generator to improve it after version 2.0. I understand the report generator is not finished yet, however it is usable. I am happy the report generator is working at all, because this was brand new technology to me. I have many ideas to make the report generator more powerful and than it is now. I am thinking of adding the attribute Language to each elemen in Config.xml, so the report generator can pick the file "homeJA.htm" or "homeHE.htm" when generating the report. If there is more HTML code, it will be easier to have a different HTML file for each language, than moving everything in the dictionary file. At the moment, I am working on Bet15 for the social entities. I use the name "Social Entity" to describe a school, church, club, committee, council, advisory group, organization, partnership, business or corporation. Then, there are "Social Activities" and "Social Relationships" such as managing, funding, investing, coaching, customer of, associate, partnership, and more.
By maru-san - Friday, June 29, 2007
Have published a report in japanese, but have limited translation to essential items. Both files dictionary.xml and lang.vbs need to be changed. Of course a japanese font for browser text encoding is a must. update: lang.vbs not needed anymore