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Printing the family tree

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Posted Thursday, August 17, 2006 - Post #12490
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Hi, I am new to this and have a question.  Once I have entered my whole family tree I want to copy it on to one big sheet that people would be able to read, I don't want single sheets I have to tape together.  Im thinking of taking it to a print shop and having them print it for me.  But none of the print shops can open the file.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to convert this to a different type of file?  Or any other ideas of how to get it printed?  But if I have to convert it will it still be in the tree format and will it be big enough to be seen, I don't want a report format.  I hope someone out there can help.  Thanks 
Posted Thursday, August 17, 2006 - Post #12491
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Beta 18, as per Genopro "What's next" section statement should have an improved printing routine:

  • Beta18: Complete the dialogs Address, Contact, Occupancy
    - Improve the print dialog to use a scale factor rather than the number of horizontal and vertical pages.  Each GenoMap will be capable to store its own print settings.
  • I suppose you'll get an accurate answer to your question when Genopro is back from their short break in a couple of days time.

    Posted Thursday, August 17, 2006 - Post #12492
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    This has been discussed before (use the Search) One option is to use a 'print to pdf' printer. I have used CutePdf but there are several more. Install the driver and then get GenoPro to print using this extra printer. You can define extra large paper sizes and then print to a file. Any print shop will be able to print from a pdf file - if they can not try another one
    Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 - Post #12500
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    Ok. I have tried the CutePDF and must not be doing something right.  It saves the file as a .prn  Can someone help me I am truly lost on how to get this tree printed?  I have read the past post about printing and have tired everything and still I can not get this to a .pdf file.  HELP!!! 
    Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 - Post #12502
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    I just downloaded cutePDF writer from

    and tried it out... Everything worked out just fine...

    Have you checked:

    Installation Requirements

    • Supports Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP (x64)/2003  (x64).
    • Requires PS2PDF converter such as Ghostscript (recommended).
      You can get the free GPL Ghostscript 8.15 


    No longer include Ghostscript. You may download and install it separately. 

    Maybe you don't have Ghostscript instaled?

    "εν οιδα οτι ουδεν οιδα" (Σωκρατησ)  - "The only thing that I know is that I don't know anything" (Socrates)

    Edited: Friday, August 18, 2006 by V.L.o
    Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 - Post #12503
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    If you can not get CutePdf to work there are several others out there. I have also used NovaPDF from and using Google I have also found Both are free for you to use.
    After you have installed them, do not forget to go to the set up and choose a large paper size and adjust your display to fill it. Goes without saying to check print shop has that size paper.

    Edited: Friday, August 18, 2006 by GenoProSupport
    Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 - Post #12504
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    Ok, this is what Im doing and some tell me if im wrong.  I have my tree open in GenoPro and I go to File -> Print and then I pick the PDF printer and make sure that the print to file is checked right?  Or am I doing this the wrong way.

    Thank you too all of you that are helping me with this!!

    Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 - Post #12505
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    Almost there, but do not choose print to file. That is what gives you a .prn file. Just say Print; it will think for a bit and then ask for a file name. This will be your .pdf file. Just remember which directory you put it in and take the pdf file to a print house
    Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 - Post #12506
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    See I was donig something wrong

    It shows my trees on 3 pages, from there I an just adjust the paper size and take it to the print shop right? 

    Can you tell I am NEW to this.....

    Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 - Post #12507
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    If you want to print onto one (large) sheet of paper then you need to tell the program that. Go to Page Setup and set the horizontal & vertical pages to be one. The preview option shows what you will get. Just make sure you have selected the pdf printer and set the paper size the print shop can use

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