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Fixing seperate trees together

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Author How do I go about creating one family tree from several hundred small ones ?
Posted Tuesday, May 30, 2006 - Post #11289
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I agree about the beta

i have been running whatever version that was released right before it had a evaluation period
and its never given me any problems

have you figured out how many trees you actually ahve
i still want a shot at the tittle
Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 - Post #12501
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Thanks for ALL the advice, it was very welcome.

I haven't quite finished (well actually am nowhere near half way through!!) going through all the various files I had saved - it has taken me ages, but then I did have a break while we had our unusually hot English summer !!  AND every time I started I found another individual I'd always meant to find out more about - which sent me off task & into my researcher-mode rather than the mega organised recorder I'd like to be !!  I'm back on the case now.

I might still take up the offer to sort me out,  if I get really stuck.  Part of my problem is the fact that I'm not really all that interested in the perfect accuracy of my lineage - I'm much more interested in the social history aspects of the research, which means the recording of my findings very often becomes a bind !  I have had a lot of "possibly" , "probably" & "either /or" ancestors, most of who, I have to say,  have turned out to be correct, after further research, which is why I'm reluctant to publish some of my findings on the website, until they can be proved to be correct.  Is that silly ?  I am quite happy for people to challenge my findings, if they feel they need to do so. Is there scope to do that ?   

I DO like the way Genopro works, it is far superior to any of the software that many of my friends have, but I do find it rather complicated as it becomes more sophisticated - but then I wonder if that isn't that just typical of the human aging process ?  

Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 - Post #12508
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I have been using GenoPro since before the betas and bought GenoPro Gold at that time and have been continually amazed and delighted by the Beta updates once I had discovered them.

I had originally posted my tree (with errors) on my own web site which incited a few comments and corrections which were most welcome.

I then started using Scotlands People as my family is originally Scottish and found loads of cousins to add to my tree of which I was especially happy about the living cousins on my father's side which up to then had been difficult to trace.Unfortunately Scotlands People is not free and if you are unsure of whom to look for it can get expensive but used wisely it has proved very helpful and I now have masses of birth, marriage and death registry images to confirm the ancestry.

After this I uploaded my updated gedcom file to Genes Reunited and was immediately bombarded with requests and offers of information which resulted in my tree doubling in size and giving me contacts with more lost cousins on both sides of my family including my father's.

Finally I took advantage of the GenoPro offer and uploaded my tree to this site with my costomised skin as a safeguard to my web site. I will be updating this tree in the autumn as so much new info and photos have arrived since I posted it that it is now very much out of date.

I don't know what I would have done without this incredible software and have been able to help quite a few of my cousins and other researchers by recommending they try it, all of whom have been delighted with it.

My tree is now huge as it contains lots of connected families which have even shown multiple connections between several families and as it grows and the fact that it is on line, it can help other researchers which is most gratifying to all concerned.

It's all about sharing! Tongue

Posted Sunday, July 8, 2007 - Post #18415
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I know this is over a year ago since we were discussing this topic, since then life hasn't been kind to myself & my family & the family history stuff got abandoned. I'm going away on holiday on Wednesday, but when I get back, I'm going to have a SERIOUS look at my family history files.

I still can't get my head around how to fix all my trees together, the task is just going to be too huge to contemplate !!  I have tried to tidy them up a bit & delete duplicated stuff, but it's still looking like a very complicated job to me, I need a wizard ...........

Is Merlin out there somewhere ?  I really do want to get my family tree out there for folks to share, but have no idea where to begin.

Any help would be gratefully received.

Posted Sunday, July 8, 2007 - Post #18417
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This is not an easy thing to do.  One solution is having a "scratch GenoMap" where most of your overlapping individuals are stored.  When you recognize one individual, typically via the Table Layout, you move it to another GenoMap.  Then, use the feature "Move Family to GenoMap" (hotkey V) and GenoPro will bring his/her the family to the new GenoMap.  You can repeat until you are satisfied with the new tree.
Posted Sunday, July 8, 2007 - Post #18418
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Looking at past posts I am not sure if you have moved on to GenoPro2007. If not then you ought to do so as it is the released version and will make your task easier. A purchase of the earlier version includes license for the latest one.

If you have this version with multiple GenoMaps (display) then you can assemble all of your files into one file but keep them separate - Dan's Scratch file. Open one of your files and then the second one. Copy the second file into GenoMap 2 of the first. (Ctrl-A will select; Ctrl-C to copy and Ctrl-V to paste after you have moved to GenoMap 2 of file 1) - You can of course use the mouse to get these commands from the Edit menu.

At this point I would save the file as Scratch (or other memorable name) and then repeat the process for all the other files. After using GenoMap 3 you will need to create new ones by putting the cursor at the bottom (on one of the tabs) and right click followed by Insert GenoMap.

Having assembled the data then comes the problem of sorting it. If you open the table (Ctrl-T) and sort by name or similar property (eg date of baptism) Then you can identify duplicate records. It may then be possible to delete some at this stage. However save the whole file first and then save the modifications with a different name.

Hope this helps
Posted Wednesday, September 5, 2007 - Post #19115
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I discovered Genopro2007 today ! It's excellent ! 

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