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188291 (9/1/2006) How can I create a key/legend for my genogram?The legends can be inserted with a right click in the screen. 
Then you are free to remove the extra symbol that you don't need. Those legends are in fact the same as individual expect that they have the flag [] Make Label... check in the Summary tabs so they are not exported in report for instance. 188291 (9/1/2006) How can I display the date/death & comments or more than one item for individuals simultaneously? If I click on one it deselects the other and will only show one at a time.For now you can't.
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Where is the pull down window located in the GenoPro software to create a Key/Legend Symbols for a Family Tree Chart? And, how do we place a Lable/Title for the Family Tree Chart? Please help. Thanks.
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Hello Again,
Thanks for your help, but unfortunately I can't locate the toolbar on my screen that you indicated to insert text. Where is this toolbar? The A Icon button that I see is to enlarge or reduce the size of font, not to insert text. Thanks.
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GenoPro v1.99c.