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New Narrative Report

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Author Selection for this report is not the hole file or just one genomap, but a person and all dscendants
Posted Sunday, May 17, 2015 - Post #35008
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I think this question goes to Ron.

Would it be a big task to modify the existing Narrative report into a new Narrative report, but the selection would not by genomap-xxx but be similar to the descendant report?

Posted Monday, May 18, 2015 - Post #35009
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It should be relatively straightforward to build a list of descendants at the start by navigating the structure of the report and restrict reported individuals to that list and also just families with parents on that list.  It becomes more difficult, but not impossible, to then restrict which places, contacts, pictures and sources are reported on.  Genomaps would probably not be useful in such a report.

I have other things on the go at present so just maybe something for the future, but as I have often said before, the Narrative Report really needs a complete make over.

Another approach would to create a temporary .gno containing the required individuals etc, by selecting the 'Descendant Tree' then copying and pasting into the temporary .gno and running the existing report on it.  Unfortunately GenoPro does not select across GenoMaps and so if your descendant tree extends via hyperlinks to other GenoMaps each has to be selected and copied separately and the hyperlinks re-created in the temporary .gno.  If your tree is relatively complete and static then this would not need to be done often.  Advantages are that GenoPro will also copy across the associated objects, pictures, places etc.   You will also have the opportunity to rearrange the genomaps to suit the reduced tree.

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