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Internal Hyperlinked Families

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Author Internal Hyperlinked Families
Posted Monday, March 14, 2005 - Post #7341
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I'm starting on a major undertaking, at least I'm thinking about it. My maternal side of the family came from a fishing village in Scotland and a lot of the families are linked to each other. What I am planning is to enter each family onto a seperate genomap and link with hyperlinks from the particular marriage.
My problem is I cannot seem to get the linking right, I'm probably missing something. I have a couple, Peter Sydserff and Jane Dryburgh, they are a married couple on the Dryburgh genomap and I want to transfer them as such to the Sydserff map and hyperlink Peter at least back to Dryburgh.
I can hyperlink Peter no problem and copy Jane, but if I try and marry them it takes me to Dryburgh and highlights the marriage link there. I can copy them over and then make a hyperlink but I can't see how to merge the hyperlinked person with the copied one.
I hope I'm making sense here, once I get this linking thing figured out I should be all set.
I'm using using 2.b12g
Ray. .
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7342
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GenoPro cannot "hyperlink families"; it can only hyperlink individuals.
What I am planning is to enter each family onto a seperate genomap and link with hyperlinks from the particular marriage.

This cannot be done. You can only link to a particular individual.

I can copy them over and then make a hyperlink but I can't see how to merge the hyperlinked person with the copied one.

Do not use the copy & paste, otherwise you will have duplicate data. The best way, is to create a regular family in a GenoMap (as you do), and pick one individual and create an hyperlink to a new GenoMap. In your case, right-click on "Peter Sydserff" and select "New Hyperlink" to create an hyperlink of him to a new GenoMap. Rename the new GenoMap to "Sydserff". Continue Peter's genealogy on the "Sydserff" GenoMap. The marriage of Jane Dryburgh and Peter Sydserff will remain in the "Dryburgh" GenoMap. You cannot have this marriage in both the "Dryburgh" and "Sydserff" GenoMaps.

Hope this helps.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7343
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That's what I was afraid of, what I think I'll do is add the link to Peter and then give him a new spouse called Jane Dryburgh and then just go from there. Jane will not be linked anywhere so I can't see any problem with doing that, it'll just add an extra person in the file, a silent wife so to speak :lol:
Hmm. Upon reflection, how will this effect any web output I do? My goal is to have this on the web, without disclosing any info about the report writer or HTML publishing tools, can you tell me if this would be a problem, I can see irate relatives e-mailing me about Peters two wives.
What I'm aiming for with this is to have a visual link to the other genomap/web page so that when someone is browsing their name page they can see who married who and into what other family.

Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7344
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I will just add an extra person in the file, a silent wife so to speak :lol:
Hmm. Upon reflection, how will this effect any web output I do?

The best way to avoid duplicates is to create an internal hyperlink. On the other hand, if you really want to add an extra person without appearing on the report, make sure you check the "Exclude from Report" checkbox. This checkbox can be found in the dialog named "Report" from the individual's properties

Edited: Thursday, October 13, 2005 by GenoProSupport
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7345
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GenoPro cannot "hyperlink families"; it can only hyperlink individuals.
You can only link to a particular individual.

You cannot have this marriage in both the "Dryburgh" and "Sydserff" GenoMaps.

Hope this helps.

What I ended up doing was, create an internal link for Peter and one for Jane. Give Peter his three children on his GenoMap (not on Janes) then link Jane as the Mother to the three children, when I first did this I was tring to link each child seperately and it wasn't working, so I linked to the end of their family (horizontal) line, and voila, it worked. Or at least it seems to, I've checked both GenoMaps and all seems well, no doubling up on wives or husbands that I can see.
Thanks for your replies, I'm sure to be back with more questions/problems as I work through this project.

Ray. .

Edited: Tuesday, November 8, 2005 by GenoProSupport
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7346
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I am curious to learn from what you did. If you send me your .gno file, I will give you personal feedback on the structure of your tree. You are not alone: many users like you do want to hyperlink families, however I am still hesitant to go that route. The internal hyperlinks for individuals have been a big pain in the @** :?.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7347
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I'll do that. Where can I send it to?

Ray. .
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7348
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Use your Golden Mailbox (it is in the About box from the Help menu). You send an email with your .gno as a file attachment.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7349
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I hope You wouldn't mind repeating myself...
Could situation be resolved with solution from Selection folowing internal hyperlinks!?...

"εν οιδα οτι ουδεν οιδα" (Σωκρατησ)  - "The only thing that I know is that I don't know anything" (Socrates)

Edited: Monday, September 12, 2005 by GenoProSupport
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7350
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Could situation be resolved with solution from Selection folowing internal hyperlinks!?

The link you sent is about "Selection folowing internal hyperlinks!?". What Raygers is talking about is having a family internal hyperlink rather than an indidivual internal hyperlink. Raygers sent his .gno file and I looked at it. He has the same family/marriage object on two GenoMaps, and both parents are internally hyperlinked between the two GenoMaps. Since he has two families with the same parents, one family must be marked as "Exclude from Report" otherwise the report generator will assume it is a new family or a re-marriage. Yesterday I realized this checkbox "Exclude from Report" is missing in the dialog, although the code is there.

Edited: Monday, September 12, 2005 by GenoProSupport

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