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I am using GenoPro 2007 release I have the following message:
Edited: Saturday, January 27, 2007 by
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There is a mistake on line 91 of gedcom.js. Report.AbortReport should be ReportGenerator.AbortReport . However this is not the cause of the problem. The primary error occurs on line 89 where the Microsoft XML Parser ActiveX component fails to load the GenoPro XML. I am unable to give a reason for this error at present.I would like to know which version of the MS XML parser you have installed on your system. It would be of help if you could visit this link http://www.bayes.co.uk/xml/utils/msxml_sniffer.htm and post the resulting table here.
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Thanks for that Jean-Marie. Unfortunately I cannot test with your version, MSXML 5.0, as it is only available with Office 2003, which I do not have. However I have tested with both MSXML 4.0 sp2 & MSXML 6.0 and found no problems. So either your installation of MSXML 5.0 is corrupt or there is something unusual about your .gno file. Could you please try running the 'Export to Gedcom' Report on one of the sample .gno files installed with GenoPro (normally in 'C:\Program Files\GenoPro\SampleFiles' ) e.g. either HarryPotter.gno or sampleGenogram.gno. If this fails in the same way I suggest you download & install MSXML 6.0 from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=993C0BCF-3BCF-4009-BE21-27E85E1857B1. If however the sample files work correctly then I need to look into what is unusual about your file. Perhaps you could email it to me via GenoPro's 'Send File' facility or using the control panel in this forum.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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It is perfectly working with both, should be my .gno (??) Harry Potter.gno Generating report to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Waechter\Mes documents\GenoPro Reports\sample.ged\' Cloning document HarryPotter... Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin 'Export to Gedcom'... Loading dictionary.xml... [0.00] Processing template 'Gedcom.js'... Gedcom output has been written to file C:\Documents and Settings\Waechter\Mes documents\GenoPro Reports\sample.ged\HarryPotter.ged Generated and written 1 page in 0.828 seconds [0.82] Writing files from skin... [0.82] Writing pictures to report (89)... [0.82] Report Ready! Click on the "Close" button to continue. Samplegenogram.gno Generating report to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Waechter\Mes documents\GenoPro Reports\sample.ged\' Cloning document SampleGenogram... Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin 'Export to Gedcom'... Loading dictionary.xml... [0.00] Processing template 'Gedcom.js'... Gedcom output has been written to file C:\Documents and Settings\Waechter\Mes documents\GenoPro Reports\sample.ged\SampleGenogram_Sample Genogram.ged Generated and written 1 page in 0.141 seconds [0.17] Writing files from skin... [0.17] Report Ready! Click on the "Close" button to continue.
Edited: Saturday, January 27, 2007 by
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by splitting my .gno file I identified a small part generating the bug: the file is attached.Generating report to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Waechter\Mes documents\GenoPro Reports\bug.ged\' Cloning document bug... Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin 'Export to Gedcom'... Loading dictionary.xml... [0.00] Processing template 'Gedcom.js'... [0.01] Error: XML load failed Error at line 91 (Gedcom.js) : Cet objet ne gère pas cette propriété ou cette méthode Erreur d'exécution Microsoft JScript 800A01B6
3.90 KB)
Edited: Saturday, January 27, 2007 by
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The error returned by the MS XML parser indicates an illegal Unicode character. Your file contains the 'end of medium' EM code 25 in some of the comments. GenoPro has coded this as the entity  and it displays in GenoPro as e.g.<Comment>Nom: BARRE - Prénom: jean Père Prénom: >michel>.chevalleri>.</Comment>
Nom: BARRE - Prénom: jean Père Prénom: >michel>.chevalleri>.
I suggest you export your .gno file to .xml format (File/Export/Export to XML Format..) and then edit the xml file replacing all occurences of  with some other character(s) e.g. ';' say. Then reopen the edited .xml file with GenoPro and all should be OK.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Ron, it is WORKING now. Thanks for your help. I removed the invalid caracters and now it is fine.this is yielding an additionnal question/suggestion: in Gedcom generation (without report generator) you can choose character set (including ANSEL), but the generated gedcom do not carry properly unions. When using report generator, character set is Unicode, which is most of time not correctly recognized by external genealogy software (but unions are correctly handled), is it possible to have a the gedcom report generator with a skin in ANSEL ?? Thanks ==== NOW OK ! ==== Generating report to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Waechter\Mes documents\GenoPro Reports\janvier2007.ged\' Cloning document Genealogie2 Janvier 2007... Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin 'Export to Gedcom'... Loading dictionary.xml... [0.00] Processing template 'Gedcom.js'... Gedcom output has been written to file C:\Documents and Settings\Waechter\Mes documents\GenoPro Reports\janvier2007.ged\Genealogie2 Janvier 2007.ged Generated and written 1 page in 17.172 seconds [17.20] Writing files from skin... [17.20] Writing pictures to report (543)... [17.20] Report Ready! Click on the "Close" button to continue.
Edited: Saturday, January 27, 2007 by
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Ron (1/27/2007) The error returned by the MS XML parser indicates an illegal Unicode character. Your file contains the 'end of medium' EM code 25 in some of the comments. GenoPro has coded this as the entity Should GenoPro do anything regarding this problem?
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According to http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-controls#further all control codes in the range 0x00 - 0x1f are invalid in XML 1.0 except for 0x09 (Tab) , 0x0A (Linefeed) & 0x0D (Carriage Return). I suggest GenoPro converts invalid XML characters to U+00BF, the inverted question mark. ¿ and writes a warning to the message log on import. They can only be encoded under XML 1.1
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"