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Putting the dates shown into a blank family produces the following Problems. Have you checked the dates, particularly Union Date
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Important Contributors Translator GenoPro version:
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The function "Problem Spotter" is really very useful. I performed the test, with v.2903, on a file of 44000 individuals and all the "errors" reported are formally correct. There remains only the issue of "The child was born 1 year after his/her father died" when you only know the year of the death of his father, or only the year of birth of the child. I believe, however, that some controls may only be activated upon request. For example,: -"The display order of children does not match their dates of births", -"The individual is not linked to anyone in the family tree" These are important controls but may not always be resolved, and it is not appropriate to continue to see a long list of "errors" after checking everything. However, all very useful! Missing just one control: signalling of the presence of individuals with the same surname, the same name (1 name, not all names), the same year of birth. Thanks for your work ... and please excuse my English.
Vittorino Lepore "Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"
Edited: Thursday, July 16, 2015 by
Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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In connection with the problem spotted "The family is overlapping with another family", I see another problem coming up. Having these family lines on one level is no problem as long the family summery data is correct. Splitting these lines of multiple marriages into several horizontal line above each other, the problem of crossing lines(born children), which is worth than "the problem of overlapping", comes up. So it is again something somebody prefers or not.
So there should be a check-list of problems to be shown or not, before starting the spotter.
Edited: Thursday, July 16, 2015 by
Customers GenoPro version:
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If child is adopted spotter doesn't recognize following errors: -a child was born after his/her adoptive parents died -a child was born before his/her adoptive parents were born
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Edited: Thursday, July 16, 2015 by
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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GenoPro 2016 version is available. Fixes are:- GenoPro no longer displays the error "The display order of children does not match their date of births" if there is an explicit child order in the family. To explicitly change the child order in a family, double-click on the family, select the Summary tab and click on the button Change Child Order.
- The child was adopted after his/her adoptive mother or father died.
I am working full time on GenoProX and promise to have a better Problem Spotter. The Problem Spotter of GenoPro 2016 was just a preview to quickly find common mistakes. I am taking notes of all suggestions and if detecting a problem is easy, I may include in 2016, otherwise it will be in GenoProX. I expect to have a good prototype of GenoProX in early 2016, as GenoProX already have 100,000 lines of code (compared to GenoPro 2016 which has 350,000 lines of code). The good news is the new GenoProX will require less lines of code, perhaps 250,000 as the report generator is entirely done in JavaScript and the user interface has been simplified.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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I tried to install GenoPro 2016 version on a 32 bit Windows 7 PRO system but it hangs after hitting the install button.
Version installs OK.
Edited: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 by
Customers Gamma GenoPro version:
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Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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GenoProSupport (19-Jul-2015)
GenoPro 2016 version is available. Fixes are: - GenoPro no longer displays the error "The display order of children does not match their date of births" if there is an explicit child order in the family.
- To explicitly change the child order in a family, double-click on the family, select the Summary tab and click on the button Change Child Order.
I think the priority must be a correct order of birth in the family summary. Changing this according to the display gives an incorrect order of children when making a "Descendant Report"
My proposal is to have an icon (similar to the "fix" icon) ignoring this display in the Spotter table.
Edited: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 by
Customers GenoPro version:
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I have installed GenoPro-2016 and after this first day trying it can see significant improvements:- The in context toolbar may seem a gimmick but it is easy to use, easy to get used to it, and finally adopt it as the saving in mouse movements are quite significant when inserting new individuals into a tree.
- The error spotter is great. But along with some commentators, I would like to be able to be able to mark some errors as "non errors". I have some trees that for ease of printing I have set from left to right rather than up to down; I would like to ignore such facts.
- The Spotter is working full time: when it detects an"error" the counter increases by one in the right hand status bar. I guess it would be better if a pop-up appeared on the screen, with a description of the error and the options to have the error ignored and to input a description of the reason why it should be ignored.
- Having a set of spotted errors ignored is great but there should be an option to have these errors checked later on, with some or all of them returned to the "not ignored" status. This may require two separate files an/or two separate displays.
- As it is now, the Problem Spotter display can be sorted along one of the column. It makes it easier to check the errors. In my case, for 1860 individuals, I found 74 errors: 57 were Display (either "order of children" or "parents above children"), the rest were Data (8 because of "family with no parents", 9 because of "incompatible dates between parent and a child"). In fact only 9 errors have to be corrected, "family with no parents" ones is because there is no hyperlinks between family items. The spotting table is alive: you correct an error and it disappear from the table: this is great... except the table is too alive as you lose the sorting order. Not a great problem when you have only a couple of errors, infuriating if you have more than a page. which brings us back to the point above: marking some spotted errors as not to be shown.
GenoPro 2016 is already improved from 2011, I cannot wait to use GenoProX