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Anthropologists have been drawing genealogy diagrams / family trees since WHR Rivers developed the method while conducting anthropological research in the Solomon Islands circa 1848. The professional convention is to use triangles to represent males and circles to represent females. In most other aspects, genopro replicates the industry standard or is adaptable enough for use, in terms of documenting social groups or using genealogy charts to analyse social settings, families, epidemiological info, etc. There is NO genealogy/family tree program that allows us to input names, sex, etc. and print out a graphic rendering that shows males as triangles and females as circles (and unknown gender as a square, transgendered as a circle/triangle). Believe me, anthro's consistently ask each other "do you know of a program that creates kinship charts?" (and we collect & store a lot of genealogy-type data, in some cases for complete comunities over many generations. YOU would expand your consumer base exponentially if the user could *select* the figure to be used to represent sex/gender of the individual. That way all the current & past genopro fans who are used to using squares for males can carry on; all the new anthropologists, sociologists, human geographers, etc. could set the program to use triangles for males and be happy happy happy. And we'd tell our students to use genopro and you would be happy happy happy too... .
Edited: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 by
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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One solution I am thinking is adding options in preferences dialog to draw the genograms differently. For instance, medical pedigrees are displayed slightly differentlly than normal genograms. Another option would be having GenoPro draw genograms for Anthropologists by displaying the male as a triangle instead of a square.
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Forgive this provocative thinking out loud (moderators erase this post if too provoc'), but:all human and social sciences use square for males. I do deeply respect the fact that anthropologist have been here before the others, but on the other hand, since a vast majority of professionnals on this earth do not use triangles, wouldn't it be the occasion for anthropologist to change paradigm ? Interprofessionnal communication would be also greatly improved with them...
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Adding it under preferences would do the trick.
Gamma Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Just an idea...there might be some predefined settings for i.e. medical, anthropological use, and maybe a place for up to some level predefined customizable view based on chosen predefined type... with options to change default values settings i.e. for relationships... relationship type, line colour and distances among partners...
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Serge (1/12/2007)
all human and social sciences use square for males. ... I beg to differ! Anthropology is a human social science.... There is good reason (mnemonic) for using triangles for men & circles for women: It replicates the most ancient symbols that recurr cross-culturally and across human history for male (pointy bit) and female (round bit). The addoption of squares and circles happened b/c of what was available on the standard typewriter. No reason to perpetuate that form of technical limitation in the computer age. Also, no need to use a tool like a software application to try to force one professional &/or academic discipline to change their patterns of practice. Adding an option under Preferences, as our venerable developer has suggested would be the best solution.
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GenoProSupport (1/11/2007) One solution I am thinking is adding options in preferences dialog to draw the genograms differently. For instance, medical pedigrees are displayed slightly differentlly than normal genograms. Another option would be having GenoPro draw genograms for Anthropologists by displaying the male as a triangle instead of a square.
This would work. I do like the option of marking social networks on a kinship chart --the potential for depth of visual information (emotional relations and medical diagnoses on village wide genealogy charts can be quite useful, for example, in tracking HIV or chlamydia or other std infections and their ramifications in small communities -- which many anthropologists are doing. So if you were to make a Preference option for varieties of charts, I'd ask that each option not preclude information from the other categories of info. In other words, keep the power of genopro -- it's flexibility and representative depth.
Edited: Monday, February 19, 2007 by
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hyleslie (2/19/2007)
Serge (1/12/2007)
all human and social sciences use square for males. ...I beg to differ! Anthropology is a human social science.... There is good reason (mnemonic) for using triangles for men & circles for women: It replicates the most ancient symbols that recurr cross-culturally and across human history for male (pointy bit) and female (round bit). The addoption of squares and circles happened b/c... It's interresting, thanks Leslie !
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Do you have some documentation regarding genealogy diagrams for anthropologists? I am thinking of adding this option in the preferences dialog for version
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