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I have become increasing annoyed with the way Google changed its policy a few years back regarding the use of the Google Maps javascript API, forcing anyone who wanted to use it in their projects to give Google their credit card details first, even if their usage was below their free limit. The Google Cloud platform and Developer's Console were not for the fainted-hearted or in-experienced with the site being a confusing minefield. It was also difficult to mitigate the risk of unexpected charges from Google by protecting your API key from misuse and to limit usage.I for one have therefore decided to delete my Google Cloud & API project account to remove this uncertainty from my life. Over the past week I have been looking into alternatives and can now announce a replacement using the popular LeafletJs javascript library using OpenStreetMap tiles and also two sets of tiles from Stamen. You can choose the initial layer used from these three but the others can be displayed instead via a layer control in the top right corner of the map. I have attached a zipped Common folder and to try it I suggest you rename your existing Common folder to allow reversion and download and unzip the attached into your GenoPro Report templates folder. Example images. OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMap with Stamen 'Terrain' tiles. |
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Awesome!!! Thank you so much Genome!!!
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Hallo Ron, ich habe leider ein paar Probleme mit OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap öffnet Karten immer im Terrain Modus ohne eine Karte zu zeigen. Wie kann man Roads als Voreinstellung einstellen? In der Personenansicht kann man über den Kartenschalter eine Karte öffnen. Von einem Text-Hyperlink und aus der Orte-Seite geht dies nicht.
Das Fenster zum umschalten auf Roade-Terrain-Watercolor-Places öffnet sich nicht.

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Hi Albert,Thanks for testing the new OpenStreetMap for the Narrative Report. I have found a bug in my script which prevented the layer control button working on the place and individual maps. I will release revised Report Skin Templates shortly and these will include updated ConfigMsgLocal.xml and Dictionary.xml files for all languages to cater for the substitution of OpenStreetMap/LeafletJs in place of Google Maps. I have found that the initial zoom setting is too high at 7 and a value of 4 gives better results so I have now made this the default. This improves the initial terrain view. The initial layer type to be displayed is defined in ConfigMsgLocal.xml and can be changed via the Configuration Parameters dialogue as can initial zoom level. Google translate: Vielen Dank, dass Sie die neue OpenStreetMap für den Erzählbericht getestet haben. Ich habe einen Fehler in meinem Skript gefunden, der verhindert hat, dass die Ebenensteuerungsschaltfläche für den Ort und einzelne Karten funktioniert. Ich werde in Kürze überarbeitete Berichts-Skin-Vorlagen veröffentlichen, die aktualisierte ConfigMsgLocal.xml- und Dictionary.xml-Dateien für alle Sprachen enthalten, um die Ersetzung von OpenStreetMap / LeafletJs anstelle von Google Maps zu ermöglichen. Ich habe festgestellt, dass die anfängliche Zoomeinstellung bei 7 zu hoch ist und ein Wert von 4 bessere Ergebnisse liefert. Daher habe ich dies jetzt zur Standardeinstellung gemacht. Dies verbessert die anfängliche Geländeansicht. Der anzuzeigende anfängliche Ebenentyp ist in ConfigMsgLocal.xml definiert und kann ebenso wie die anfängliche Zoomstufe über den Dialog Konfigurationsparameter geändert werden.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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sorry, hätte ich auch wissen können!
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This error has now been fixed see |
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I just downloaded the latest skins, and I still do not see anything when Terrain or Watercolors are selected. Roads work fine.
Edited: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 by
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Works fine in my neck of the woods (South of England). May be map tiles are incomplete for some locations. Any chance of a sample published to familytrees.genopro.com? or some lat/lang values?
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Dies ist ein Problem von Google Chrome. Ich habe meinen freien Stammbaum mit drei Browsern geöffnet: |
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Thanks Albert, your post gave me the clue to the problem. My testing was all on local files but using your web report I could see in the Chrome Developers Console some mismatch between https and http for Stamen map tiles. I needed to use different Stamen servers.
Amendments to Common\Code\gmap_places.js & Common\Code\gmap_places.htm seem to fix this. see attached
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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