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Some more requests for ease of translations

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Posted Monday, July 2, 2007 - Post #18322
Famous Writer

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To Ron:

1) init.xml
I noticed a few strings in EN (LogWarning, LogErrors), within the file. Should they be translatable through dic?

2) <PhBirth> in dic
I input the same place in param {2} and {4} ( & and got this:

Also please make sure "there" appears in the Nar when {2} = {4}.

3) <Unknown>

Still this, when fHideFamilyDetails = "N":

4) svghelp.htm

With all my FR accents, the file is showing garbage. Unicode problem. I copied some header bits from another htm file:

<%[@ IncludeFile "Code/Util.vbs"
InitGlobalVariables ]%>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="@[WriteHtmlLang]@"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title> ...

I don't exactly know if all the above is required! but the Nar is neat.

- Correct the word Scalable instead of Scaleable
- Is the 3rd para. still applicable (Beta 3.0x)?
- Is the 4th para. still applicable with the latest FF (copy NPSVG3.dll)?

5) Capitalisation of an accented letter
I've got a dummy Occu Ph starting with "à partir de 1990, ..."
Once capitalized, à becomes À.
I don't want to be a nuisance of a purist, but is it correct, in FR, to have an accent on top of the capital letter?
May be acceptable nowadays! Up to Genepro to decide.

6) SRs Nar
Fo a proper FR translation, the correct Subject's Gender is required (and consequently the Object's Gender).
 I added some "Report.Write ..." to debug/show the content of some variables. In the 1st extract, the Genders match the Subject & Object:

Upon a click on the Object (Peter Foud), the Genders have not been swapped:

This problem is, apparently, only associated with the 8 "both ways" SRs, i.e. Roommate, ...
In the 2nd extract, the Ph, with the proper Gender, will say: Peter est le voisin de ... and not la voisine de ...

7) ERs Nar
For ERs, it's a bit more tricky:
a- similar to SRs, the Genders are not OK when clicking on an Object.


This problem seems to occur when the Ph construction follows the pattern {0h} and {2h} ... .
It seems OK when the Ph pattern = {0h} ... {2h}.
Note for info: In FR, this point is irrelevant because the rest of the Ph is set based on the combination of both sexes. But it could be crucial for other languages, i.e. a requirement for the proper Subject's and Object's Genders.

b- In case an Ind has several relations, The 2nd and further Ph use PnP(i) instead of the Name. In FR, we're rather using PnO(i).
A Ph such as:

should read: Lui et Pete ...

The use of PnO is only for the Ph pattern: {0h} and {2h} ... .

For info, my entries in dic are:
<PnP_M T="il"/>
<PnP_F T="elle"/>
<PnO_M T="lui"/>
<PnO_F T="elle"/> <!-- (same as PnP_F) -->

I leave it to you to add up any required additional params.
I hope I didn't forget any other problems regarding these relations.

Thank you Ron and good coding. Make sure you don't disturb the EN version.

Posted Thursday, July 5, 2007 - Post #18373
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So, still keeping me busy Jean-Claude!

Some tricky issues in this bunch, but hopefully I have solutions and a revised Narrative skin is attached.The only one I haven't tackled is 5. Technically it would be possible to remove accents from the first character but I wonder if it may also occur in other languages, therefore if it is not a huge issue I'd rather leave it as it is.

With points 6 & 7 I have added two extra paramters to the ER & SR phrases, giving the choice of either personal pronoun or objective pronoun for both subject and object of the phrase. On testing this part I also discovered that Social/Emotional relationships between hyperlinks of individuals were not being reported correctly, and so quite a bit of code needed revision.

I have also added a new capability for multilingual comments and other selected text fields, so that you can provide a comment/field in two or more languages. By default the Narrative Report will only show the comment/field in the language of the skin, but a Config Parameter, LangShowOthers, can be set to Y to display a clickable code for other languages. The clikcable text will comprise the language code, unless a Document Custom Tag, with name _LangCode exists with a value of the required replacement text. So if say a Document Custom Tag _FR exists with a value of français exists then français will be used as the replacement text instead of FR

To use this feature, the field(s) should be entered using the format {?NN:text}, where NN is the language code e.g

{?EN:This is a comment in English}{?FR:C'est un commentaire en français}

as welll as comments, this format can be used in place and source description, source subtitles and quoted text, education institutions & achievements, occupation companies, birth doctors, baptism/marriage/divorce officials/godparents/witnesses/attorneys and maybe more!

Note that the Dictionary phrases relating to these fields haver changed to allow HTML content. see ChangeLog.txt for phrases affected.

The general notes for the individual Harry Potter at give an example in English and French. I used Google translate and so apologies if french grammar is not correct. Click {FR} to see the french text.

Finally in this skin I have changed the folder used for picture 'thumbnails' to 'thumbnails' directly under the Report folder. This folder is created automatically by this revised skin. This means you can use the GenoPro FTP client to copy your 'thumbnail' images to the Report. N.B. thumbnail size should be Report's 'large picture' size, default is 250x250

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Friday, July 6, 2007 - Post #18382
Famous Writer

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RE point 5

Both the "Académie française" and the European Union recommend to use accented capitals.

... Il convient cependant d'observer qu'en français, l'accent a pleine valeur orthographique. Son absence ralentit la lecture, fait hésiter sur la prononciation, et peut même induire en erreur.  On veille donc, en bonne typographie, à utiliser systématiquement les capitales accentuées, y compris la préposition À, comme le font bien sûr tous les dictionnaires, ...

Hope this helps.

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