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I tried GenoPro 1.9 and 2.0. I can type in Hebrew and get emf file with my family tree. But my question is if I can create web and reports in Hebrew.
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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GenoPro uses Unicode, so you can input Hebrew text for names and comments, and output Hebrew text in the report. The current report template generates narrative phrases in English, so there is some work to be done for generating narrative pharses in Hebrew. Also, you may need to change the text direction to RTL (right-to-left) so the Hebrew text is displayed as you are used to.
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Yehudad is working on a Hebrew version. I am waiting until there is a bit more stability in the skins before trying it out.
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rdn Yehudad is working on a Hebrew version. I am waiting until there is a bit more stability in the skins before trying it out.The only problem I got now is that I am waiting for Dan's solution for the hyperlinks. Today GenoPro creates the hyperlink internally, so I can't use the NameDictionary.xml to translate the name. Therefore the hyperlinked names are in English.
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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The translation of names using NameDictionary.xml should not be affected by the hyperlinks. If you want all individuals, including the hyperlinked individuals, use the collection AllIndividuals instead of Indivdiuals .The ultimate solution is to have GenoPro internally load the file NameDictionary.xml and do the name translations before generating the report. This way, all the individuals in the tree would have their names translated automatically.
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GenoProSupport The translation of names using NameDictionary.xml should not be affected by the hyperlinks. If you want all individuals, including the hyperlinked individuals, use the collection AllIndividuals instead of Indivdiuals . I was refering to the ToHtmlHyperlink method. This method internaly takes the default name. I know that I can bypass it, but as I said before I want to change as less code as I can, so that any change in the default skin will not affect the translated skin.
Edited: Sunday, February 19, 2006 by
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I never got an answer to this ToHtmlHyperlink method problem. I'm dealing with my own translation of names, but this method is doing the link internally, so all my hyperlinks has the Individual's English name.Will it be possible to add a method that will get the hyperlink phrase as parameter?
Edited: Sunday, February 19, 2006 by
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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I am looking at the code for a solution.
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GenoProSupport (2/19/2006) I am looking at the code for a solution.Thanks. It can be just a temporary method until GenoPro will do this automatically. I can translate the individual summary to Hebrew, but the hyperlinks are still in English...
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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I am glad you bumped this thread... as I completely forgot about it.I added a new property named Report.TagHyperlink . This property allows you to set the tag attribute to use when creating an hyperlink. Here is an example: Report.Write3Br "<b>Children:</b> ", i.children.ToHtmlHyperlinksNN ' Display the name of the children Report.Write3Br "<b>Childrens' Age:</b> ", i.children.ToHtmlHyperlinksNN("age") ' Display the age of the children Report.TagHyperlink = "age" ' Display the age as the hyperlink text Report.Write3Br "<b>Children's Age:</b> ", i.children.ToHtmlHyperlinksNN ' Same as above, but using TagHyperlink Report.TagHyperlink = "" ' Reset to the default (which will take the name) |
Running this code within file template individual.htm , I got the following for my family tree: Children: Daniel Morin, Anne Esther Morin, Benoit Christian Morin, Estelle Morin, Jean-Claude Morin Childrens' Age: 31, 29, 27, 26, 25 Children's Age: 31, 29, 27, 26, 25 |
This improvement will be in Beta15g (coming this week).
Edited: Monday, February 20, 2006 by