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Author not working correctly <a href=""></a>
Posted Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - Post #39956
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why the generation of is working not correctly,

and the generation of  is working  correctly 
Posted Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - Post #39957
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The missing images are not present in folder:
And instead they are in folder

Perhaps they are images that are not linked to a person or a family and are not automatically transferred to the Narrative Report.
Try GenoProFtpClient.exe.
You can find here:

Vittorino Lepore 
Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"
Posted Friday, July 5, 2019 - Post #39960
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I don't understand, the same file is generated, in one case in, in the other - in, why is everything bad in one case, and good in the other?
I NEVER used FTP and everything worked and only on the latest version does not work!!!
Dear Master, help please!!!
Posted Monday, July 8, 2019 - Post #39967
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I seem to recall an identical discussion with you some time back.  

Vittorino is correct is his reply, the pictures you have referenced in the html are not present in the familytrees folder.

Files, photos etc. referenced in custom HTML markup within GenoPro Comments or Document Description are not automatically uploaded from your PC by the Report Generator.  You need to take some action to achieve this.  One method is to use the GenoPro FTP Client to copy the required files as Vittorino has stated.  Alternatively you can associate the required pictures with another GenoPro object within your .gno file. This could be any object that has a Pictures tab on its Properties page.  e.g. Individual, Family, Place, SourceCitation, Label, Social Entity etc.

In your report, you have text Labels in the top right of genomap Kremer, Shulman,Stepanov, Ziljbergleit, Garbuzov that have the pictures associated with them that you refer to in your custom HTML in the Document Description, hence they are then copied to the target report folder by the Report Generation, and the report 'works'

You must do something similar for your report.  Note that all pictures required can be referred to from just one object, (Label, Social Entity, SourceCitation or whatever you choose) and that object does not need to be visible on a genogram, e.g. you could use a text Label with no text or border so that it is invisible.

Hopes this helps Unsure

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Monday, July 8, 2019 by genome
Posted Monday, July 8, 2019 - Post #39968
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Dear maestro!
I do not understand anything!
I only know that on older versions of the program I could do reports on any names, why does the new version of the program work wrong?
And I can not generate reports on the old names: Davidov, Kremer, Sokolov, and etc.

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