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Hi, I have been trying GenoPro trial versions for a while now and have finally made the decision not to purchase it and move on. The reason that I have decided not to purchase GenoPro is because there is no way of recording census information and applying it to all the individuals concerned well not in a way that is easy that I can see. Recording the wealth of invaluable information included in the census records must take up to 70% of all the work that I do and anything that makes this task easier would be a godsend. I have seen a post on the forum that talks about a census wizard. What a great idea but it seems to have been discarded by the developers for some reason. GenoPro is a fantastic program but it is a shame that the most popular way of finding family line information (Through the censuses) is very poorly supported. GenoPro it is by far the best program around if you do not need to record census information. So if it ever gets released with a better way of recording census information I will be ready and eager to part with my hard earned cash. |
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The best program that I know for census recording is Custodian but that is a specialist data base and not good at the family history side. It is possible to use GenoPro as a storage of census data, although linking of the information is not so easy. If you use the Contact tab of an individual you can enter where a person was living in a census year. Initially I used the year for the Source field but if you enter a full census reference here, this can then be edited and data entered as shown in the diagram here. You can also link to the original reference on your PC, although there could be copyright issues here.This reference can then be attached to other members of the same family, although the data recorded here has to be extracted manually
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I have actually bought GenoPro now. No choice really as after testing various other forms of Family tree software GenoPro is heads and tails above them all.
I would still like to still see a Census Wizard though.
If it is a question of census info and copyright could you put the responsibility for any copyright on to the user?
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Would you like a "smart paste" function to record multiple sources at once?
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GenoProSupport (11-Jan-2011)
Would you like a "smart paste" function to record multiple sources at once? Isn't this already available? i.e. select individuals on genomap, right click and select 'assign existing source' or 'assign new source'. It would be nice to have 'assign new contact' to match the 'assign existing contact' that is there already. My thoughts on recording census info. I think the GenoPro 2011 ' Household' object provides the best fit for recording census data. The advantages are that it is visually represented on the genogram, it can include non- family members such as servants and visitors that are often seen on census returns, multiple census dates can be shown by using different line formats and colours. e.g. Here I have used text label 'asterisks' to denote the head of the household, colour-coded to match census outlines. Other relationships to the head of household, other than family, could be denoted using social relationships. I have also used text labels to give brief details of the census, but a text transcription of the census return could be placed in the comment field for the household so that it appears as a data tip when the mouse is over the household line. Some enhancements I would like to see: Add a 'select members' option to the right click context menu for a household. This would make it easier to then use the right click 'assign new/existing source/contact' context menus for members of the household. Add Contact, Source and Picture tabs to the Household object Properties dialog. We could then associate the occupancy data, souce (i.e. census reference) and census image with the household. The household context menu could then even have options ' Assign Household Source to members' and 'Assign Household contact to members'. A census date property for the household would be good too. One thing missing from all this is how to easily assign occupations recorded on the census to the household members. The household properties dialog does allow an occupation to be created for each member but does not allow the the start and end dates and source to be added. Any ideas? Tip 1: to record an event as a point in time, rather than a period of time, such as occupnacy and occupations from census data, set start and end dates to the same value. This will then be interpreted correctly by the Narrative Report. Tip 2: In order to 'distort' the Household outline, e.g. as in the 1881 Census above to separate it from the 1871 census line, I used a dummy invisible individual (gender unknown, marked as label/exclude from repo rt and marked 'do not display gender symbol' and included it in the household. You can add a comment to it to denote its function and obviously have more than one dummy individuals.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 by
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Very smart Ron. The Household object needs serious improvements.
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Sorry I did not realize that you can select several individuals and apply an existing source to them!
This is a handy feature for me.
I think that will suffice for me as I do not want to clutter my GenoGram with this type of pictorial info.
I prefer the information to be kept to each individual and have it viewable as a selectable option.
The way that I record census info at the moment is to download a blank census form and fill in the details. Saving this as a jpeg with a census descriptive name like “Hull RGXXX-XXX p23” this file and name is used as a child Source to a parent as detailed below.
1) Create a temporary person for creating a parent source that contains data that is common to all the child sources created from this parent. For a census this parent source may contain the following example info.
Source Title / Source Name i.e. z 1901 Census (This will change with each child source)
(The z in front of 1901 ensures that when I need to create a new child source from this parent it is shown at the bottom of the drop down pick list making it easier to select. The Source Title / Source Name will be different for each child source created from this parent source. )
Source media type. (This remains static)
Confidence Level (This remains static)
Author/Agency / Originator (This remains static)
Publisher Name (This remains static)
Publisher Place (This remains static)
2) When the parent source has been crated I select the z 1901 census parent source as a parent source for an individual in my tree. This then populates the common data in the new source.
3) I then enter the “Hull RGXXX-XXX p23” file name in the new Source Title / Source Name section.
4) Press the edit button and select the picture tab so that I can attach the “Hull RGXXX-XXX p23.jpg” to the source.
5) I then save my work then I delete the temporary person that I used to create the original parent source.
Now that you have showed me a way to attach the same source to multiple individuals at once this is a good method for me.
If you are considering a census wizard perhaps a GUI type census form pop up may be a suggestion!
If the details from the original census could be added to a GUI and a drop down where the individuals that the census applies to could be selected. Then perhaps the relevant contact and occupation tabs could be populated with the census data. Sorry I am not a coder (I wish I was) so it will probably be easier saying this than doing it.
Many thanks for your quick responses.
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Another frustration I have for recording census information is that whatever method you use fails to export as census information using the gedcom census (CENS) tag. Has anyone tried creating a custom census tag that exports correctly?
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tstreed (15-Jan-2011) Another frustration I have for recording census information is that whatever method you use fails to export as census information using the gedcom census (CENS) tag. Has anyone tried creating a custom census tag that exports correctly?
Is there any plan to have GenoPro export census information in the gedcom standard CENS? Having some sort of census template to which you can add the census information and then attach that form to other family members and be able to export this as a Gedcom is crucial.
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Currently the report skin 'Export to Gedcom' converts Occupancy data (Contact) to GedCom RESI tags. I could modify this so that if the Contact has a Source with MediaType 'Census' then the tag could be changed to CENS instead. The occupancy start and end dates should be the same and reflect the census date.
A census 'contact' (occupancy) once created can easily be assigned to several individuals by selecting those individuals on the genomap, then right click and use 'assign existing contact'. Would such a solution meet requirements?
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 by